5 Preparations for Survey
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.744(18) – Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers – (Adopted on 4 November 1993) - Annex B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection During Surveys for Oil Tankers - Part B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Oil Tankers other than Double Hull Oil Tankers - 5 Preparations for Survey

5 Preparations for Survey

5.1 Survey Programme

  5.1.1 A specific survey programme should be worked out in advance of the renewal survey by the owner in co-operation with the Administration. The survey programme should be in a written format based on the information in Annex 6A. The survey should not commence until the survey programme has been agreed. Prior to the development of the survey programme, the survey planning questionnaire should be completed by the owner based on the information set out in Annex 6B, and forwarded to the Administration."

  5.1.2 In developing the survey programme, the following documentation should be collected and consulted with a view to selecting tanks, areas, and structural elements to be examined:

  • .1 survey status and basic ship information;

  • .2 documentation on board, as described in 6.2 and 6.3;

  • .3 main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks (scantlings drawings), including information regarding use of high-tensile steels (HTS);

  • .4 Condition Evaluation Report, according to annex 9;

  • .5 relevant previous damage and repair history;

  • .6 relevant previous survey and inspection reports from both the recognized organization and the owner;

  • .7 cargo and ballast history for the last 3 years, including carriage of cargo under heated conditions;

  • .8 details of the inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures;

  • .9 information and other relevant data regarding conversion or modification of the ship's cargo and ballast tanks since the time of construction;

  • .10 description and history of the coating and corrosion protection system (including anodes and previous class notations), if any;

  • .11 inspections of the Owner's personnel during the last 3 years with reference to structural deterioration in general, leakages in tank boundaries and piping and condition of the coating and corrosion protection system (including anodes) if any. A guidance for reporting is shown in annex 5;

  • .12 information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation including port state control reports of inspection containing hull related deficiencies, Safety Management System non-conformities relating to hull maintenance, including the associated corrective action(s); and

  • .13 any other information that will help identify suspect areas and critical structural areas.

  5.1.3 The submitted survey programme should account for and comply, as a minimum, with the requirements of 2.6 and annexes 1, 2 and 3 for close-up survey, thickness measurement and tank testing, respectively, and should include relevant information including at least:

  • .1 basic ship information and particulars;

  • .2 main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high tensile steels (HTS);

  • .3 arrangement of tanks;

  • .4 list of tanks with information on their use, extent of coatings and corrosion protection systems;

  • .5 conditions for survey (e.g., information regarding tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting, etc.);

  • .6 provisions and methods for access to structures;

  • .7 equipment for surveys;

  • .8 identification of tanks and areas for close-up survey (see 2.4);

  • .9 identification of areas and sections for thickness measurement (see 2.5);

  • .10 identification of tanks for tank testing (see 2.6);

  • .11 identification of the thickness measurement company;

  • .12 damage experience related to the ship in question; and

  • .13 critical structural areas and suspect areas, where relevant.

  5.1.4 The Administration will advise the owner of the maximum acceptable structural corrosion diminution levels applicable to the vessel.

  5.1.5 Use may also be made of the Guidelines for technical assessment in conjunction with planning for enhanced surveys of tankers, contained in annex 11, These Guidelines are a recommended tool which may be invoked at the discretion of the Administration, when considered necessary and appropriate, in conjunction with the preparation of the required survey programme.

5.2 Conditions for Survey

  5.2.1 The owner should provide the necessary facilities for a safe execution of the survey. In order to enable the attending surveyors to carry out the survey, provisions for proper and safe access should be agreed between the owner and the Administration. Details of the means of access should be provided in the survey planning questionnaire. In cases where the provisions of safety and required access are judged by the attending surveyors not to be adequate, the survey of the spaces involved should not proceed."

  5.2.2 Tanks and spaces should be safe for access. Tanks and spaces should be gas free and properly ventilated. Prior to entering tank, void or enclosed space, it should be verified that the atmosphere in that space is free from hazardous gas and contains sufficient oxygen.

  5.2.3 Tanks and spaces should be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues, sediments, etc., to reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating. In particular this applies to areas which are subject to thickness measurements.

  5.2.4 Sufficient illumination should be provided to reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating.

  5.2.5 The surveyor(s) should always be accompanied by at least one responsible person, assigned by the owner, experienced in tank and enclosed spaces inspection. In addition a backup team of at least two experienced persons should be stationed at the hatch opening of the tank or space that is being surveyed. The back-up team should continuously observe the work in the tank or space and should keep lifesaving and evacuation equipment ready for use.

  5.2.6 A communication system should be arranged between the survey party in the tank or space being examined, the responsible officer on deck and, as the case may be, the navigation bridge. The communication arrangements should be maintained throughout the survey."

5.3 Access to Structures

  5.3.1 For overall survey, means should be provided to enable the surveyor to examine the structure in a safe and practical way.

  5.3.2 For close-up survey, one or more of the following means for access, acceptable to the surveyor, should be provided:

  • .1 permanent staging and passages through structures

  • .2 temporary staging and passages through structures

  • .3 lifts and moveable platforms

  • .4 boats or rafts

  • .5 portable ladders

  • .6 other equivalent means.

