Appendix 1
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - CSS Code - Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing1 – Resolution A.714(17) - Annex 13 - Methods to assess the efficiency of securing arrangements for non-standardized cargo - Appendix 1

Appendix 1


(refer to paragraph 7.2, Balance of forces and moments)

Ship: L = 120 m; B = 20 m; GM = 1.4 m; speed = 15 knots
Cargo: m = 62 t; dimensions = 6 × 4 × 4 m;
  stowage at 0.7L on deck, low

Securing material:

  • wire rope (single use): breaking strength = 125 kN; MSL = 100 kN
  • shackles, turnbuckles, deck rings: breaking strength = 180 kN; MSL = 90 kN
  • stowage on dunnage boards: μ = 0.3; CS = 90/1.5 = 60 kN

Securing arrangement:

  • side n CS α f c
    STBD 4 60 kN 40° 0.96
    PORT 2 60 kN 40° 0.96
    PORT 2 60 kN 10° 1.04

External forces:

  • Fx = 2.9 × 0.89 × 62 + 16 + 8 = 184 kN
  • Fy = 6.3 × 0.89 × 62 + 24 + 12 = 384 kN
  • Fz = 6.2 × 0.89 × 62 = 342 kN

Balance of forces (STBD arrangement):

  • 384 < 0.3 × 62 × 9.81 + 4 × 60 × 0.96
  • 384 < 412 this is OK!

Balance of forces (PORT arrangement):

  • 384 < 0.3 × 62 × 9.81 + 2 × 60 × 0.96 + 2 × 60 × 1.04
  • 384 < 422 this is OK!

Balance of moments:

  • 384 × 1.8 < 2 × 62 × 9.81
  • 691 < 1216 no tipping, even without lashings!

 Calculated example 2

(refer to section 7.3, Balance of forces – alternative method)

A cargo item of 68 t mass is stowed on timber (μ = 0.3) in the 'tween deck at 0.7L of a vessel. L = 160 m, B = 24 m, v = 18 knots and GM = 1.5 m.

Dimensions of the cargo item are height = 2.4 m and width = 1.8 m.

The external forces are: Fx = 112 kN, Fy = 312 kN, Fz = 346 kN, fz= 0.8 and fz· Fz = 276.8 kN

The top view shows the overall securing arrangement with eight lashings.

Calculation of balance of forces:

No. MSL (kN) CS (kN) α β fy CS × fy fx CS × fx
1 108 80 40° stbd 30° fwd 0.86 68.8 stbd 0.58 46.4 fwd
2 90 67 50° stbd 20° aft 0.83 55.6 stbd 0.45 30.2 aft
3 90 67 50° stbd 20° fwd 0.83 55.6 stbd 0.45 30.2 fwd
4 108 80 40° stbd 40° aft 0.78 62.4 stbd 0.69 55.2 aft
5 108 80 40° port 30° aft 0.86 68.8 port 0.58 46.4 aft
6 90 67 20° port 30° aft 0.92 61.6 port 0.57 38.2 aft
7 90 67 20° port 10° fwd 1.03 69.0 port 0.27 18.1 fwd
8 108 80 40° port 30° fwd 0.86 68.8 port 0.58 46.4 fwd

Transverse balance of forces (STBD arrangement) Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4:

  • 312 < 0.3 × 68 × 9.81 + 68.8 + 55.6 + 55.6 + 62.4
  • 312 < 443 this is OK!

Transverse balance of forces (PORT arrangement) Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8:

  • 312 < 0.3 × 68 × 9.81 + 68.8 + 61.6 + 69.0 + 68.8
  • 312 < 468 this is OK!

Longitudinal balance of forces (FWD arrangement) Nos. 1, 3, 7 and 8:

  • 112 < 0.3 (68 × 9.81 – 276.8) + 46.4 + 30.2 + 18.1 + 46.4
  • 112 < 258 this is OK!

Longitudinal balance of forces (AFT arrangement) Nos. 2, 4, 5 and 6:

  • 112 < 0.3 (68 × 9.81 – 276.8) + 30.2 + 55.2 + 46.4 + 38.2
  • 112 < 287 this is OK!

Transverse tipping

Unless specific information is provided, the vertical centre of gravity of the cargo item can be assumed to be at one half the height and the transverse centre of gravity at one half the width. Also, if the lashing is connected as shown in the sketch, instead of measuring c, the length of the lever from the tipping axis to the lashing CS, it is conservative to assume that it is equal to the width of the cargo item.

  • Fy · ab · m · g + 0.9 · (CS1 · c1 + CS2 · c2 + CS3 · c3 + CS4 · c4)
  • 312 × 2.4/2 < 1.8/2 × 68 × 9.81 + 0.9 × 1.8 × (80 + 67 + 67 + 80)
  • 374 < 600 + 476
  • 374 < 1076 this is OK!

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