Part C - Safety Assessment and Safety Management
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Part C - Safety Assessment and Safety Management - Part C - Safety Assessment and Safety Management

Part C - Safety Assessment and Safety Management

 The safety assessment process provides a rational basis for the assessment of the safety of a craft by applying basic objective requirements for craft functions and for those systems installed on board the craft that perform these functions. Moreover, specific requirements are generated in the assessment process where the risk associated with particular failure conditions warrants this.

The present part is organized as follows:

A brief summary of the underlying probability concept and some basic definitions are given in chapter 1 below. Safety of WIG craft must be ensured throughout the entire service life. The processes and methods employed vary in the different phases of the life cycle and are accordingly grouped in two separate chapters: safety assessment for craft systems and safety management covering the operational phase.

The first, described in chapter 2 (Safety assessment for WIG craft systems), constitutes a thorough assessment of potential failures and the outcome of potential failures occurring alone or in combination. It covers the phases from initial design to commissioning of the craft. The second, described in chapter 3 (Safety management), is primarily concerned with the operational phase of the craft and seeks to ensure safe management and operation.

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