Clasification Society Rulefinder 2016 - Version 9.25
Clasification Society Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, January 2016 - Part 1 REGULATIONS - Chapter 2 Classification Regulations - Section 2 Definitions, character of classification and class notations

Section 2 Definitions, character of classification and class notations

2.1 General definitions

For the purpose of class notations, the definitions given in 2.1.1 to 2.1.24 will apply.

2.1.1  Accommodation unit is a support unit whose primary function is to provide accommodation for more than twelve offshore personnel who are not crew members or passengers.

2.1.2  Buoy units are floating units used as a mooring facility for a ship or an offshore unit and are secured by a flexible tether or tethers to the sea bed.

2.1.3  Clear water. Water having sufficient depth to permit the normal development of wind generated waves.

2.1.4  Coastal State Authority is the Authority responsible for the safety standards of units operating in or adjacent to their territorial waters.

2.1.5  Column-stabilised semi-submersible units have working platforms supported on widely spaced buoyant columns. The columns are normally attached to buoyant lower hulls or pontoons. These units are normally floating types but can be designed to rest on the sea bed, see also 2.2.3.

2.1.6  Deep draught caisson units are floating units which operate at a deep draught in relation to their overall depth.

2.1.7  Disconnectable units are self-propelled floating units which normally operate at a fixed location but are designed to disconnect from their moorings in order to avoid hazards or extreme storm conditions.

2.1.8  Fetch. The extent of clear water across which a wind has blown before reaching the unit.

2.1.9  Floating offshore installation. For classification a floating offshore installation is an offshore unit, and its integral associated offshore mooring facility, that operates at a fixed geographic location for its entire service life. When the mooring facility is independent of the offshore unit, e.g., buoy or mooring tower, classification of the floating offshore installation will normally be subject to the buoy or mooring tower being classed separately by LR unless agreed otherwise by the Classification Committee, see also Pt 3 FUNCTIONAL UNIT TYPES AND SPECIAL FEATURES and Pt 4, Ch 4 Structural Unit Types.

2.1.10  Mobile offshore unit. For classification a mobile offshore unit is an offshore unit that operates at and transits between different locations.

2.1.11  National Administrations are those Authorities defined in 2.1.4 and 2.1.12.

2.1.12  National Authority is the Marine Authority in the country in which a unit is registered.

2.1.13  Offshore unit means a unit engaged in offshore operations including drilling, oil production and storage, accommodation and other support functions and which generally operates within the territorial waters of a flag state, but excluding the ship types defined in Pt 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types) of the Rules for Ships.

2.1.14  Owner. In the context of these Rules, the Owner is defined as the party responsible for the unit, including its operation and safety.

2.1.15  Positional mooring. Station-keeping by means of multi-leg mooring systems with or without thruster assistance. Other definitions for mooring facilities are contained in Pt 3, Ch 10 Positional Mooring Systems.

2.1.16  Reasonable weather. Wind strengths of force six or less in the Beaufort scale, associated with sea states sufficiently moderate to ensure that green water is taken on board the unit’s weather deck at infrequent intervals only, or not at all.

2.1.17  Self-elevating units are units which are designed to operate as sea bed-stabilised units in an elevated mode. These units have a buoyant hull with movable legs capable of raising the hull above the surface of the sea. The legs may be designed to penetrate the sea bed, or be attached to a mat or individual footings which rest on the sea bed. See also Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General.

2.1.18  Self-propelled means that the unit is designed for unassisted sea passages and is fitted with propelling machinery in accordance with LR Rules.

2.1.19  Sheltered water. Water where the fetch is six nautical miles or less.

2.1.20  Ship units are mono-hull surface type units engaged in production and/or oil/gas storage/offloading while permanently moored at offshore locations with a ship or barge hull form. Such units may be self-propelled or be built without primary propelling machinery.

2.1.21  Support units are units whose primary function is to support offshore installations. They are normally engaged in one or more of the following functions:
  • crane operations, fire-fighting, diving operations, maintenance, construction, pipelaying and accommodation.

2.1.22  Support vessel. Alternative name for a support unit as defined in 2.1.21.

2.1.23  Surface type units are units with a ship or bargetype displacement hull of single or multiple hull construction intended for operation in the floating condition.

