2 General requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Part A - General - 2 General requirements

2 General requirements

 2.1 The application of the provisions of these Guidelines is subject to the following general requirements:

  • .1 the Guidelines will be applied in their entirety;

  • .2 the management of the company operating the craft exercises strict control over its operation and maintenance by a quality-management system;footnote

  • .3 the management ensures that only persons qualified to operate the specific type of craft used on the intended route are employed;

  • .4 the distances covered and the worst intended conditions (including minimum required visibility) in which operations are permitted will be restricted by the imposition of operational limits;

  • .5 the craft will at all times be in reasonable proximity to a place of refuge;

  • .6 adequate communications facilities, weather forecasts and maintenance facilities are available within the area of operation;

  • .7 in the intended area of operation there will be suitable rescue facilities readily available;

  • .8 areas of high fire risk such as machinery spaces and special category spaces are protected with fire-resistant materials and fire-extinguishing systems to ensure, as far as is practicable, containment and rapid extinguishing of fire;

  • .9 efficient facilities are provided for the rapid and safe evacuation of all persons into survival craft;

  • .10 all passengers and crew are provided with seats; and

  • .11 no enclosed sleeping berths for passengers are provided.

 2.2 Categories and types of WIG craft

2.2.1 Passenger craft may be assisted craft category, as defined in 4.2, or unassisted craft category, as defined in 4.42, depending on the characteristics of the craft and the route which it serves.

2.2.2 The type designation for a craft, type A, type B or type C, relates to its aerodynamic capabilities to perform limited flight outside the ground effect action altitude and is unrelated to the category designation described in 2.2.1.

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