Appendix 3
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.974(24) – Framework and Procedures for the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme – (Adopted on 1 December 2005) - Annex - Part II – Procedures for the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit - Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Audit Scheme Sequence of Activities

Ref. Activity Responsible Procedures Ref.
1 A Member State volunteers to be audited MS 4.1.2
2 Pre-audit questionnaire sent to the Member State SG 5.2
3 Completed pre-audit questionnaire to IMO MS 5.4
4 Selection of auditors by IMO SG 4.3
5 Notification of auditors to Member State SG 5.1
6 Final selection of audit team SG + MS; 5.1
7 Developing and negotiating the Memorandum of Co-operation SG + MS 4.1.4
8 Memorandum of Co-operation finalized and signed MS + SG 4.1.4; 4.1.5
9 Preparation for the audit by the audit team ATL Section 5 (various references)
10 Agreeing the audit plan ATL + MS 4.1.1; 5.11
11 Opening meeting between the audit team and the Member State ATL + MS 6.3.1
12 Audit closing meeting ATL + MS 6.5
13 Audit interim report sent to the Member State and IMO ATL 7.1.3; 7.2.2
14 Comments sent by the Member State MS 7.2.3; 7.2.4
15 Member State's corrective action plan, as appropriate, sent to IMO MS 7.2.1; 7.3.2; 8.4
16 Audit final report sent to Member State and IMO ATL 7.3.2
17 Audit summary report sent to the Member State and IMO ATL 7.4.1
18 Audit team leader's mission report to IMO ATL 7.5.1
19 Agreement with the summary report and permission to circulate MS + ATL 7.4.1
20 Summary report sent to all IMO Member States SG (Framework 8.1.10; 6.3.2)
21 Follow-up, as appropriate SG 9.2
22 Consolidated summary reports prepared and circulated to all IMO Member States SG 7.4.3
Note: Items 4 and 7 and also items 6 and 8 may proceed concurrently

 MS = Member State

SG = IMO Secretary-General

ATL =Audit team leader

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