Section 2 Intermediate Surveys - Hull and machinery requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 1 Regulations - Chapter 4 Periodical Survey Regulations for Yachts - Section 2 Intermediate Surveys - Hull and machinery requirements

Section 2 Intermediate Surveys - Hull and machinery requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 At Intermediate Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition.

2.1.2 For yachts assigned the Laid-up notation, in lieu of the normal Intermediate Survey requirements a general examination of the hull and machinery is to be carried out.

2.2 Intermediate Surveys

2.2.1 The Surveyor is to be satisfied regarding:

  1. The efficient condition of hatchways on freeboard and superstructure decks, weather deck plating, ventilator coamings and air pipes, exposed casings, skylights, flush deck scuttles, deckhouses and companionways, superstructure bulkheads, side, bow and stern doors, windows and storm shutters, side scuttles and deadlights, chutes and other openings, together with all closing appliances and flame screens.

  2. The efficient condition of scuppers and sanitary discharges (so far as is practicable); valves on discharge lines (so far as is practicable) and their controls; guard rails and bulwarks; freeing ports, gangways and life-lines.

  3. The efficient condition of bilge level detection and alarm systems on yachts assigned a UMS notation.

2.2.2 The anchoring and mooring equipment including anchor warps or wire ropes is to be examined so far as is practicable. For all yachts over 10 years of age the anchors are to be partially lowered and raised using the windlass.

2.2.3 The watertight doors in watertight bulkheads are to be examined and operationally tested locally and where applicable remotely. Other watertight bulkhead penetrations are to be examined so far as is practicable.

2.2.4 The Surveyor is to examine and test in operation all main and auxiliary steering arrangements including their associated equipment and control systems.

2.2.5 The Surveyor is to generally inspect the machinery spaces with particular attention being given to the propulsion system, auxiliary machinery and to the existence of any fire and explosion hazards. Where applicable, emergency escape routes are to be checked to ensure that they are free of obstruction.

2.2.6 The means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control positions, as well as the bridge and the alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested.

2.2.7 The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells, including operation of extended spindles, self closing drain cocks and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined so far as is practicable. Satisfactory operation of the bilge pumps, including any hand pumps, is to be proven.

2.2.8 Any pressure vessels including safety devices, foundations, controls, relieving gear, associated piping systems, insulation and gauges, are to be generally examined. Surveyors should confirm that Periodical Surveys of pressure vessels have been carried out as required by the Rules and that the safety devices have been tested.

2.2.9 The electrical equipment and cabling forming the main and emergency electrical installations are to be generally examined under operating conditions so far as is practicable. The satisfactory operation of the main and emergency sources of power and electrical services essential for safety in an emergency is to be verified; where the sources of power are automatically controlled they should be tested in the automatic mode. Bonding straps for the control of static electricity and earthing arrangements are to be examined where fitted.

2.2.10 The electrical generating sets are to be examined under working conditions.

2.2.11 For yachts having UMS or CCS notation, a General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of safety devices and control systems is to be verified.

2.2.12 For yachts to which Pt 17, Ch 1 Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction – General applies, the arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to include the following items, as required to be fitted in accordance with the Rules:

  1. Verification, so far as is practicable, that no significant changes have been made to the arrangement of structural fire protection.

  2. Verification of the operation of manual and/or automatic doors where fitted.

  3. Verification that fire control plans are properly posted.

  4. Examination, so far as is possible, and testing as feasible, of the fire and/or smoke detection and alarm system(s).

  5. Examination of fire main system, and confirmation that each fire pump, including the emergency fire pump can be operated separately so that the required jets of water can be produced simultaneously from different hydrants.

  6. Verification that fire-hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and situated at their respective locations.

  7. Examination of fixed fire-fighting systems controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, including date of last systems tests.

  8. Verification that all portable and semi-portable fire-extinguishers are in their stowed positions, checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random checks for evidence of discharged containers.

  9. Verification, so far as is practicable, that the remote control for stopping fans and machinery and shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces and, where fitted, the remote controls for stopping fans in accommodation spaces and the means of cutting off power to the galley are in good working order.

  10. Examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, skylights and doorways where applicable.

  11. Verification that the fireman's outfits are complete and in good condition.

  12. Verification that gas installations for domestic purposes comply with the relevant statutory requirements.

2.2.13 For steel yachts a general examination of salt water ballast tanks, integral sanitary tanks and bilges is to be carried out as required below. If such inspections reveal no visible structural defects then the examination may be limited to a verification that the protective coating remains in GOOD condition as defined in Pt 1, Ch 4, 1.5 Definitions 1.5.6. When considered necessary by the Surveyor thickness measurement of the structure is to be carried out. Where the protective coating is found to be other than in GOOD condition, and it has not been repaired, maintenance of class will be subject to the spaces in question being internally examined and gauged as necessary annually.

  1. For all yachts over five years of age and up to 10 years of age, representative salt water ballast tanks, integral sanitary tanks and bilges are to be generally examined. Where the protective coating is found to be other than in GOOD condition, as defined in Pt 1, Ch 4, 1.5 Definitions 1.5.6, or other defects are found, the examination is to be extended to other spaces of the same type.

  2. For steel yachts over 10 years of age all salt water ballast tanks, integral sanitary tanks and bilges are to be generally examined.

2.2.14 Representative internal spaces including fore and aft peak spaces, machinery spaces, bilges, etc are to be generally examined. These spaces should include all suspect areas, see Pt 1, Ch 4, 1.5 Definitions 1.5.3.

2.2.15 Rigs used for propulsion using wind force, associated structure and equipment, where fitted, are to be examined and operated as far as practicable and confirmed to be satisfactory.

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