Form of record of conditions of assignment of load lines
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - Load Lines, 1966/1988 - International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as Amended by the Protocol of 1988 - Form of record of conditions of assignment of load lines

Form of record of conditions of assignment of load lines

International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
Record of Conditions of Assignment
Name of ship.........................................................................................................................
Port of registry......................................................................................................................
Distinctive number or letters.................................................................................................
Yard number.........................................................................................................................
Date of construction/conversion...........................................................................................
Freeboard assigned as a ship of Type.................................................................................
Date and place of initial survey.............................................................................................

 A plan of suitable size may be attached to this Report in preference to sketches on this page.

Disposition and dimensions of superstructures, trunks, deckhouses, machinery casings; extent of bulwarks, guard rails and wood sheathing on exposed deck, to be inserted in the diagrams and tables following; together with positions of hatchways, gangways and other means for the protection of the crew; cargo ports, bow and stern doors, sidescuttles, scuppers, ventilators, air pipes, companionways, and other items that would affect the seaworthiness of the ship.

  Doorways in superstructures, exposed machinery casings and deckhouses protecting openings if freeboard and superstructure decks (Regulations 12, 17 and 18)

Location Ref. No. on sketch or plan Number and size of openings Height of sills Closing appliances
Type and material Number of clips
In forecastle bulkhead          
In bridge forward bulkhead          
In bridge after bulkhead          
In raised quarter-deck bulkhead          
In poop bulkhead          
In exposed machinery casings on freeboard or raised quarter-decks          
In exposed machinery casings on superstructure decks          
In machinery casings within superstructures or deckhouses on freeboard deck          
In deckhouses in Position 1 enclosing openings leading below freeboard deck          
In deckhouses in Position 2 enclosing openings leading within enclosed superstructures or below freeboard deck          
In exposed pump-room casings          

  Hatchways at positions 1 and 2 closed by portable covers and secured weathertight by tarpaulins and battening devices (Regulation 15)

Position and Reference No. on sketch or plan            
Dimensions of clear opening at top of coaming            
Height of coamings above deck            
PORTABLE BEAMS Number            
b 1 × t f            
D × t w            
b 2 × t f            
Bearing surface            
Means of securing each beam            
PORTABLE COVERS Material            
Direction fitted            
Bearing surgace            
Spacing of cleats            
TARPAULINS No. of layers            

Means of securing each section of covers:

Are wood covers fitted with galvanized end bands?

  Hatchways at positions 1 and 2 closed by weathertight covers of steel (or other equivalent material) fitted with gaskets and clamping devices (Regulation 16)

Position and Reference No. on sketch or plan            
Dimensions of clear opening at top of coaming            
Height of coamings above deck            
Type of cover or patent name            

  Machinery space openings and miscellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks (Regulations 17 and 18)

Positions and Reference No. on sketch or plan            
Height of coaming            
COVER Material            
How attached            
Number and spacing of toggles            
Position and Reference No. on sketch or plan            
Height of coaming            
Number and spacing of toggles            

  Ventilators on freeboard and superstructure decks (positions 1 and 2) (Regulation 19)

Deck on which fitted Number fitted Coaming Type
(State patent name if any)
Closing appliances
Dimensions height

  Air pipes on freeboard and superstructure decks (Regulation 20)

Deck on which fitted Number fitted Coaming height Type
(State patent name if any)
Dimensions Closing appliances

  Cargo port and other similar openings (Regulation 21)

Position of port Dimensions of opening Distance of lower edge from freeboard deck Securing devices Remarks

  Scuppers, inlets and discharges (Regulation 22)

State if scupper or discharge Number Pipe From Vertical distance above top of keel Number, type and material of discharge valves Position of controls
Diameter Thickness Material Discharge Uppermost value
Outlet in hull Inboard
S - Scupper MS - Mild steel SD - Screw-down
D - Discharge CS - Cast steel ANR - Automatic non-return
        GM - Gun metal SD ANR - Screw-down automatic non-return
        Any other approved material to be designated

  Sidescuttles (Regulation 23)

Position Number fitted Clear glass size Fixed or opening Material Type of glass and thickness Standards used and Type No.
Frame Deadlight

Indicate the vertical distance between the freeboard deck and the lower sill of the sidescuttle positioned at the greatest vertical distance below the freeboard deck.

  Freeing ports (Regulation 24)

  Length of bulwark Height of bulwark Number and size of freeing ports each side Total area each side Required area each side
Freeboard deck after well          
Forward well          
Superstructure deck          
State fore and aft position of each freeing port in relation to superstructure end bulkheads After well
Forward well
Particulars of shutters, bars or rails fitted to freeing ports
height of lower edge of freeing port above deck
Protection of the crew (Regulations 25 and 26)
State particulars of bulwarks or guard rails on freeboard and superstructure decks:  
State details of lifelines, walkways, gangways or underdeck passageways where required to be fitted:  
Timber deck cargo fittings (Regulation 44)
State particulars of uprights, sockets, lashings, guard rails and lifelines:  
Other special features
The conditions of assignment shown on this form are a record of the arrangements and fittings provided on the ship and are in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulations of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
  (Surveyor's signature)

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