2.1.24  Tension-leg units are offshore units which are linked to a fixed foundation by means of tensioned mooring tethers or other parallel, near vertical, connections in such a manner that the unit is constrained to float at a draught greater than that consistent with its displacement when floating freely.

2.2 Modes of operation

2.2.1 A mode of operation is a condition or manner in which a unit may operate or function while on location or in transit. From the classification aspect, the modes of operation of a unit should include the following:
  1. Operating condition

    The condition when a unit is on location, for the purpose of carrying out its primary design operations, and the combined environmental and operational loadings are within the appropriate design limits established for such operations. The unit may be either afloat or supported on the sea bed, as applicable.

  2. Survival condition

    A severe storm condition during which a unit may be subjected to the most severe environmental loadings for which the unit is designed. Production, drilling or similar operations may have been discontinued due to the severity of the environmental loadings. The unit may be either afloat or supported on the sea bed, as applicable.

  3. Transit condition

    All unit movements from one geographical location to another.

For ship units and other surface type units, the mode of operation will be defined by the loading conditions stated in the approved loading manual.

2.2.2  Linked means connected while operating to a single point mooring facility, fixed structure or otherwise attached or resting on the sea bed.

2.2.3  Sea bed-stabilised means designed to operate under normal operating and survival conditions while the footings, mat or pontoons rest on the sea bed.

2.3 Character Symbols

2.3.1 All units, when classed, will be assigned one or more character symbols, as applicable. For the majority of floating offshore installations at a fixed location, the character assigned will be ✠OI 100AT or ✠OI 100AT (1). For the majority of mobile offshore units, the character assigned will be ✠OU 100A1.

2.3.2 A full list of character symbols for which offshore units may be eligible is as follows:

= This distinguishing mark will be assigned, at the time of classing, to new units constructed under LR’s Special Survey, in compliance with the Rules, and to the satisfaction of the Classification Committee.
= This distinguishing mark will be assigned, at the time of classing, to new units constructed under LR’s Special Survey, in accordance with plans approved by another recognised classification society.
= This distinguishing mark, will be assigned to units built under supervision of another IACS member society and later assigned class with LR. For such units the class notations will be reviewed separately and equivalent notations will be assigned.
OI = These character letters will be assigned to all units which have been built or accepted into Class in accordance with the requirements prescribed for floating offshore installations at a fixed location in LR’s Rules and Regulations the Classification of Offshore Units.
OU = These character letters will be assigned to all units which have been built or accepted into Class in accordance with the requirements prescribed for mobile offshore units in LR’s Rules for Offshore Units.
100 = This character figure will be assigned to all units considered suitable for operating at exposed locations offshore or for sea-going service.
A = This character letter will be assigned to all units which have been built or accepted into class in accordance with LR’s Rules and Regulations, and which are maintained in good and efficient condition.
1 = This character figure will be assigned to:

(a) Units having on board, in good and efficient condition, anchoring and/or mooring equipment in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 9 Anchoring and Towing Equipment of the Rules.

(b) Units classed for special service, having on board, in good and efficient condition, anchoring and/or mooring equipment approved by the Classification Committee as suitable and sufficient for the particular service.

(c) Units equipped with a classed dynamic positioning system which has sufficient power, redundancy of components and duplication of controls to supplement or replace the anchoring equipment on board such that the combined system/equipment is approved by the Classification Committee as equivalent to the anchoring equipment necessary during voyages, transfer moves or under normal operating conditions, see Pt 3, Ch 9 Dynamic Positioning Systems.

T = This character letter will be assigned to floating offshore installations at a fixed location which have, in good and efficient condition, anchoring, mooring or linking equipment in accordance with the Rules, see Pt 3, Ch 10 Positional Mooring Systems.
N = This character letter will be assigned to installations on which the Classification Committee has agreed that anchoring and mooring equipment need not be fitted in view of their particular service.

2.3.3 Non-propelled units which are required to make transit voyages from one operating site to another are to be fitted with towing arrangements in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 9 Anchoring and Towing Equipment.