5.4 Equipment for Survey

  5.4.1 Thickness measurement should normally be carried out by means of ultrasonic test equipment. The accuracy of the equipment should be proven to the surveyor as required.

  5.4.2 One or more of the following fracture detection procedures may be required if deemed necessary of the surveyor:

  • .1 radiographic equipment

  • .2 ultrasonic equipment

  • .3 magnetic particle equipment

  • .4 dye penetrant

  • .5 other equivalent means.

  "5.4.3 Explosimeter, oxygen-meter, breathing apparatus, lifelines, riding belts with rope and hook and whistles together with instructions and guidance on their use should be made available during the survey. A safety check-list should be provided.

  5.4.4 Adequate and safe lighting should be provided for the safe and efficient conduct of the survey.

  5.4.5 Adequate protective clothing should be made available and used (e.g. safety helmet, gloves, safety shoes, etc) during the survey.

5.5 Survey at Sea or at Anchorage

  5.5.1 Survey at sea or at anchorage may be accepted provided the surveyor is given the necessary assistance from the personnel on board. Necessary precautions and procedures for carrying out the survey should be in accordance with 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.

  5.5.2 A communication system should be arranged between the survey party in the tank and the responsible officer on deck. This system should also include the personnel in charge of ballast pump handling if boats or rafts are used.

  5.5.3 Surveys of tanks by means of boats or rafts may only be undertaken with the agreement of the surveyor, who should take into account the safety arrangements provided, including weather forecasting and ship response in reasonable sea conditions.

  5.5.4 When rafts or boats will be used for close-up survey the following conditions should be observed:

  • .1 only rough duty, inflatable rafts or boats, having satisfactory residual buoyancy and stability even if one chamber is ruptured, should be used;

  • .2 the boat or raft should be tethered to the access ladder and an additional person should be stationed down the access ladder with a clear view of the boat or raft;

  • .3 appropriate lifejackets should be available for all participants;

  • .4 the surface of water in the tank should be calm (under all foreseeable conditions the expected rise of water within the tank should not exceed 0.25 m) and the water level either stationary or falling. On no account should the level of the water be rising while the boat or raft is in use;

  • .5 the tank or space must contain clean ballast water only. Even a thin sheen of oil on the water is not acceptable;

  • .6 at no time should the water level be allowed to be within 1 m of the deepest under deck web face flat so that the survey team is not isolated from a direct escape route to the tank hatch. Filling to levels above the deck transverses should only be contemplated if a deck access manhole is fitted and open in the bay being examined, so that an escape route for the survey party is available at all times. Other effective means of escape to the deck may be considered;

  • .7 if the tanks (or spaces) are connected by a common venting system, or Inert Gas system, the tank in which the boat or raft should be used should be isolated to prevent a transfer of gas from other tanks (or spaces).

  5.5.5 Rafts or boats alone may be allowed for inspection of the under deck areas for tanks or spaces if the depth of the webs is 1.5 m or less.

  5.5.6 If the depth of the webs is more than 1.5 m, rafts or boats alone may be allowed only:

  • .1 when the coating of the under deck structure is in GOOD condition and there is no evidence of wastage; or

  • .2 if a permanent means of access is provided in each bay to allow safe entry and exit. This means of access should be direct from the deck via a vertical ladder with a small platform fitted approximately 2 m below the deck. Other effective means of escape to the deck may be considered.

If neither of the above conditions are met, then staging or other equivalent means should be provided for the survey of the under deck areas.

  5.5.7 The use of rafts or boats alone in 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 does not preclude the use of boats or rafts to move about within a tank during a survey.

5.6 Survey planning meeting

  5.6.1 Proper preparation and close co-operation between the attending surveyor(s) and the owner's representatives onboard prior to and during the survey are an essential part in the safe and efficient conduct of the survey. During the survey on board safety meetings should be held regularly.

  5.6.2 Prior to commencement of any part of the renewal and intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting should be held between the attending surveyor(s), the owner's representative in attendance, the thickness measurement company operator (as applicable) and the master of the ship for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

  5.6.3 The following is an indicative list of items that should be addressed in the meeting:

  • .1 schedule of the vessel (i.e. the voyage, docking and undocking manoeuvres, periods alongside, cargo and ballast operations, etc.);

  • .2 provisions and arrangements for thickness measurements (i.e. access, cleaning/de-scaling, illumination, ventilation, personal safety);

  • .3 extent of the thickness measurements;

  • .4 acceptance criteria (refer to the list of minimum thicknesses);

  • .5 extent of close-up survey and thickness measurement considering the coating condition and suspect areas/areas of substantial corrosion;

  • .6 execution of thickness measurements;

  • .7 taking representative readings in general and where uneven corrosion/pitting is found;

  • .8 mapping of areas of substantial corrosion;

  • .9 communication between attending surveyor(s) the thickness measurement company operator(s) and owner representative(s) concerning findings."

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