Section 10 Bulkheads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types) - Chapter 7 Bulk Carriers - Section 10 Bulkheads

Section 10 Bulkheads

10.1 General

10.1.1 The requirements of Pt 4, Ch 1, 9 Bulkheads are to be applied, together with the requirements of this Section.

10.1.2 Where vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads are fitted, the scantlings and arrangements are also to satisfy the requirements of Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.4 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Application and definitions. Other transverse watertight bulkhead types will be specially considered.

10.1.3 In way of ballast holds, the scantlings are to satisfy the requirements of Table 1.9.1 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead scantlings in Pt 4, Ch 1 General Cargo Ships for deep tanks with the load head, h 4, in metres, taken to the deck at centre. This includes the scantlings of vertically corrugated and double plate transverse bulkheads supported by stools. In addition, the thickness of corrugations is to be not less than given by Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.8 for watertight corrugated bulkheads. Alternatively, the scantlings may be based on direct calculations which are to be submitted.

10.1.4 All bulk carriers to be classed ‘100A1 bulk carrier, strengthened for heavy cargoes, any hold may be empty, ESP’ are to be arranged with top and bottom stools. The requirements of Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.2 Bulkheads supported by stools are to be complied with as appropriate.

10.1.5 For self-unloading bulk carriers, the conveyor space is to be maintained watertight at the transverse watertight bulkheads, i.e. watertight gates are to be fitted. The gates are to be of equivalent strength to the unpierced bulkhead, prototype tested, and hose tested in place in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 1, 9 Procedures for testing tanks and tight boundaries. Alternative equivalent arrangements will be specially considered.

10.2 Bulkheads supported by stools

10.2.1 The stools are to be reinforced with plate diaphragms or deep webs, and in bottom stools the diaphragms are to be aligned with double bottom side girders. Continuity is also to be maintained between the diaphragms and the bulkhead corrugations for 90° corrugations.

10.2.2 The sloping plate of bottom stools is to be aligned with double bottom floors. Particular attention is to be given to the through thickness properties of the inner bottom plating and continuity at the connection to the inner bottom, and to the through thickness properties of the bottom stool shelf plate, see Ch 3, 8 Plates with specified through thickness properties of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials regarding requirements for plates with specified through thickness properties.

10.2.3 An efficient system of reinforcement is to be arranged in line with the hold transverse bulkheads or bulkhead stools at the intersection with the sloped plating of the hopper and topside tanks. The reinforcement fitted in the tanks is to consist of girders or intercostal bulb plate or equivalent stiffeners fitted between, and connected to, the sloped bulkhead longitudinals.

10.2.4 The shelf plates of the bulkhead stools are to be arranged to align with the longitudinals in the hopper and topside tanks. Where sloping shelf plates are fitted to stools, suitable scarfing is to be arranged in way of the connections of the stools to the adjoining structures.

10.2.5 The ShipRight FDA Procedure, Structural Detail Design Guide (SDDG), indicates recommended structural design configurations in the critical areas of the lower stool and of the upper boundaries.

10.3 Structural details in way of holds confined to dry cargoes

10.3.1 In dry cargo holds where transverse bulkheads are arranged without bottom stools, the stiffeners and brackets of plane bulkheads, and rectangular corrugations of corrugated bulkheads, are to be aligned with floors and inner bottom longitudinals. In the case of non-rectangular corrugations, the flanges are to be aligned with floors, but consideration will be given to the fitting of a substantial transverse girder in place of one of the floors.

10.3.2 Where transverse corrugated bulkheads are arranged without top stools, transverse beams are to be arranged under the deck in way.

10.4 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Application and definitions

10.4.1 Where corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads are fitted, the scantlings are to be determined in accordance with the following requirements.

10.4.2 For ships of length, L, 190 m or above, the vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads are to be fitted with a bottom stool and, generally, with a top stool below the deck. The requirements of Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.6 Vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads – Support structure at ends are to be complied with as appropriate.

10.4.3 The loads to be considered as acting on the bulkheads are those given by the combination of cargo loads with those induced by the flooding of one hold adjacent to the bulkhead under consideration. The most severe combinations of cargo induced loads and flooding loads are to be used for the determination of the scantlings of each bulkhead, depending on the specified design loading conditions:

  1. homogeneous loading conditions;

  2. non-homogeneous loading conditions (excluding part loading conditions associated with multi-port loading and unloading); and

  3. packed cargo conditions (such as steel mill products).