2.3.4 Self-propelled units which are required by the Owners to make transit voyages from one operating location to another or are disconnectable to avoid severe storms or hazards are to comply with the requirements of 2.3.2 for the assignment of the character figure (1) which will be assigned after the character letter T. The disconnection or reconnection of a disconnectable unit is to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. For disconnections to avoid severe storms or hazards see 3.8.2.

2.3.5 In cases where the anchoring and/or mooring equipment is found to be seriously deficient in quality or quantity, the class of the unit will be liable to be withheld.

2.3.6 The character figure 100 will be omitted for units operating in protected waters such as harbours, inland lakes, etc., and the requirements of the Rules may be relaxed or otherwise amended as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee.

2.3.7 Units will not be classed unless the primary propelling machinery and/or the essential auxiliary machinery of the unit is also classed.

2.4 Class notations (hull/structure)

2.4.1 When considered necessary by the Classification Committee, or when requested by an Owner and agreed by the Classification Committee, a class notation will be appended to the character of classification assigned to the unit. This class notation will consist of one of, or a combination of, the following:
  • A type notation.
  • A special features notation.
  • A special duties notation.
  • A specified operating area.
  • A service restriction notation.
  • An operating limits notation.

2.4.2  Type notation. A notation indicating that the unit has been arranged and constructed in compliance with the particular Rules intended to apply to that type of unit, e.g., Mobile offshore drilling unit or Floating Production Unit. Typical type notations are defined in Pt 3 FUNCTIONAL UNIT TYPES AND SPECIAL FEATURES.

2.4.3  Special duties notation. A notation indicating that the unit has been designed, modified or arranged for special duties other than those implied by the type notation, e.g., oil exploration or well intervention. Units with special duties notations are not thereby prevented from performing any other duties for which they may be suitable.

2.4.4  Special features notation. A notation indicating that the unit incorporates special features which significantly affect the design, e.g., DRILL orPPF. See 2.4.13.

2.4.5 Operating limits notation. A notation indicating the significant design criteria on which approval of the unit is based, e.g.:
  • Maximum operating environmental design limits for semi-submersible units and self-elevating units.
  • Limiting sea state and/or wind speed during which a unit may remain moored to a single point mooring.

2.4.6  Service restriction notation. A notation indicating that the unit has been classed on the understanding that it will be operated only in suitable areas or conditions which have been agreed by the Classification Committee, e.g., protected waters service.

2.4.7 Service restriction notations will generally be assigned in the form shown in 2.4.9 and 2.4.10, but this does not preclude Owners requesting special consideration for other forms in unusual cases.

2.4.8 Where a service notation is applicable, certain exemptions may be granted. Where these affect statutory requirements, such as Load Lines, the Owner is to obtain the authorisation of the Flag State. Such exemptions are to be recorded on the Class certificate and any applicable statutory certificate.

2.4.9  Protected waters service. Service in sheltered water adjacent to sand banks, reefs, breakwaters or other coastal features.

2.4.10  Specified operating area. A notation indicating that the unit has been classed on the understanding that it will be operated only in suitable areas which have been agreed by the Classification Committee, e.g., North Sea service (Abbot Field) or Black Sea service.

2.4.11 A typical example of character of classification and class notations for a floating offshore installation at a fixed location is:

✠OI 100AT floating production and oil storage installation, PPF, North Sea service (Abbot field).

A typical example of character of classification and class notations for a mobile offshore unit is:

✠OU 100A1 Mobile offshore drilling unit, DRILL, Oil exploration, Gulf of Mexico service.

2.4.12 The assigned character symbols of class and the appropriate class notations will be entered in the Class Direct website. For all unit types except ship units and other surface type units, the limiting structural design criteria on which classification is based will also be entered on the Class Direct website.

2.4.13 The following special features class notations may be assigned as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee:

PPF This notation will be assigned to units which have specialised structures and an installed process plant facility which has been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and in accordance with LR’s Rules and Regulations, see Pt 3, Ch 8 Process Plant Facility.

DRILL This notation will be assigned to units which have specialised structures and an installed drilling plant facility which has been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and in accordance with LR’s Rules and Regulations, see Pt 3, Ch 7 Drilling Plant Facility.

