5.1 A Declaration of Security (DoS) should be
completed when the Contracting Government of the port facility deems
it to be necessary or when a ship deems it necessary.
5.1.1 The need for a DoS may be indicated by the
results of the port facility security assessment (PFSA) and the reasons
and circumstances in which a DoS is required should be set out in
the port facility security plan (PFSP).
5.1.2 The need for a DoS may be indicated by an
Administration for ships entitled to fly its flag or as a result of
a ship security assessment (SSA)and should be set out in the ship
security plan (SSP).
5.2 It is likely that a DoS will be requested
at higher security levels, when a ship has a higher security level
than the port facility, or another ship with which it interfaces,
and for ship/port interface or ship– to– ship activities
that pose a higher risk to persons, property or the environment for
reasons specific to that ship, including its cargo or passengers or
the circumstances at the port facility or a combination of these factors.
5.2.1 In the case that a ship or an Administration,
on behalf of ships entitled to fly its flag, requests completion of
a DoS, the PFSO or SSO should acknowledge the request and discuss
appropriate security measures.
5.3 A PFSO may also initiate a DoS prior to ship/port
interfaces that are identified in the approved PFSA as being of particular
concern. Examples may include the embarking or disembarking passengers,
and the transfer, loading or unloading of dangerous goods or hazardous
substances. The PFSA may also identify facilities at or near highly
populated areas or economically significant operations that warrant
a DoS.
5.4 The main purpose of a DoS is to ensure agreement
is reached between the ship and the port facility or with other ships
with which it interfaces as to the respective security measures each
will undertake in accordance with the provisions of their respective
approved security plans.
5.4.1 The agreed DoS should be signed and dated
by both the port facility and the ship(s), as applicable, to indicate
compliance with chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and should include its
duration, the relevant security level, or levels and the relevant
contact details.
5.4.2 A change in the security level may require
that a new or revised DoS be completed.
5.5 The DoS should be completed in English, French
or Spanish or in a language common to both the port facility and the
ship or the ships, as applicable.
5.6 A model DoS is included in Appendix 1 to this Part of the Code.
This model is for a DoS between a ship and a port facility. If the
DoS is to cover two ships this model should be appropriately adjusted.