The individual flooding of loaded and empty holds is to be considered, but the pressure used in the assessment is not to be less than that obtained for flood water alone. Holds containing packed cargo are to be treated as empty holds. For self-unloading bulk carriers where the boundary of the conveyor space between the bottom of the cargo hold and the top of the conveyor space is not watertight during seagoing operations, the loads acting on the bulkheads are to be considered using the extent to which flooding can occur, i.e. both the conveyor space and the cargo hold are to be assumed to be flooded.

10.4.4 The cargo surface is to be taken as horizontal and at a distance d 1, in metres, from the base line, see Figure 7.10.1 Cargo hold dimensions, where d 1 is calculated taking into account the cargo properties and the hold dimensions. Unless the ship is designed to carry only cargo of bulk density greater than or equal to 1,78 tonne/m3 in non-homogeneous loading conditions, the maximum mass of cargo which may be carried in the hold is to be taken as filling that hold to the upper deck level at centreline. A permeability, μ, of 0,3 and angle of repose, ψ, of 35° is to be assumed for this application.

Figure 7.10.1 Cargo hold dimensions

10.4.5 An homogeneous load condition is defined as one where the ratio between the highest and the lowest filling levels, d 1, in adjacent holds does not exceed 1,20. For this purpose, where a loading condition includes cargoes of different densities, equivalent filling levels are to be calculated for all holds on the basis of a single reference value of cargo density, which can be the minimum to be carried.

10.4.6 The permeability, μ, may be taken as 0,3 for ore, coal and cement cargoes. The bulk density and angle of repose, ψ, may generally be taken as 3,0 tonne/m3 and 35° respectively for iron ore and 1,3 tonne/m3 and 25° respectively for cement.

10.4.7 The flooding head, h f, see Figure 7.10.1 Cargo hold dimensions, is the distance, in metres, measured vertically with the ship in the upright position, from the location P, under consideration, to a position d f, in metres, from the base line as given in Table 7.10.1 Flooding head.

10.4.8 In considering a flooded hold, the total load is to be taken as that of the cargo and flood water at the appropriate permeability. Where there is empty volume above the top of the cargo, this is to be taken as flooded to the level of the flooding head.

10.4.9 Corrugations may be constructed of flanged plates or fabricated from separate flange and web plates, which may be of different thicknesses. The corrugation angle is to be not less than 55°, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles.

10.4.10 The term net plate thickness is used to describe the calculated minimum thickness of plating of the web, t w, or flange, t f. The plate thickness to be fitted is the net plate thickness plus a corrosion addition of 3,5 mm.

10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment

10.5.1 The bending moment M, in kNm, for the bulkhead corrugations is given by:

= span of the corrugation, in metres, to be measured between the internal ends of the bulkhead upper and lower stools in way of the neutral axis of the corrugations or, where no stools are fitted, from inner bottom to deck, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles and Figure 7.10.3 Scantling assessment. The lower end of the upper stool is not to be taken greater than a distance from the deck at the centreline equal to:
= 3 times the depth of the corrugation, in general, or
= 2 times the depth of the corrugation, for rectangular stools
F = resultant force, in kN, see Table 7.10.3 Resultant pressure and force.

Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles

10.5.2 The shear force, Q, in kN at the lower end of the bulkhead corrugation is given by:

where F is defined in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.1.

Table 7.10.1 Flooding head

Item Bulkhead location Bulk carriers with Other bulk carriers
Type B freeboard and
deadweight < 50 000 tonnes
I (1) Between holds 1 and 2
d f = 0,95D
d f = D
d f = 0,85D
d f = 0,9D
II (1) Between holds 1 and 2
d f = 0,9D
d f = 0,95D
d f = 0,8D
d f = 0,85D

Note 1. Item II is to be used for non-homogeneous loading conditions where the bulk cargo density is less than 1,78 tonne/m3.

Otherwise, Item I is to be used.

Note 2. D = distance, in metres, from the base line to the freeboard deck at side amidships, see Fig 7.10.1.

Figure 7.10.3 Scantling assessment

10.5.3 The section modulus of the corrugations is to be calculated using net plate thicknesses. At the lower end, the following requirements apply:

  1. An effective width of compression flange, b ef, not greater than given in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.7, is to be used.