DROPS This notation will be assigned to units which have preventive measures to protect personnel from the hazards of dropped objects in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 7, 10 Risks to personnel from dropped objects.

PM This notation will be assigned to mobile offshore units which have a positional mooring system which complies with the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 10 Positional Mooring Systems.

PMC This notation will be assigned to mobile offshore units which have a positional mooring system for mooring in close proximity to other vessels or installations which complies with the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 10 Positional Mooring Systems.

PRS This notation will be assigned to units which have a product riser system which has been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey, in accordance with LR’s Rules, see Pt 3, Ch 12 Riser Systems.

OIWS This notation for In-Water Survey may be assigned to a unit where the applicable requirements of LR’s Rules and Regulations are complied with, seePt 1, Ch 3, 4.3 In-water surveys,Pt 3, Ch 1, 2.1 General and Pt 8, Ch 1, 1.3 External zone protection.

2.4.14 The OIWS notation may be assigned to existing units on satisfactory completion of the Survey, provided that the applicable requirements of LR’s Rules and Regulations are complied with.

2.4.15  LI. This notation will be assigned to surface type units where an approved loading instrument has been installed as a classification requirement.

2.4.16 Details of unit types and additional special features class notations for which special Rules apply are incorporated in Pt 3 FUNCTIONAL UNIT TYPES AND SPECIAL FEATURES, see also 2.8.

2.4.17 The following class notations may be assigned to ship units as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee:
  1. ShipRight SDA. This notation can be assigned to both new build ship units and tanker conversions when structural strength of the hull has been assessed for environmental loads assuming unrestricted service as a ship. The structural strength of the hull is to be verified using the finite element method.
  2. ShipRight RBA. The response based analysis (structure) class notation will be assigned to both new build ship units and tanker conversions when structural strength has been verified by performing direct calculations (finite element analysis) for hull structure in accordance with the ShipRight Procedure for Ship Units.
  3. ShipRight FDA (years). The fatigue design assessment (design life) class notation will be assigned to both new build ship units and tanker conversions when fatigue life of critical connection details has been assessed in accordance with the ShipRight Procedure for Ship Units.
  4. ShipRight CM. The construction monitoring class notation will be assigned to new build ship units and tanker conversions when agreed enhanced inspection measures have been implemented and verified during construction to ensure that at critical locations the connection details are within the agreed tolerances. Critical locations are to be agreed with LR on a case by case basis. A plan showing critical locations is to be submitted for approval, in accordance with the ShipRight Procedure for Ship Units.
  5. CSR. This notation indicates that the structure has been verified as fully compliant with IACS CSR. This notation cannot be assigned retrospectively. It may only be assigned to new build units or units which already had a CSR notation assigned before conversion or redeployment.

Assignment of these notations will be project-specific and will depend on whether the unit is a new build or tanker conversion, whether the unit is permanently moored or disconnectable and the site-specific environmental conditions, see Table 2.4.1. The design procedures given in the ShipRight Procedure for Ship Units, are required to be applied for hull strength, fatigue and construction aspects. Assignment of these notations will be specially considered for other surface type units.

Table 2.2.1 Application of ShipRight Notations

ShipRight notation Redeployment and conversion New build
Moderate environment Harsh environment Moderate environment Harsh environment
RBA Either RBA or SDA is required Mandatory Either RBA or SDA is required Mandatory
FDA (years) Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
CM Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
SDA Either RBA or SDA is required N/A Either RBA or SDA is required N/A

2.4.18 The ShipRight SDA notation may be retained by LR Classed tankers after conversion to a floating offshore installation at a fixed location for service in a moderate environment as defined inPt 10, Ch 1, 1.2 Definitions and 2.4.15.

2.4.19 Special consideration will be given to assignment of additional notations given in Pt 1, Ch 2 Classification Regulations of the Rules for Ships at the request of the Owner. The assignment of such notations will be conditional on compliance with all applicable requirements relevant to the unit type and service.

2.5 Class notations (machinery)

2.5.1 The following class notations are associated with machinery construction and arrangements, and may be assigned as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee:

Lloyd’s RGP This notation will be assigned when a regasification system and arrangements have been constructed, installed and tested under Lloyd’s Register’s (hereinafter referred to as LR’s) Special Survey and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Rules.

