Section 2 Particulars to be submitted
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 9 General Requirements for Machinery - Chapter 1 General Requirements for Machinery - Section 2 Particulars to be submitted

Section 2 Particulars to be submitted

2.1 Submission of information

2.1.1 At least three copies of plans, information and specifications as listed are to be submitted before commencement of manufacture.

2.2 Plans

2.2.1 Plans are to indicate clearly the scantlings and materials of construction. Any design alteration to the plan is to be resubmitted for approval, indicating clearly the alteration.

2.2.2 Individual Chapters also list plans to be submitted for specific machinery systems or components.

2.2.3 Where machinery system components have been approved under LR's Type Approval System or Machinery General Design Appraisal for the proposed design conditions or service, plans of the component will not be required to be submitted for individual newbuildings. Full details of the components are to be advised.

2.2.4 Plans showing the arrangement of resiliently mounted machinery are to indicate the number, position, type, and design of mounts.

2.2.5 The plans of arrangement of resin chocks for machinery requiring accurate alignment are to be submitted.

2.3 Calculations and specifications

2.3.1 Relevant data covering the following topics is to be submitted.

2.3.2  Service Profile. The machinery power/speed operational envelope indicating all the intended operational points applicable to the class notation, and any short term high power operation.

2.3.3  Classification rating:

  1. The following operational parameters are to be taken, using the design conditions for the intended Class Notation:

    • Total barometric pressure, in bar.
    • Temperature of engine room, or suction air, in oC.
    • The relative humidity, in per cent.
    • Temperature of sea water, or charge air coolant inlet, in oC.
  2. For unrestricted service, the following operational parameters ambient reference conditions are to be taken:

    • Total barometric pressure, at 1000mb.
    • Temperature of engine room or suction air, at 45oC.
    • Relative humidity, at 60 per cent.
    • Temperature of sea water or charge air coolant inlet, at 32oC.

2.3.4  Short term high power operation. Where the propulsion machinery is being considered for short term high power operation, full details of the power, speed and time intervals together with fatigue endurance calculations, and documentary evidence indicating the suitability of the component design under these conditions and for the intended class notation are required. The following are to be considered; prime mover, gearbox, flexible coupling, vibration dampers, shafting and propeller.

  1. The accrued number of load cycles and the percentage component overload are to be those recommended by the designers.

  2. Excessive overload may require the interval between surveys to be reduced.

  3. Machinery is to be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' requirements.

2.3.5  Damper and Flexible Coupling characteristics. Documentary evidence that the characteristics have been verified.

2.3.6  Machinery Fastening.

  1. Documentary evidence and calculations indicating that machinery is securely mounted for the accelerations to be expected during service.

  2. Calculations that mountings of large masses such as main engines, auxiliary engines, lift fans and electrical equipment can withstand the design collision acceleration according to Pt 9, Ch 1, 5.2 Collision load 5.2.1 without fracturing.

  3. Natural frequency calculation of resilient mounted machinery.

  4. For non-metallic machinery chocks:

    1. Resin type.

    2. The effective area and minimum thickness of the chocks.

    3. The total deadweight loading of machinery.

    4. The thrust load, where applicable, that will be applied to the chocked item.

    5. The loading to be applied to the holding-down bolts.

    6. The material of the holding-down bolts.

    7. The number, thread size, and waisted shank diameter (where applicable) of the holding-down bolts.

2.3.7  Manuals. The operation and maintenance manuals.

2.3.8  Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. Where required for high speed craft, an FMEA is to be carried out covering the following systems:

  1. Main and auxiliary machinery systems, and their controls.

  2. Steering systems.

  3. Electrical systems.

2.3.9  Fatigue Strength Analysis. Where undertaken as an alternative to the requirements of the individual Chapters, fatigue strength analysis of components indicating a factor of safety of 1,5 at the design loads based on a suitable fatigue failure criteria. The effects of stress concentrations, material properties and operating environment are to be taken into account.

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