  2. Where corrugation webs are not supported by local brackets below the shelf plate (or below the inner bottom if no lower stool is fitted), they are to be assumed 30 per cent effective in bending. Otherwise, the full area of web plates may be used, see also Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.3.(e).

  3. Where effective shedder plates are fitted, see Figure 7.10.4 Symmetric shedder plates and Figure 7.10.5 Asymmetric shedder plates, the net area of the corrugation flange plates, in cm2, may be increased by the lesser of:

    b = width of corrugation flange, in metres, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles
    t f = net flange plate thickness, in mm
    t sh = net shedder plate thickness, in mm

    A shedder plate is considered effective when it:

    • is not knuckled; and
    • is welded to the corrugations and the lower stool shelf plate by one-side penetration welds or equivalent; and
    • has a minimum slope of 45° and lower edges in line with the stool side plating; and
    • has a thickness not less than 0,75 times the thickness of the corrugation flanges; and
    • has material properties at least equal to those of the corrugation flanges.
  4. Where effective gusset plates are fitted, see Figure 7.10.6 Symmetric gusset/shedder plates and Figure 7.10.7 Asymmetric gusset/shedder plates the net area of the corrugation flange plates, in cm2, may be increased by:

    h g = height of the gusset plate, in metres, but is not to be taken greater than
    t f = net flange plate thickness, in mm
    s gu = width of the gusset plate, in metres

    A gusset plate is considered effective when it:

    • is fitted in combination with an effective shedder plate as defined in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.3.(c); and
    • has height not less than half the flange plate width; and
    • is fitted in line with the stool side plating; and
    • has thickness and material properties at least equal to those of the flanges; and
    • is welded to the top of the lower stool by full penetration welds and to the corrugations and shedder plates by one-side penetration welds or equivalent.
  5. Where the corrugation is welded to a sloping stool shelf plate, set at an angle of not less than 45° to the horizontal, the corrugation webs may be taken as fully effective in bending. Where the slope is less than 45°, the effectiveness is to be assessed by linear interpolation between fully effective at 45° and the appropriate value from Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.3.(b) at 0°. Where effective gusset plates are also fitted, the area of the flange plates may be increased in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.3.(d). No increase is permitted in the case where shedder plates are fitted without gussets.

Table 7.10.2 Bulkhead pressure and force

Item Pressure, kN/m2 (tonne-f/m2) Force, kN (tonne-f)
(1) In non-flooded bulk cargo holds p c = g ρc h 1 tan2 θ
F c = 0,5ρc g s 1(d 1–h DB–h LS)2 tan2 θ
  (p c = ρc h 1 tan2 θ)
(F c = 0,5ρc s 1(d 1–h DB–h LS)2 tan2 θ)

(2) In flooded bulk cargo holds, when d fd 1

  F cf = 0,5s 1g(d f–d 1)2+(ρg(d f–d 1)+p l e)(d 1–h DB–h LS))

(a) For positions between d 1 and d f from base line

p cf = gρh f
(p cf = ρh f)

(b) For positions at a distance lower than d f from base line

p cf = g h f + ( ρc – ρ (1–μ))h 1 tan2 θ
(F cf = 0,5s 1(ρ(d f–d 1)2+(ρ(d f–d 1)+p l e)(d 1–h DB–h LS)))
  (p cf = (ρ h f + ( ρc – ρ (1–μ))h 1 tan2 θ)
(3) In flooded bulk cargo holds, when d f < d 1   F cf = 0,5s 1c g(d 1 – d f)2tan2 θ+(ρc g(d 1–
d f)tan2 θ+p le)(d f–h DB–h LS))
(a) For positions between d 1 and d f from base line p cf = g ρc h 1 tan2 θ
  (p cf = ρc h 1 tan2 θ)
(b) For positions at a distance lower than d f from base line p cf = gh f+( ρc h 1–ρ(1–μ)h f)tan2 θ)
(F cf = 0,5s 1c(d 1–d f)2tan2 θ+(ρc(d 1–
d f)tan2 θ+p le)(d f–h DB–h LS)))
  (p cf = (ρh f+( ρc h 1–ρ(1–μ)h f)tan2 θ))
(4) In flooded empty holds p f = gρh f

