Protection of crew (Regulations 25(4) , 26(2) and 27(7) and SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-3 ) (IACS interpretation LL.50/Rev.5)
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - Load Lines, 1966/1988 - International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as Amended by the Protocol of 1988 - Unified Interpretations of the Provisions of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 - Protection of crew (Regulations 25(4), 26(2) and 27(7) and SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-3) (IACS interpretation LL.50/Rev.5)

Protection of crew (Regulations 25(4) , 26(2) and 27(7) and SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-3 ) (IACS interpretation LL.50/Rev.5)

  1 When applying regulations 25(4), 26(2) and 27(7) of the ICLL 1966, as well as Regulation II-1/3-3 of SOLAS the protection of crew should be provided at least one of the means denoted in the table given below:

Type of ship Locations of access in ship Assigned Summer Freeboard Acceptable arrangements according to type of freeboard assigned:
Type A Type B-100 Type B-60 Type B & B+
All ships other than Oil Tankersfootnote, Chemical Tankersfootnote and Gas Carriersfootnote 1.1 Access to midship quarters ≤ 3000 mm a a a a
1.1.1 Between poop and bridge, or b b b b
1.1.2 Between poop and deckhouse containing living accommodation or navigation equipment, or both e e c(1) c(1)
      e c(2)
      f(1) c(4)
  > 3000 mm a a a d(1)
  b b b d(2)
  e e c(1) d(3)
      c(2) e
      e f(1)
      f(1) f(2)
      f(2) f(4)
1.2 Access to ends ≤ 3000 mm a a a  
1.2.1 Between poop and bow (if there is no bridge), b b b  
1.2.2 Between bridge and bow, or c(1) c(1) c(1)  
  e c(2) c(2)  
  f(1) e e  
    f(1) f(1)  
    f(2) f(2)  
1.2.3 Between a deckhouse containing living accommodation or navigating equipment, or both and bow, or > 3000 mm a a a  
1.2.4 In the case of a flush deck vessel, between crew accommodation and the forward and after ends of ship b b b  
  c(1) c(1) c(1)  
  d(1) c(2) c(2)  
  e d(1) c(4)  
  f(1) d(2) d(1)  
    f(2) d(2)  
    e d(3)  
    f(1) e  
    f(2) f(1)  
Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers 2.1 Access to bow ≤ (A f + H s footnote)     a  
2.1.1 Between poop and bow or     e  
2.1.2 Between a deckhouse containing living accommodation or navigating equipment, or both, and bow, or > (A f + H s)footnote     a  
2.1.3 In the case of a flush deck vessel, between crew accommodation and the forward ends of ship.     e  
  2.2 Access to After End as required in 1.2.4 for other types of ships
In the case of a flush deck vessel, between crew accommodation and the after end of the ship

Note :

Deviations from some or all of these requirements or alternative arrangements for such cases as ships with very high gangways (i.e. certain gas carriers) may be allowed subject to agreement on a case-by-case basis with the relevant flag Administration.

 For oil tankers, as defined in SOLAS II-1/2.12, chemical tankers as defined in SOLAS VII/8.2 or gas carriers as defined in SOLAS VII/11.2, constructed before 1 July 1998, existing arrangements which complied with (b) or (c) may be accepted in lieu of (e) or (f) provided such existing arrangements are fitted with shelters and means of access to and from the deck as required for the arrangements (e) or (f) as defined below.

 For tankers less than 100 m in length, the minimum width of the gangway platform or deck level walkway fitted in accordance with arrangement (e) or (f), respectively, may be reduced to 0.6 m.

 Acceptable arrangements referred to in the table are defined as follows:

  • (a) A well lighted and ventilated under-deck passageway (clear opening 0.8 m wide, 2.0 m high) as close as practicable to the freeboard deck, connecting and providing access to the locations in question.

  • (b) A permanent and efficiently constructed gangway fitted at or above the level of the superstructure deck on or as near as practicable to the centre line of the ship, providing a continuous platform at least 0.6 m in width and a non-slip surface, with guard rails extending on each side throughout its length. Guard rails shall be at least 1 m high with courses as required in Load Line Regulation 25(3), and supported by stanchions spaced not more than 1.5 m; a foot-stop shall be provided.

  • (c) A permanent walkway at least 0.6 m in width fitted at freeboard deck level consisting of two rows of guard rails with stanchions spaced not more than 3 m. The number of courses of rails and their spacing are to be as required by Regulation 25(3). On type B ships, hatchway coamings not less than 0.6 m in height may be regarded as forming one side of the walkway, provided that between the hatchways two rows of guard rails are fitted.

  • (d) A 10 mm minimum diameter wire rope lifeline supported by stanchions about 10 m apart, or

    A single hand rail or wire rope attached to hatch coamings, continued and adequately supported between hatchways.

  • (e) A permanent and efficiently constructed gangway fitted at or above the level of the superstructure deck on or as near as practicable to the centre line of the ship:

    • located so as not to hinder easy access across the working areas of the deck;
    • providing a continuous platform at least 1.0 m in width;
    • constructed of fire resistant and non-slip material;
    • fitted with guard rails extending on each side throughout its length; guard rails should be at least 1.0 m high with courses as required by Regulation 25(3) and supported by stanchions spaced not more than 1.5 m;
    • provided with a foot stop on each side;
    • having openings, with ladders where appropriate, to and from the deck. Openings should not be more than 40 m apart;
    • having shelters of substantial construction set in way of the gangway at intervals not exceeding 45 m if the length of the exposed deck to be traversed exceeds 70 m. Every such shelter should be capable of accommodating at least one person and be so constructed as to afford weather protection on the forward, port and starboard sides.
  • (f) A permanent and efficiently constructed walkway fitted at freeboard deck level on or as near as practicable to the centre line of the ship having the same specifications as those for a permanent gangway listed in (e) except for foot-stops. On Type B ships (certified for the carriage of liquids in bulk), with a combined height of hatch coaming and fitted hatch cover of together not less than 1m in height the hatchway coamings may be regarded as forming one side of the walkway, provided that between the hatchways two rows of guard rails are fitted.

 Alternative transverse locations for (c),(d) and (f) above, where appropriate:

  • .1 At or near centre line of ship; or

    Fitted on hatchways at or near centre line of ship.

  • .2 Fitted on each side of the ship.

  • .3 Fitted on one side of the ship, provision being made for fitting on either side.

  • .4 Fitted on one side only.

  • .5 Fitted on each side of the hatchways as near to the centre line as practicable.

Note 1 In all cases where wire ropes are fitted, adequate devices are to be provided to ensure their tautness.

Note 2 Wire ropes may only be accepted in lieu of guard rails in special circumstances and then only in limited lengths.

Note 3 Lengths of chain may only be accepted in lieu of guard rails if fitted between two fixed stanchions.

Note 4 Where stanchions are fitted, every 3rd stanchion is to be supported by a bracket or stay.

Note 5 Removable or hinged stanchions shall be capable of being locked in the upright position.

Note 6 A means of passage over obstructions, if any, such as pipes or other fittings of a permanent nature, should be provided.

Note 7 Generally, the width of the gangway or deck-level walkway should not exceed 1.5 m.

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