Where the length of a trunk, corrected for breadth and height
as may be appropriate, can be included in the effective length used
for calculating the correction for superstructures in accordance with regulation 37, it should not be taken into account
for calculating the total length (S) for the purpose
of sheer correction according to regulation 38(13).
The effective length of superstructures (E)
which is used for calculating the freeboard correction according to regulation 29 should be determined excluding
the length of trunks.
The inclusion of a trunk in the calculation of freeboard
need not prohibit the fitting of openings in the bulkheads of adjacent
superstructures such as poops, bridges or forecastles provided there
is no direct communication between the superstructure and the trunk.
The sides of a trunk included in the calculation of freeboard
should be intact. Sidescuttles of the non-opening type and bolted
manhole covers may be allowed.