Section 1 General requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 - Chapter 14 Plastics Materials and other Non-Metallic Materials - Section 1 General requirements

Section 1 General requirements

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 Provision is made in this Chapter for the manufacture and testing of plastic pipes, together with approval requirements for base materials used in the construction or repair of composite vessels, other marine structures, piping and any associated machinery components and fittings which are to be certified or are intended for classification.

1.1.2 These materials and products are to be manufactured and surveyed in accordance with the general requirements of Ch 14, 1 General requirements, Ch 14, 2 Tests on polymers, resins, reinforcements and associated materials and Ch 14, 3 Testing procedures of this Chapter; and LR’s Materials and Qualification Procedures for Ships (MQPS) Book K, see Ch 1, 2.2 LR Approval – General 2.2.2, which, in addition to the test programme, also details the procedures for application for approval of manufacturers and products and details of the information to be supplied by the manufacturer.

1.1.3 For base materials, the manufacturer's works do not require approval by Clasifications Register (hereinafter referred as 'LR'), however the Quality Control procedures must be acceptable in accordance with the appropriate Section of this Chapter.

1.1.4 Where a requirement exists for the material to be approved, the test requirements and information to be submitted for approval of polymers, resins, reinforcements and associated materials are defined in Ch 14, 2 Tests on polymers, resins, reinforcements and associated materials and Ch 14, 3 Testing procedures.

1.1.5 Specific material requirements relating to the design and manufacture of plastic pipes and fittings are indicated in Ch 14, 4 Plastic pipes and fittings, with the material requirements for hull structures contained in Ch 14, 5 Control of material quality for composite construction.

1.1.6 For Builders constructing composite vessels, Ch 14, 5 Control of material quality for composite construction provides the minimum material control requirements for acceptance of the works by LR.

1.1.7 For the purposes of these Rules a ‘plastics material’ is regarded as an organic substance which may be thermosetting or thermoplastic and which, in its finished state, may contain reinforcements or additives.

1.1.8 Materials not listed in Ch 14, 2.1 Scope 2.1.1 may be considered for approval on a case-by-case basis. The approved test results will be listed on the issued certificate. Subject to satisfactory service experience and validation of approval, the material may be entered in Ch 14, 2.1 Scope 2.1.1 of the Rules.

1.2 Information on material quality and application

1.2.1 Where plastics products are to be classed or certified, the manufacturer is to provide the material producer with such information as is essential to ensure that the base materials to be used are in accordance with the approval requirements and the product specification. This information is to include any survey requirements for the materials.

1.3 Manufacture

1.3.1 Plastics products are to be made at works which have been approved (or accepted) for the type of product being supplied using base materials that have been approved.

1.3.2 Base materials are to be approved in accordance with the requirements of Ch 14, 2 Tests on polymers, resins, reinforcements and associated materials and Ch 14, 3 Testing procedures.

1.3.3 In order that a works can be approved (or accepted), the manufacturer is required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of LR that the necessary manufacturing and testing facilities are available and are supervised by qualified personnel. A specified programme of tests is to be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyors, and the results are to be to the satisfaction of LR. When a manufacturer has more than one works, the approval (or acceptance) is only valid for the individual works which carried out the test programme.

1.3.4 In order to maintain approval, the manufacturer is required to confirm in writing that there have been no changes in the formulation or production process for the material in question and that the site of manufacture remains unchanged.

1.4 Survey procedure

1.4.1 The Surveyors are to be allowed access to all relevant parts of the works and are to be provided with the necessary facilities and information to enable them to verify that manufacture is being carried out in accordance with the approved procedure. Facilities are also to be provided for the selection of test material, the witnessing of specified tests and the examination of materials, as required by the Rules.

1.4.2 Prior to the provision of test material for acceptance, manufacturers are to provide the Surveyors with details of the order, specification and any special conditions additional to the Rule requirements.

1.4.3 Before final acceptance, all test materials are to be confirmed as typical of the manufactured product and be submitted to the specified tests and examinations under conditions acceptable to the Surveyors. The results are to comply with the specification and any Rule requirements and are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyors.

1.4.4 These specified tests and examinations are to be carried out prior to the despatch of finished products from the manufacturer's works.

