Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - Annex 1 - Certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships - Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory

Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory

Special purpose ships
Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
In addition to SOLAS certificates as specified in paragraph 7 of the Preamble of the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, a Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate should be issued after survey in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.6 of the Code for Special Purpose Ships. The duration and validity of the certificate should be governed by the respective provisions for cargo ships in SOLAS 1974. If a certificate is issued for a special purpose ship of less than 500 gross tonnage, this certificate should indicate to what extent relaxations in accordance with 1.2 were accepted. Resolution A.534(13) as amended by MSC/Circ.739;
SOLAS 1974, regulation I/12;
1988 SOLAS Protocol, regulation I/12
Offshore support vessels
Certificate of Fitness for Offshore Support Vessels
When carrying such cargoes, offshore support vessels should carry a Certificate of Fitness issued under the "Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels". If an offshore support vessel carries only noxious liquid substances, a suitably endorsed International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk may be issued instead of the above Certificate of Fitness. Resolution A.673(16);
MARPOL 73/78, Annex II, regulation 13(4)
Diving systems  
Diving System Safety Certificate  
A certificate should be issued either by the Administration or any person or organization duly authorized by it after survey or inspection to a diving system which complies with the requirements of the Code of Safety for Diving Systems. In every case, the Administration should assume full responsibility for the certificate. Resolution A.536(13), section 1.6
Dynamically supported craft  
Dynamically Supported Craft Construction and Equipment Certificate  
To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.5.1(a) of the Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft. Resolution A.373(X), section 1.6
Mobile offshore drilling units  
Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate  
To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1979, or, for units constructed on or after 1 May 1991, the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Drilling Units, 1989. Resolution A.414(XI) section 1.6;
resolution A.649(16) section 1.6;
resolution A.649(16) as modified by resolution MSC.38(63), section 1.6
Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft  
Wing-in-ground Craft Safety Certificate  
A certificate called a WIG Craft Safety Certificate should be issued after completion of an initial or renewal survey to a craft, which complies with the provisions of the Interim Guidelines for a WIG craft MSC/Circ.1054, section 9
Permit to Operate WIG Craft  
A permit to operate should be issued by the Administration to certify compliance with the provisions of the Interim Guidelines for WIG craft. MSC/Circ.1054, section 10
Noise levels  
Noise Survey Report  
A noise survey report should be made for each ship in accordance with the Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships. Resolution A.468(XII), section 4.3

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