Section 2 Fatigue design S-N curves
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 4 Steel Unit Structures - Chapter 12 Fatigue – S-N Curves, Joint Classification and Stress Concentration Factors - Section 2 Fatigue design S-N curves

Section 2 Fatigue design S-N curves

2.1 Basic design S-N curves

2.1.1 The basic design curves consist of linear relationships between log(SB) and log(N). They are based upon a statistical analysis of appropriate experimental data and may be taken to represent two standard deviations below the mean line. Thus the basic S-N curves are of the form:

log(N) = log() – dσ – m log()


N = the predicted number of cycles to failure under stress range
= a constant relating to the mean S-N curve
d = the number of standard deviations below the mean
σ = the standard deviation of log N
m = the inverse slope of the S-N curve.

The relevant values of these terms are shown in Table 12.2.1 Details of basic S-N curves. Table 12.2.1 Details of basic S-N curves also shows the value of


log() = log() – 2σ

which is relevant to the basic design curves (i.e. for d = 2).

2.2 Modifications to basic S-N curves

2.2.1 The factors listed in this sub-Section are to be considered when using the basic S-N curve.

2.2.2  Unprotected joints in sea-water. For joints without adequate corrosion protection which are exposed to sea water the basic S-N curve is reduced by a factor of two on life for all joint classes.


For high strength steels, i.e. >400 N/mm2, a penalty factor of two may not be adequate. In addition the correction relating to the numbers of small stress cycles is not applicable.

2.2.3  Effect of plate thickness. The fatigue strength of welded joints is to some extent dependent on plate thickness, strength decreasing with increasing thickness. The basic S-N curves shown in Pt 4, Ch 12, 2.2 Modifications to basic S-N curves 2.2.3 and Pt 4, Ch 12, 2.2 Modifications to basic S-N curves 2.2.3 relate to thicknesses as follows:
  • Nodal joints (Class T) up to 32 mm
  • Non-nodal joints (Classes B-G) up to 22 mm.

For joints of other thicknesses, correction factors on life or stress have to be applied to produce a relevant S-N curve. The correction on stress range is of the form:

S =


S = the fatigue strength of the joint under consideration
= the fatigue strength of the joint using the basic S-N curve
t = the actual thickness of the member under consideration
= the thickness relevant to the basic S-N curve

Substituting the above relationship in the basic S-N curve equation in Pt 4, Ch 12, 2.1 Basic design S-N curves and using the equation for log () in Pt 4, Ch 12, 2.1 Basic design S-N curves yields the following equation of the S-N for a joint member thickness t:

log(N) = logm log

A value of t = 22 mm should be used for calculating endurance N when the actual thickness is less than 22 mm.


This gives a benefit for nodal joints with wall thicknesses in the range of 22 to 32 mm.

Table 12.2.1 Details of basic S-N curves

Class m Standard deviation


B 2,343 x 1015 15,3697 35,3900 4,0 0,1821 0,4194 1,01 x 1015 100
C 1,082 x 1014 14,0342 32,3153 3,5 0,2041 0,4700 4,23 x 1013 78
D 3,988 x 1012 12,6007 29,0144 3,0 0,2095 0,4824 1,52 x 1012 53
E 3,289 x 1012 12,5169 28,8216 3,0 0,2509 0,5777 1,04 x 1012 47
F 1,289 x 1012 12,2370 28,1770 3,0 0,2183 0,5027 0,63 x 1012 40
F2 1,231 x 1012 12,0900 27,8387 3,0 0,2279 0,5248 0,43 x 1012 35
G 0,566 x 1012 11,7525 27,0614 3,0 0,1793 0,4129 0,25 x 1012 29
W 0,368 x 1012 11,5662 26,6324 3,0 0,1846 0,4251 0,16 x 1012 25
T 4,577 x 1012 12,6606 29,1520 3,0 0,2484 0,5720 1,46 x 1012 53,

see Note 1

1. Idealised hot spot stress
2. For example, the T curve expressed in terms of is:
(N) = 12,6606 – 0,2484d – 3()

Figure 12.2.1 Basic design S-N curve for non-nodal joints

Figure 12.2.2 Basic design S-N curve for nodal joints

Figure 12.2.3 Treatment of high cyclic stresses for the T-curve and a material with yield stress = 350 N/mm2

2.3 Treatment of low stress cycles

2.3.1 Under constant amplitude stresses there is a certain stress range, which varies both with the environment and with the size of any initial defects, below which an indefinitely large number of cycles can be sustained. In air and sea-water with adequate protection against corrosion, and with details fabricated in accordance with this Appendix, it is assumed that this non-propagating stress range, So . is the stress corresponding to N = 107 cycles; relevant values of are shown in Table 12.2.1 Details of basic S-N curves.

2.3.2 When the applied fluctuating stress has varying amplitude, so that some of the stress ranges are greater and some less than , the larger stress ranges will cause growth of the defect, thereby reducing the value of the non-propagating stress range below . In time, an increasing number of stress ranges, below can themselves contribute to crack growth. The final result is an earlier fatigue failure than could be predicted by assuming that all stress ranges below are ineffective.

2.3.3 An adequate estimate of this behaviour can be made by assuming that the S-N curve has a change of inverse slope from m to m + 2 at N = 107 cycles. This correction does not apply in the case of unprotected joints in sea-water.

2.4 Treatment of high stress cycles

2.4.1 For high stress cycles the design S-N curve for nodal joints (the T curve) may be extrapolated back linearly to a stress range equal to twice the material yield stress .

2.4.2 An example of the high stress cycle limit for the T curve is given in Pt 4, Ch 12, 2.2 Modifications to basic S-N curves 2.2.3.

2.4.3 A similar procedure can be adopted for non-nodal joints (Classes B-G) where local bending or other structural stress concentrating features are involved and the relevant stress range includes the stress concentration.

2.4.4 If the joint is in a region of simple membrane stress then the design S-N curves may be extrapolated back linearly to a stress range given by twice the tensile stress limitations given in these Rules.

2.4.5 For the Class W curve, extrapolation may be made back as for the non-nodal joints but to a stress range defined by half the values given above (i.e. with reference to shear instead of tensile stress).

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