Section 5 Type Approval and Type Testing
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 1 Regulations - Chapter 2 Classification Regulations - Section 5 Type Approval and Type Testing

Section 5 Type Approval and Type Testing

5.1 LR Type Approval — Marine Applications

5.1.1 LR Type Approval is an impartial certification system that provides independent third-party Type Approval Certificates attesting to a product's conformity with specific standards or specifications. It is based on design review and type testing or where testing is not appropriate, a design analysis.

5.1.2 The LR Type Approval System is a process whereby a product is assessed in accordance with a specification, standard or code to check that it meets the stated requirements and through selective testing demonstrates compliance with specific performance requirements. The testing is carried out on a prototype or randomly selected product(s) which are representative of the manufactured product under approval. Thereafter, the manufacturer applying for LR Type Approval certification is required to demonstrate the effective implementation of a quality assurance system. This will be assessed by LR through a Production Quality Assurance (PQA) assessment as defined in the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA14. The PQA assessment is specific to Lloyd’s Register Type Approval.

5.1.3 The selective testing required by Pt 1, Ch 2, 5.1 LR Type Approval — Marine Applications 5.1.2, is to include environmental testing applicable to the product's installation on board a ship classed or intended to be classed with LR.

5.1.4 LR Type Approval does not remove the requirements for inspection and survey procedures required by the Rules for equipment to be installed in ships classed or intended to be classed with LR. Also, LR Type Approval does not remove the requirement for plan appraisal of a system that incorporates Type Approved equipment where required by the Rules.

5.1.5 LR Type Approval is subject to the understanding that the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions for the product and any relevant requirements of the Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 are fulfilled.

5.1.6 The manufacturer supplying equipment or components under the production quality assurance system (PQA), see Pt 1, Ch 2, 5.1 LR Type Approval — Marine Applications 5.1.2 is to have a recognised quality management system that is acceptable to LR. The production quality assurance system (PQA) is to meet the requirements of Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA14.

5.1.7 Where equipment or components have been Type Approved in accordance with specifications and procedures other than LR's, details of the product, certification and testing are to be submitted for consideration where appropriate.

5.2 Type testing

5.2.1 Type testing is an impartial process that provides independent third-party verification that an item of machinery or equipment has satisfactorily undergone a functional type test.

5.2.2 Type testing is carried out against defined performance and test standards for a defined period of time with test conditions varying between minimum and maximum declared design conditions.

5.2.3 Type testing is carried out on a prototype or randomly selected product(s) which are representative of the manufactured product under assessment.

5.2.4 After type testing, mechanical equipment is to be opened out and inspected for damage or excessive wear.

5.2.5 On application from the manufacturer, type tests may be waived for equipment and machinery that has been proven to be reliable in marine service and where compliance with the current applicable standards can be demonstrated. Equipment and machinery that has been previously type tested with satisfactory testing evidence and certification need not have the type tests repeated where previous testing is in accordance with current testing standards.

5.2.6 The acceptance of type testing certification is subject to the understanding that the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions for the product and any relevant requirements of the applicable Rules are fulfilled.

5.3 Mutual Recognition of Type Approval certificates

5.3.1 In accordance with Article 10.1 of Regulation (EC) No. 391/2009 pertaining to Mutual Recognition of Class certificates, LR is obliged to mutually recognise MR Type Approval certificates for products as defined in the European Union Recognised Organisation Mutual Recognition Group product list which are MR type approved by other Recognised Organisations (ROs).

5.3.2 The current list of such items and the conditions for mutual recognition are described at

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