Section 3 Structural idealisation
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 4 Steel Unit Structures - Chapter 3 Structural Design - Section 3 Structural idealisation

Section 3 Structural idealisation

3.1 General

3.1.1 In general, the special and primary structure of a unit is to be analysed by a three-dimensional finite plate element method. Only if it can be demonstrated that other methods are adequate will they be considered.

3.1.2 The complexity of the mathematical model together with the associated computer element types used must be sufficiently representative of all the parts of the primary structure to enable accurate internal stress distributions to be obtained.

3.1.3 When requested, LR can perform an independent structural analysis of the unit.

3.1.4 For derivation of local scantlings of stiffeners, beams, girders, etc., the formulae in the Rules are normally based on elastic or plastic theory using simple beam models supported at one or more points and with varying degrees of fixity at the ends, associated with an appropriate concentrated or distributed load.

3.1.5 Apart from local requirement for web thickness or flange thicknesses, the stiffener, beam or girder strength is defined by a section modulus and moment of inertia requirement.

3.2 Geometric properties of section

3.2.1 The symbols used in this sub-Section are defined as follows:
b = actual width, in metres, of the load-bearing plating, i.e., one-half of the sum of spacings between parallel adjacent members or equivalent supports
f = but is not to exceed 1,0. Values of this factor are given inTable 3.3.1 Effective width factor
l = overall length, in metres, of the primary support member, see Pt 4, Ch 3, 3.3 Determination of span point 3.3.4
= thickness, in mm, of the attached plating. Where this varies, the mean thickness over the appropriate span is to be used.

Table 3.3.1 Effective width factor

l f l f
0,5 0,19 3,5 0,69
1,0 0,30 4,0 0,76
1,5 0,39 4,5 0,82
2,0 0,48 5,0 0,88
2,5 0,55 5,5 0,94
3,0 0,62 6 and above 1,00
Intermediate values to be obtained by linear interpolation.

3.2.2 The effective geometric properties of rolled or built sections may be calculated directly from the dimensions of the section and associated effective area of attached plating. Where the web of the section is not normal to the attached plating, and the angle exceeds 20°, the properties of the section are to be determined about an axis parallel to the attached plating.

3.2.3 The geometric properties of rolled or built stiffener sections and of swedges are to be calculated in association with effective area of attached load bearing plating of thickness mm and of width 600 mm or 40 mm, whichever is the greater. In no case, however, is the width of plating to be taken as greater than either the spacing of the stiffeners or the width of the flat plating between swedges, whichever is appropriate. The thickness, , is the actual thickness of the attached plating. Where this varies, the mean thickness over the appropriate span is to be used.

3.2.4 The effective section modulus of a corrugation over a spacing p is to be calculated from the dimensions and, for symmetrical corrugations, may be taken as:


,b,,c and are measured, in mm, and are as shown in Figure 3.3.1 Corrugation geometry. The value of b is to be taken not greater than:
  • for welded corrugations
  • for cold formed corrugations

The value of θ is to be taken not less than 40°. The moment of inertia is to be calculated from:

Figure 3.3.1 Corrugation geometry

3.2.5 The section modulus of a double plate bulkhead over a spacing b may be calculated as:


,b, and are measured, in mm, and are as shown in Pt 4, Ch 3, 3.2 Geometric properties of section 3.2.5.

Figure 3.3.2 Double plate bulkhead geometry

3.2.6 The effective section modulus of a built section may be taken as:


a = area of the face plate of the member, in cm2
= depth, in mm, of the web between the inside of the face plate and the attached plating. Where the member is at right angles to a line of corrugations, the minimum depth is to be taken
= thickness of the web of the section, in mm
A = area, in cm2, of the attached plating, seePt 4, Ch 3, 3.2 Geometric properties of section 3.2.3 . If the calculated value of A is less than the face area a, then A is to be taken as equal to a.
3.2.7 The geometric properties of primary support members (i.e., girders, transverses, webs, stringers, etc.) are to be calculated in association with an effective area of attached load bearing plating, A, determined as follows:
  1. For a member attached to plane plating:

  2. For a member attached to corrugated plating and parallel to the corrugations:

    SeeFigure 3.3.1 Corrugation geometry.

  3. For a member attached to corrugated plating and at right angles to the corrugations, A is to be taken as equivalent to the area of the face plate of the member.

3.3 Determination of span point

3.3.1 The effective length, , of a stiffening member is generally less than the overall length, l, by an amount which depends on the design of the end connections. The span points, between which the value of is measured, are to be determined as follows:
  1. For rolled or built secondary stiffening members, the span point is to be taken at the point where the depth of the end bracket, measured from the face of the secondary stiffening member is equal to the depth of the member. Where there is no end bracket, the span point is to be measured between primary member webs. For double skin construction the span may be reduced by the depth of primary member web stiffener, see Figure 3.3.3 Span points
  2. For primary support members: the span point is to be taken at a point distant from the end of the member, where

    See also Figure 3.3.3 Span points.

3.3.2 Where the end connections of longitudinals are designed with brackets to achieve compliance with the ShipRight FDA Procedure, no reduction in span is permitted for such brackets unless the fatigue life is subsequently reassessed and shown to be adequate for the resulting reduced scantlings.

3.3.3 Where the stiffener member is inclined to a vertical or horizontal axis and the inclination exceeds 10°, the span is to be measured along the member.

3.3.4 It is assumed that the ends of stiffening members are substantially fixed against rotation and displacement. If the arrangement of supporting structure is such that this condition is not achieved, consideration will be given to the effective span to be used for the stiffener.

Figure 3.3.3 Span points

3.4 Grouped stiffeners

3.4.1 Where stiffeners are equally spaced and are arranged in groups of the same scantling, the section modulus requirement of each group is to be based on the greater of:
  1. the mean value of the section modulus required for individual stiffeners within the group; and
  2. 90 per cent of the maximum section modulus required for individual stiffeners within the group.

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