Section 2 - General Guidance
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Marine Environment Protection Committee - MEPC/Circular.419 – Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan – (12 November 2004) - Annex - Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan - Section 2 - General Guidance

Section 2 - General Guidance

  2.1 A SRP should be viewed as a tool by which the ship recycling facility and the shipowner can ensure an understanding of the process that will be used for the recycling of a ship. The SRP should include, but is not limited to, a description of the:

  • .1 methods and procedures for managing (including identification (sampling/analysis), abatement, removal, treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal) potentially hazardous materials;

  • .2 methods and procedures to be implemented to protect worker safety and health at the recycling facility;

  • .3 methods and procedures to be implemented to protect the environment; and

  • .4 methods, procedures, and sequencing of the ship recycling, including work that will be accomplished prior to, at and after the ship arrives at the recycling facility.

  2.2 The SRP should be developed by the recycling facility in consultation with the shipowner. Although development of the SRP is a co-operative effort between the ship recycling facility and the shipowner, the major responsibility rests with the ship recycling facility, which is in the best position to:

  • .1 understand and describe the methods and procedures it uses in its recycling operation;

  • .2 be aware of the facilities and capabilities available for materials handling and the disposal of wastes generated during recycling;

  • .3 know the skills and capabilities of its workforce and the availability of local support services; and

  • .4 know the relevant national laws and regulations that apply to the facility and its activities.

  2.3 Preparation of the SRP should begin well before the ship arrives at the recycling facility and should be largely complete and agreed prior to execution of a contract between the shipowner and the recycling facility.

  2.4 The SRP should take into account potential hazards to worker health and safety and the environment that may arise during the recycling activity. It should make clear whether and to what extent work, such as pre-cleaning, identification of potential hazards, removal of stores, etc. will take place at a location other than at the ultimate recycling facility. In considering issues such as pre-cleaning prior to delivery, the recycling facility and the shipowner should keep in mind that the safe operation or towing of the ship and the safety of its crew are of paramount importance. The extent to which that work will be incorporated into the SRP will depend upon the relationship between the ultimate recycling facility, the shipowner and the facility at which the other work will take place. For example, the SRP between the shipowner and the ultimate recycling facility may reflect in general terms what activities will take place prior to the ship's arrival (e.g. hazardous materials marking, pre-arrival removal of some materials); however, it may not reflect details of how that work will be accomplished elsewhere.

  2.5 The SRP should consider the information contained in the Green Passport/Inventory of hazardous materials as well as the ship's plans and drawings and relevant instruction manuals.

  2.6 The SRP should include the following components:

  • .1 a Worker Safety and Health Plan;

  • .2 an Environmental Compliance Plan; and

  • .3 an Operational Plan.

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