Lloyd’s RGP+ This notation will be assigned when a regasification system and arrangements have been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Rules and the system is configured to allow continuing operation in the event of a single failure.

OMC This notation will be assigned to non-propelled units when the essential auxiliary machinery has been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and in accordance with LR Rules.

[✠]OMC This notation will be assigned to non-propelled units when:
  • the pressure vessels and electrical equipment for essential systems have been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and are in accordance with LR’s Rules.
  • other items of machinery and electrical power generation and other auxiliary machinery for essential services are in compliance with LR’s Rules and supplied with the manufacturer’s certificate.
  • the system arrangement of essential auxiliary machinery is appraised and found to be acceptable to LR.
OMC This notation (without ✠) will be assigned to existing non-propelled units that will be accepted or transferred into LR class when:
  • the essential auxiliary machinery has neither been constructed nor installed under LR’s Special Survey.
  • the existing machinery installation and arrangement have been tested and found to be acceptable to LR.

LMC This notation will be assigned when the propelling and essential auxiliary machinery has been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and in accordance with LR Rules.

[✠]LMC This notation will be assigned to self-propelled units when:
  • the propelling arrangements for propellers, propulsion shafting and multiple input/output gearboxes, steering systems, pressure vessels and electrical equipment for essential systems have been constructed, installed and tested under LR’s Special Survey and are in accordance with LR’s Rules.
  • other items of machinery and gearing arrangements for propulsion and electrical power generation and other auxiliary machinery for essential services are in compliance with LR Rules and supplied with the manufacturer’s certificate.
  • the system arrangements of propelling and essential auxiliary machinery are appraised and found to be acceptable to LR.
LMC This notation (without ✠) will be assigned to existing self-propelled units that will be accepted or transferred into LR class when:
  • the propelling and essential auxiliary machinery has neither been constructed nor installed under LR’s Special Survey.
  • the existing machinery installation and arrangement have been tested and found to be acceptable to LR.

IGS This notation will be assigned, when a unit having facilities for the storage of crude oil in bulk is fitted with an approved system for producing gas for inerting the crude oil storage tanks.

2.5.2 The following class notations are associated with the machinery control and automation, and may be assigned as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee:

UMS This notation may be assigned when the arrangements are such that the unit can be operated with the machinery spaces unattended. It denotes that the control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules, or that it is equivalent thereto.

CCS This notation may be assigned when the arrangements are such that the machinery may be operated with continuous supervision from a centralised control station. It denotes that the control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules, or is equivalent thereto.

ICC This notation may be assigned when the arrangements are such that the control and supervision of the unit’s operational functions are computer based. It denotes that the control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules, or is equivalent thereto.

IP This notation may be assigned to a unit classed with LR when the arrangements of the machinery are such that the propulsion equipment and all the essential auxiliary machinery is integrated with the power unit for operation under all normal sea-going and manoeuvring conditions. The system is to be bridge controlled and the propulsion equipment is to incorporate an emergency means of propulsion in the event of failure in the prime mover. It also denotes that the machinery and control equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules.

2.5.3 The following special features class notations are associated with dynamic positioning arrangements and may be assigned as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee, see Pt 3, Ch 9 Dynamic Positioning Systems:

DP(CM) This notation may be assigned when a unit is fitted with centralised remote manual controls for position keeping and with position reference system(s) and environmental sensor(s). It denotes that the machinery and control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules or is equivalent thereto.

DP(AM) This notation may be assigned when a unit is fitted with automatic main and manual standby controls for position keeping and with position reference system(s) and environmental sensor(s). It denotes that the machinery and control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules or that it is equivalent thereto.

DP(AA) This notation may be assigned when a unit is fitted with automatic main and automatic standby controls for position keeping and with position reference system(s) and environmental sensor(s). It denotes that the machinery and control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules, or that it is equivalent thereto.

DP(AAA) This notation may be assigned when a unit is fitted with automatic main and automatic standby controls for position keeping, together with an additional/emergency automatic control unit located in a separate compartment and with position reference systems and environmental sensors. It denotes that the machinery and control engineering equipment has been arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules, or that it is equivalent thereto.