1.4.5 In the event of any material proving unsatisfactory, during subsequent working, machining or fabrication, it is to be rejected, notwithstanding any previous certification.

1.5 Alternative survey procedure

1.5.1 Where materials are manufactured in quantity by semi-continuous or continuous processes under closely controlled conditions, an alternative system for testing and inspection may be adopted, subject to the agreement of the Surveyors.

1.5.2 In order to be considered for approval, manufacturers are to comply with the requirements of Ch 1, 2 Approval and survey requirements.

1.6 Post-cure heating

1.6.1 Post-cure heating is to be carried out in properly constructed ovens which are efficiently maintained and have adequate means for control and recording of temperature. The oven is to be such as to allow the whole item to be uniformly heated to the necessary temperature. In the case of very large components which require post-cure heating, alternative methods will be specially considered.

1.7 Test material

1.7.1 Sufficient material is to be provided for the preparation of the test specimens detailed in the specific requirements. It is, however, in the interests of manufacturers to provide additional material for any re-tests which may be necessary, as insufficient or unacceptable test material may be a cause for rejection.

1.7.2 Where test materials, (either base materials or product sample materials) are selected by the Surveyor or a person nominated by LR, these are to be suitably identified by markings which are to be maintained during the preparation of the test specimens.

1.7.3 All base material samples for testing are to be prepared under conditions that are as close as possible to those under which the product is to be manufactured. Where this is not possible, a suitable procedure is to be agreed with the Surveyor.

1.7.4 During production, check test samples are to be provided as requested by the Surveyor.

1.7.5 Should the taking of these samples prove impossible, model samples are to be prepared concurrently with production. The procedure for the preparation of these samples is to be agreed with the Surveyor.

1.7.6 The dimensions, number and orientation of test specimens are to be in accordance with the requirements of a National or International Standard acceptable to LR.

1.8 Re-test procedure

1.8.1 Where test material fails to meet the specified requirement, two additional tests of the same type may be made at the discretion of the Surveyor.

1.8.2 Where an individual test result in a group (minimum five) deviates from the mean by more than two standard deviations in either the higher or lower direction, the result is to be excluded and a re-test made. Excluded results of tests are to be reported with confirmation that they have been excluded. Only one exclusion is acceptable in any group of tests.

1.9 Visual and non-destructive examination

1.9.1 Prior to the final acceptance, surface inspection, verification of dimensions and non-destructive examination are to be carried out in accordance with the requirements detailed in Ch 14, 3 Testing procedures, Ch 14, 4 Plastic pipes and fittings and Ch 14, 5 Control of material quality for composite construction of this Chapter.

1.9.2 When there is visible evidence to doubt the soundness of any material or component, such as flaws or suspicious surface marks, it is to be the responsibility of the manufacturer to prove the quality of the material by any suitable method.

1.10 Rectification of defective material

1.10.1 Small surface blemishes may be removed by mechanical means provided that, after such treatment, the dimensions are acceptable, the area is proved free from structural defects and the rectification has been completed to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

1.10.2 Repair procedures for larger defects are to be agreed with LR prior to implementation.

1.11 Identification of products and base materials

1.11.1 The manufacturer of approved materials is to identify each batch with a unique number.

1.11.2 The manufacturer of plastics products is to adopt a system of identification which will enable all finished products to be traced to the original batches of base materials. Surveyors are to be given full facilities for tracing any component or material when required.

1.11.3 When any item has been identified by the personal mark of a Surveyor, or deputy, this is not to be removed until an acceptable new identification mark has been made by a Surveyor. Failure to comply with this condition will render the item liable to rejection.

1.11.4 Before any pipe or fitting is finally accepted it is to be clearly marked by the manufacturer in at least one place with the particulars detailed in the appropriate specific requirements as given in Ch 14, 4 Plastic pipes and fittings.

1.11.5 Where a number of identical items are securely fastened together in bundles, the manufacturer need only brand the top item of each bundle. Alternatively, a durable label giving the required particulars may be attached to each bundle.

1.12 Certification

1.12.1 Certification of the finished product is to be in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate Sections.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.