Section 1 General requirements for testing
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 - Chapter 2 Testing Procedures for Metallic Materials - Section 1 General requirements for testing

Section 1 General requirements for testing

1.1 Preparation of test specimens

1.1.1 The requirements specified below detail all the tests that may be applied to metallic materials. The specific tests and the test specimen types required for each material type, grade and product type are detailed in the subsequent Chapter of these Rules.

1.1.2 Where test material is cut from products by shearing or flame cutting, a reasonable margin is required to allow sufficient material to be removed from the cut edges during machining of the test specimens.

1.1.3 Test specimens are to be prepared in such a manner that they are not subjected to any significant work hardening, cold straining or heating during straightening or machining.

1.1.4 Test samples are not to be removed from the material they represent until heat treatment is complete. For castings in cases where test samples are separately cast, the castings and samples are to be heat treated together.

1.1.5 Dimensional tolerances are to comply with a relevant ISO specification.

1.2 Testing machines

1.2.1 All tests are to be carried out by competent personnel. Testing machines are to be maintained in a satisfactory and accurate condition and are to be recalibrated at approximately annual intervals. This calibration is to be carried out by nationally accredited organisations. Testing machine condition and calibration are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. A record of all calibrations is to be kept available in the test house.

1.2.2 Tensile testing machine load cells are to be calibrated with an accuracy of ± one per cent in accordance with ISO 7500-1 or another recognised National Standard.

1.2.3 Impact tests are to be carried out on Charpy V-notch machines calibrated to ISO 148-2 or ASTM E23 dependent on the testing machine type. The testing machines are to be calibrated using either a direct or indirect method. Other National Standards equivalent to ISO 148-2 may be considered.

1.2.4 Hardness testing machines, together with their associated measuring microscopes, are to be directly and indirectly calibrated to ISO 6506-2, 6507-2 or equivalent standards applicable to the type of hardness test. Other National Standards equivalent to ISO 6507-2 and 6506-2 standards may be considered. Routine hardness checks with standard hardness blocks calibrated to ISO 6506-3 or ISO 6507-3 or equivalent are to be carried out at a frequency which demonstrates calibration consistency.

1.3 Discarding of test specimens

1.3.1 If a test specimen fails because of faulty preparation or incorrect operation of the testing machine it may be discarded and replaced by a new test specimen prepared from material adjacent to the original test.

1.3.2 In addition to the discarding of test specimens as indicated in Ch 2, 1.3 Discarding of test specimens 1.3.1, a tensile test specimen may also be discarded when the specified minimum elongation is not obtained and the distance between the fracture and the nearest gauge mark is less than one-third of the gauge length.

1.4 Re-testing procedures

1.4.1 Where the result of any test, other than an impact test, does not comply with the requirements, two additional tests of the same type are to be made from the same test sample, or if sufficient material is not available, a further representative sample taken from the item under test. For acceptance of the material, satisfactory results are to be obtained from both of these additional tests.

1.4.2 Where the result of any test taken from a weld procedure approval test, other than an impact test, does not comply with the requirements, two additional tests of the same type are to be made from the same weld test assembly. Where insufficient original welded assembly is available, a new assembly is to be prepared using the same conditions as the original test weld. For acceptance, satisfactory results are to be obtained from both of these additional tests.

1.4.3 Where the result of any test taken from a welding consumable approval test, other than an impact test, does not comply with the requirements, two additional tests of the same type are to be made from the same weld test assembly. Where insufficient original welded assembly is available, a new assembly is to be prepared using welding consumables from the same batch. If the new assembly is made with the same procedure (particularly the same number of runs) as the original assembly, only the duplicate re-test specimens need be prepared and tested. For acceptance of a weld consumable batch, satisfactory results are to be obtained from both of these additional tests.

1.4.4 Where the results from a set of three impact test specimens do not comply with the requirements, an additional set of three impact test specimens may be tested provided that, of the original set tested, not more than two individual values are less than the required average value and, of these, not more than one is less than 70 per cent of this average value. The results obtained are to be combined with the original results to form a new average which, for acceptance, is to be not less than the required average value. Additionally, for these combined results, not more than two individual values are to be less than the required average value and, of these, not more than one is to be less than 70 per cent of this average value.

1.4.5 The additional tests detailed in Ch 2, 1.4 Re-testing procedures 1.4.1 and Ch 2, 1.4 Re-testing procedures 1.4.2 are, where possible, to be made on material adjacent to the original samples. For castings, where insufficient material remains in the original test samples, the additional test may be made on other test samples representative of the castings. See also Ch 2, 1.3 Discarding of test specimens for discarding of test specimens.

1.4.6 When unsatisfactory results are obtained from tests representative of a batch of material, the item or piece from which the tests were taken is to be rejected. The remainder of the material in the batch may be accepted provided that two further items or pieces are selected and tested with satisfactory results. If the tests from one or both or these additional items or pieces give unsatisfactory results, the batch is to be rejected.

1.4.7 When a batch of material is rejected, the remaining items or pieces in the batch may be resubmitted individually for test, and those which give satisfactory results may be accepted.

1.4.8 At the option of the manufacturer, rejected material may be resubmitted as another grade and may then be accepted, provided that the test results comply with the appropriate requirements.

1.4.9 When material which is intended to be supplied in the ‘as-rolled’ or ‘hot-finished’ condition fails test, it may be suitably heat treated and resubmitted for test. Similarly, materials supplied in the heat treated condition may be reheat treated and resubmitted for test. Unless otherwise agreed by the Surveyor, such reheat treatment is to be limited to one repeat of the final heat treatment cycle.

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