Annex – Unified Interpretations of Regulations 1.23 and 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Marine Environment Protection Committee - MEPC.1/Circular.872 – Unified Interpretations of Regulations 1.23 and 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I – (14 August 2017) - Annex – Unified Interpretations of Regulations 1.23 and 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I

Annex – Unified Interpretations of Regulations 1.23 and 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I

 Regulation 1 – Definitions

Deadweight to be stated on certificates

Interpretation of regulation 1.23

Even-keel hydrostatics should be used to determine the regulatory deadweight to be entered on relevant statutory certificates.

Regulation 36 – Oil Record Book Part II – Cargo/Ballast operations

Terminal hose flush water

Interpretation of regulation 36.2.10

When the master of an oil tanker agrees to accept terminal hose flush water from a Single Point Mooring (SPM) or a Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM), that flush water should be categorized as the disposal of residues under regulation 36.2.10. Appropriate entries should be made under Item J of Part II of the Oil Record Book. The following are examples of how these entries should be made:

  • .1 At the load port where the flush water is received by the tanker, use the suggested wording for remarks:

    • (J) 55 At the request of (terminal xxxx), terminal line flush water (seawater) has been loaded into the ship's xxx tank

    • 56 xxx m3 flush water

    • 57.4 Transferred from terminal xxxx line/hoses. Total quantity in xxx tank ….. m3;

  • and

  • .2 At the discharge port where the flush water is disposed of by the tanker:

    • (J) 55 xxx tank

    • 56 xxx m3, quantity retained in tank: xxx m3

    • 57.1 a quantity of xxx m3 terminal line flush water received at the loading port terminal (xxx) was disposed/transferred to terminal xxx facility.

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