2 Initial Considerations
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Marine Environment Protection Committee - MEPC.1/Circular.510 – Guidance Document for Submission of PSSA Proposals to IMO – (10 May 2006) - Annex – Guidance Document for Submission of PSSA Proposals to IMO - 2 Initial Considerations

2 Initial Considerations

  2.1 Before proceeding to IMO, a determination must be made that there is a threat to the attributes of an area from international shipping. If the threat is primarily being caused by shipping registered domestically, it may be more appropriate to address such a threat as a matter of domestic law. After the threat is identified, a decision can be made as to the most appropriate means to address it. Threats to the marine environment from international shipping can generally be separated into three categories: (1) impacts from accidents (e.g., groundings, spills, collisions); (2) operational discharges (i.e., oil, noxious liquid substances, sewage, garbage, air emissions, introduction of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens through ships’ ballast water); and (3) physical damage to marine habitats or organisms (i.e., anchor damage, ship strikes of marine animals, smothering of species/habitats, harmful effects from anti-fouling systems). Damage may also be caused from intentional violations of existing rules and regulations.

  2.2 A proposal for PSSA designation may only be submitted by an IMO Member Government. To successfully develop a PSSA proposal, it may be necessary to assemble a small team of national experts in the country concerned. The team should include members who can describe and document the attributes of the area as well as the damage that has been or could be caused to the area. It should also include members who are familiar with the vessel operations in the area and the IMO measures that can be proposed to address the damage. The proposing Member Government’s representative(s) to IMO should also participate to facilitate submission and presentation of the proposal.

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