Section 1 General requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 9 General Requirements for Machinery - Chapter 1 General Requirements for Machinery - Section 1 General requirements

Section 1 General requirements

1.1 Application

1.1.1 Pt 9 General Requirements for Machinery to Pt 16 Control and Electrical Engineering apply to the design, construction, installation and testing of:

  • Main propulsion machinery systems.
  • Essential auxiliary machinery systems, excluding the crankshaft for diesel engines intended for essential services where power does not exceed 110 kW.
  • Steering and manoeuvring systems.

together with their associated equipment, pressure plant, piping systems, control engineering and electrical engineering systems for seagoing craft of the types stated in Pt 1, Ch 2, 1 Conditions for classification.

1.1.2 Machinery for non-seagoing craft is to comply with the requirements of Pt 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery of the Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Inland Waterways Ships, July 2022.

1.1.3 The Rules incorporate those requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended Chapter X - Safety measures for high-speed craft - Safety Measures for High Speed Craft (International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft) hereinafter referred to as the HSC code, as applicable to the classification of such craft.

1.1.4 Requirements for craft which are not required to comply with the IMO Code for High Speed Craft are given at the end of each Chapter. Requirements for service craft, yachts of 24 m or greater and other craft types have been included in these requirements. For the purposes of Pt 9 General Requirements for Machinery to Pt 16 Control and Electrical Engineering, small craft are service craft of less than 24 m in length.

1.1.5 Special requirements are included for main and auxiliary machinery, pumping and piping, electrical and control engineering and fire extinction for yachts.

1.1.6 These Rules are applicable to machinery systems burning distillate fuels which do not require to be heated.

1.2 General

1.2.1 The units and formulae used in the Rules are in SI Units.

1.2.2 It is the responsibility of the Shipbuilder as main contractor to ensure that the information required is prepared and submitted.

1.2.3 Where the craft is defined as a Passenger (B) Craft (see Pt 1, Ch 2, 3 Character of classification and class notations), sufficient redundancy is to be provided such that in the event of damage to any part of a main propulsion drive system, the craft is able to maintain sufficient seaway.

1.2.4 Sufficient astern power is to be provided to maintain control of the craft in all normal circumstances.

1.2.5 The main propulsion machinery will be approved for the maximum continuous power, and associated shaft speed, required to achieve the maximum craft velocity at the certified maximum operational weight in smooth water.

1.2.6 Main propulsion machinery will be considered for operation at a higher power rating than the classification rating for short time intervals (referred to as short term high power operation) in conjunction with the intended operation service profile.

1.2.7 Provision shall be made to facilitate cleaning, inspection and maintenance of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery including boilers and pressure vessels.

1.3 Deviations from the Rules

1.3.1 Any proposal to deviate from the requirements of the Rules will be specially considered.

1.4 Fuel flash point

1.4.1 The flash point (closed-cup test) of fuel oil is in general to be not less than 60oC. For emergency generator engines a flash point of not less than 43oC is permissible.

1.4.2 Fuel oil with a flash point lower than 60oC may be used where it can be shown that the temperature of the fuel oil will always be not less than 10oC below its flash point.

1.4.3 The use of fuel with a flash point below 43oC is not recommended. However, fuel with a lower flash point, but not lower than 35oC, may be used in gas turbines only, subject to compliance with the provisions in Pt 9, Ch 1, 4 Operating conditions.

1.5 Exhaust

1.5.1 Where the surface temperature of the exhaust pipes and silencer may exceed 220oC, they are to be water cooled or efficiently lagged to minimise the risk of fire and to prevent damage by heat. Where lagging covering the exhaust piping system including flanges is oil-absorbing or may permit penetration of oil, the lagging is to be encased in sheet metal or equivalent. In locations where the Surveyor is satisfied that oil impingement could not occur, the lagging need not be encased.

1.6 Bearings

1.6.1 Roller element bearings are to have an L10 design life of at least 30 000 hours, based upon the design operating conditions, including short term high power operation. An L10 design life of less than 30 000 hours would be accepted, provided it is proposed in conjunction with the manufacturer's design/maintenance manual.

1.7 Vibration of shaft systems

1.7.1 The Shipbuilders are to ensure that the systems are free from excessive vibrations, excessive bearing reactions and excessive bending moments under all design operating conditions.

1.7.2 Where changes are subsequently made to a dynamic system which has been approved by Clasifications Register (hereinafter referred to as 'LR'), e.g. machining a shaft, fitting a propeller of a different design to the working propeller or fitting a different flexible coupling, full details of the changes are to be advised. Revised calculations may be required to be submitted.

1.7.3 Where there is experience of previous similar systems which have been approved, full details of these installations may be submitted for consideration in lieu of calculations.

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