F f = 0,5s 1ρg(d f–h DB–h LS)2

  (p f = ρh f)
(F f = 0,5s 1ρ(d f–h DB–h LS)2)
d f see Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.4 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Application and definitions 10.4.7
d 1 = vertical distance, in metres, from the base line to the top of the cargo, see Figure 7.10.1 Cargo hold dimensions
g = gravitational constant, 9,81 m/sec2
h DB = height of double bottom, in metres
h LS = mean height of lower stool, in metres
h 1 = vertical distance, in metres, from the calculation point to the top of the cargo, see Figure 7.10.1 Cargo hold dimensions
pc, pcf, pf = pressure on the bulkhead at the point under consideration, in kN/m2
p l e = pressure at the lower end of the corrugation, in kN/m2
s 1 = spacing of the corrugations, in metres, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles
ρ = density of sea water = 1,025 tonne/m3
ρc = bulk cargo density, in tonne/m3
θ = 45° - (ψ/2)
ψ = angle of repose of the cargo, in degrees

Table 7.10.3 Resultant pressure and force

Loading condition Resultant pressure
Resultant force
Homogeneous p r = p cf–0,8p c F = F cf–0,8F c
Non-homogeneous p r = p cf F = F cf
Flood water alone (adjacent holds empty) p r = p f F = F f


For symbols, see Table 7.10.2.

10.5.4 The section modulus of corrugations at cross-sections other than the lower end is to be calculated with fully effective webs and an effective compression flange width, b ef not greater than given in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.7.

Figure 7.10.4 Symmetric shedder plates

Figure 7.10.5 Asymmetric shedder plates

Figure 7.10.6 Symmetric gusset/shedder plates

10.5.5 The bending capacity of the bulkhead corrugations is to comply with the following relationship:

M = bending moment, in kNm, see Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.1
Z le = section modulus at the lower end of the corrugations, in cm3
Z m = section modulus at mid-span of the corrugations, in cm3
σp,le = permissible bending stress at the lower end of the corrugations, in N/mm2
σp,m = permissible bending stress at mid-span of the corrugations, in N/mm2

In the above expression Z le, in cm3, is not to be taken greater than Z'le where

and Z m is not to exceed the lesser of 1,15Z leand 1,15Z'le

h g = height of the gusset plate, in metres
p g = resultant pressure calculated in way of the middle of the shedder or gusset plates as appropriate, in kN/m2
s 1 = spacing of the corrugations, in metres
Q = shear force, in kN, see Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.2
Z g = section modulus of the corrugations in way of the upper end of shedder or gusset plates as appropriate, in cm3.

Figure 7.10.7 Asymmetric gusset/shedder plates

10.5.6 The applied shear stress, in N/mm2, is determined by dividing the shear force derived from Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.2 by the shear area of the corrugation, calculated using the net plate thickness. The shear area is to be reduced to account for non- perpendicularity between the corrugation webs and flanges. In general, the reduced area may be obtained by multiplying the web sectional area by sin φ, where φ is the angle between the web and the flange, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles. The applied shear stress is not to exceed the permissible shear stress or the shear buckling stress given in Table 7.10.4 Permissible shear and buckling stresses.

Table 7.10.4 Permissible shear and buckling stresses

Bending, Shear, Shear buckling,
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
σp = σ0 τp = 0,5σ0
b = width of corrugation flange, in metres, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles
c = width of corrugation web, in metres, see Figure 7.10.2 Dimensions of bulkhead corrugation angles
t f = net flange plate thickness, in mm
t w = web plate net thickness, in mm
E = modulus of elasticity
= 206 000 N/mm2
σ 0 = specified minimum yield stress, in N/mm2
τE = 5,706 E (t w/1000c)2 N/mm2
τ0 = N/mm2

10.5.7 The width of the compression flange, in metres, to be used for calculating the effective modulus is:


Other symbols are as defined in Table 7.10.4 Permissible shear and buckling stresses.

10.5.8 The corrugation flange and web local net plate thickness are not to be less than:

s w = plate width, in metres, to be taken equal to the width of the corrugation flange or web, whichever is the greater
p r = resultant pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in Table 7.10.3 Resultant pressure and force, at the lower edge of each strake of plating. The net thickness of the lowest strake is to be determined using the resultant pressure at the top of the lower stool, (or at the inner bottom, if no lower stool is fitted), or at the top of the shedders, if effective shedder or gusset and shedder plates are fitted
σ0 = specified minimum yield stress of the material, in N/mm2.

10.5.9 For built-up corrugations, where the thickness of the flange and of the web are different, the net thickness of the narrower plating is to be not less than:

s n = width of the narrower plating, in metres.