2.5.4 The dynamic positioning notations in 2.5.3 can be supplemented with a Performance Capability Rating notation (PCR). This rating indicates the calculated percentage of time that a unit is capable of holding heading and position under a standard set of environmental conditions (North Sea), see Pt 3, Ch 9 Dynamic Positioning Systems.

2.5.5 Machinery class notations will not be assigned to units the hull/structure of which is not classed or intended to be classed with LR.

2.5.6 The notations ✠ LMC, [✠] LMC and LMC (without ✠) will not, in general, be assigned to non-self-propelled vessels.

2.5.7 Special consideration will be given to assignment of the additional notations given in Pt 1, Ch 2 Classification Regulations of the Rules for Ships, at the request of the Owner. The assignment of such notations will be conditional on compliance with all applicable requirements relevant to the unit type and service.

2.6 Lifting Appliances

2.7 Class notations (environmental protection)

2.7.1 The following class notations are associated with the design and operation of a unit and may be assigned as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee, on application from the Owners, see Pt 7, Ch 11 Arrangements and Equipment for Environmental Protection (ECO Class Notation) of the Rules for Ships:

ECO This notation will be assigned when a unit is designed and operated in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Rules for Ships.

ECO (TOC) This notation will be assigned when the environmental protection arrangements are in accordance with the requirements of another recognised classification society and are essentially equivalent to Rule requirements and the unit is operated in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Rules for Ships.

2.8 Class notation (Verification Schemes)

2.8.1 When an Owner requests classification based on a Formal Safety Assessment, see 1.2.3, and verification is carried out by LR in accordance with the Regulations of a National Administration and the Guidelines in Pt 1, Ch 5 Guidelines for Classification using Risk Assessment Techniques to Determine Performance Standards, the class notation CAV may also be assigned to classed installations as considered appropriate by the Classification Committee.

2.9 Descriptive Notes/Supplementary Character

2.9.1 In addition to any class notations, appropriate descriptive qualification notes may be entered on the Class Direct website indicating the type of unit in greater detail than is contained in the class notation, and/or providing additional information about the design and construction, e.g., semi-submersible. A descriptive qualification is not a LR classification notation and is provided solely for information. Examples of descriptive notes are:

Semi-submersible Tanker conversion Unit based on converted tanker
Turret mooring Turret mooring (internal/external)
Spread mooring Multi-point positional mooring
Disconnectable unit Unit can be disconnected from fixed mooring
Helideck Helicopter deck approval
COW (LR) Crude oil washing certified by LR
SBT (LR) Segregated ballast tanks certified by LR.

2.9.2 When a notation is assigned in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.8 Class notation (Verification Schemes), a supplementary character will also be added to indicate the applicable National Administration, e.g. Norwegian Verification (N), United Kingdom Verification (UK).

2.9.3 Where an approved loading instrument is provided as an Owner’s requirement, a descriptive note LI may be entered on the Class Direct website.

2.9.4 Where LR’s ShipRight procedures for the following have been applied on a voluntary basis to surface type units, a descriptive note will, at the Owner’s request, be entered on the Class Direct website, see also ShipRight Procedures Overview and Pt 1, Ch 2 Classification Regulations of the Rules for Ships:

ES Enhanced Scantlings
SEA (HSS-n) Ship Event Analysis (Hull Surveillance Systems)
SERS Ship Emergency Response Service
SCM Screwshaft Condition Monitoring
MCM Machinery Condition Monitoring
MCBM Machinery Condition Based Maintenance
MPMS Machinery Planned Maintenance Scheme
RCM Reliability Centred Maintenance
BWMP Ballast Water Management Plan

2.9.5 Where evidence exists that supporting calculations have been performed in accordance with hull structural finite element and fatigue analysis procedures of a recognised Classification Society, then, on application from Owners, the descriptive note ShipRight (E) may be entered on the Class Direct website.

2.9.6 Where an Owner elects to undertake hull Special Survey in accordance with the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 3, 7 Special Survey - Oil tankers (including ore/oil ships and ore/bulk/oil ships) - Hull requirements of the Rules for Ships, the descriptive note ESP may be entered on the Class Direct website.

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