Regulation 35 - Effective length of superstructure
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - Load Lines, 1966/1988 - International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as Amended by the Protocol of 1988 - Annex I - Regulations for Determining Load Lines - Chapter III - Freeboards - Regulation 35 - Effective length of superstructure

Regulation 35 - Effective length of superstructure

  (1) Except as provided for in paragraph (2), the effective length (E) of an enclosed superstructure of standard height shall be its length.

  (2) In all cases where an enclosed superstructure of standard height is set-in from the sides of the ship as permitted in regulation 3(10), the effective length shall be the length modified by the ratio of b/Bs, where:

b = is the breadth of the superstructure at the middle of its length; and
Bs = is the breadth of the ship at the middle of the length of the superstructure.

 Where a superstructure is set-in for a part of its length, this modification shall be applied only to the set-in part.

  (3) Where the height of an enclosed superstructure is less than the standard height, the effective length shall be its length reduced in the ratio of the actual height to the standard height. Where the height exceeds the standard, no increase shall be made to the effective length of the superstructure (see figures 34.1 and 34.2).

 Where the height, clear of the slope, of a superstructure which has sloped end bulkheads is less than the standard height, its effective length E shall be its length S as obtained from figure 34.1, reduced in the ratio of the actual height to the standard height.

 Where a poop or forecastle of less than standard height is fitted on a ship with excessive sheer but without any superstructure within 0.2L amidships, credit may be given to the height of the poop or forecastle by increasing the actual height by the difference between the actual and the standard sheer profiles. The deduction for excess sheer in accordance with regulation 38(16) is not to be granted.

  (4) The effective length of a raised quarter deck, if fitted with an intact front bulkhead, shall be its length up to a maximum of 0.6L. Where the bulkhead is not intact, the raised quarter deck shall be treated as a poop of less than standard height.

 The maximum effective length of 0.6L of a raised quarterdeck is to be measured from the after perpendicular, even where a poop is fitted in conjunction with the raised quarterdeck.

  (5) Superstructures which are not enclosed shall have no effective length.

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