Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1430/Rev.1 - Revised Guidelines for the Design and Approval of Fixed Water-Based Fire-Fighting Systems for Ro-Ro Spaces and Special Category Spaces – (7 December 2018) - Circular


1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-fourth session (7 to 16 May 2008), approved the Guidelines for the approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces equivalent to that referred to in resolution A.123(V) (MSC.1/Circ.1272).

2 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninetieth session (16 to 25 May 2012), having considered a proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-fifth session, with a view to updating and integrating the prescriptive requirements of the Recommendation on fixed fire-extinguishing systems for special category spaces (resolution A.123(V)) and the performance-based requirements of the Guidelines for the approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces equivalent to that referred to in resolution A.123(V) (MSC.1/Circ.1272), approved the Revised guidelines for the design and approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces (MSC.1/Circ.1430).

3 The Committee noted that MSC.1/Circ.1430 superseded MSC.1/Circ.1272, except that fire and component tests previously conducted in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1272, remain valid for the approval of new systems. However, existing fixed fire-extinguishing systems for special category spaces approved and installed based on resolution A.123(V), MSC.1/Circ.1272 and MSC.1/Circ.1430 installed before 1 January 2021 should be permitted to remain in service as long as they are serviceable.

4 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its 100th session (3 to 7 December 2018), approved amendments to the Revised guidelines for the design and approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces (MSC.1/Circ.1430), as prepared by the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment, at its fifth session, and the revised guidelines are set out in the annex.

5 Member Governments are invited to apply the revised annexed Guidelines when approving fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces installed on or after 1 January 2021 and bring them to the attention of ship designers, shipowners, equipment manufacturers, test laboratories and other parties concerned.

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