The net thickness, in mm, of the wider plating is not to be taken less than the greater of:


t np ≤ actual net thickness of the narrower plating but not greater than:

10.5.10 The required thickness of plating is the net thickness plus the corrosion addition given in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.4 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Application and definitions 10.4.10.

10.5.11 Scantlings required to meet the bending and shear strength requirements at the lower end of the bulkhead corrugation are to be maintained for a distance of 0,15l from the lower end, where l is as defined in Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.5 Vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads – Scantling assessment 10.5.1. Scantlings required to meet the bending requirements at mid-height are to be maintained to a location no greater than 0,3l from the top of the corrugation. The section modulus of the remaining upper part of the corrugation is to be not less than 0,75 times that required for the middle part, corrected for differences in yield stress.

10.6 Vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads – Support structure at ends

10.6.1 The requirements of Pt 4, Ch 7, 10.2 Bulkheads supported by stools are to be complied with as applicable, together with the following.

10.6.2  Lower stool:

  1. The height of the lower stool is generally to be not less than three times the depth of the corrugations.

  2. The thickness and steel grade of the stool shelf plate are to be not less than those required for the bulkhead plating above.

  3. The thickness and steel grade of the upper portion of vertical or sloping stool side plating, within the depth equal to the corrugation flange width from the stool top, are to be not less than the flange plate thickness and steel grade needed to meet the bulkhead requirements at the lower end of the corrugation.

  4. The thickness of the stool side plating and the section modulus of the stool side stiffeners are to be not less than those required by Pt 4, Ch 1, 9 Bulkheads for a plane transverse bulkhead and stiffeners using the greater of the pressures determined from the head, h 4, in Table 1.9.1 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead scantlings and the expressions given in Table 7.10.2 Bulkhead pressure and force.

  5. The ends of stool side vertical stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool.

  6. The width of the shelf plate is to be in accordance with Figure 7.10.8 Width of shelf plate.

  7. The stool bottom is to have a width not less than 2,5 times the mean depth of the corrugation.

  8. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in way of connections to the stool shelf plate are to be avoided.

  9. Where corrugations are terminated on the bottom stool, corrugations are to be connected to the stool top plate by full penetration welds. The stool side plating is to be connected to the stool top plate and the inner bottom plating by either full penetration or partial penetration welds, see Figure 7.10.9 Partial penetration welding. The supporting floors are to be connected to the inner bottom by either full penetration or partial penetration welds.

Figure 7.10.8 Width of shelf plate

10.6.3  Upper stool:

  1. The upper stool, where fitted, is to have a height generally between two and three times the depth of corrugations.

  2. Rectangular stools are to have a height generally equal to twice the depth of corrugations, measured from the deck level and at hatch side girder.

  3. The upper stool is to be properly supported by girders or deep brackets between the adjacent hatch-end beams.

  4. The width of the shelf plate is generally to be the same as that of the lower stool shelf plate.

  5. The upper end of a non-rectangular stool is to have a width not less than twice the depth of corrugations.

  6. The thickness and steel grade of the shelf plate are to be the same as those of the bulkhead plating below.

  7. The thickness of the lower portion of stool side plating is to be not less than 80 per cent of that required for the upper part of the bulkhead plating where the same materials are used.

  8. The thickness of the stool side plating and the section modulus of the stool side stiffeners are to be not less than those required by Ch 1,9 for plane transverse bulkheads and stiffeners using the greater of the pressures determined from the head, h 4, in Table 1.9.1 Watertight and deep tank bulkhead scantlings and the expressions given in Table 7.10.2 Bulkhead pressure and force.

  9. Where vertical stiffening is fitted, the ends of stool side stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at the upper and lower end of the stool.

  10. Diaphragms are to be fitted inside the stool, in line with, and effectively attached to, longitudinal deck girders extending to the hatch end coaming girders for effective support of the corrugated bulkhead.

  11. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in way of the connection to the stool shelf plate are to be avoided.

Figure 7.10.9 Partial penetration welding

10.6.4 If no upper stool is fitted, two transverse reinforced beams are to be fitted in line with the corrugation flanges.

10.6.5 If no bottom stool is fitted, the corrugation flanges are to be in line with the supporting floors. Corrugations are to be connected to the inner bottom plating by full penetration welds. The thickness and steel grades of the supporting floors are to be at least equal to those provided for the corrugation flanges. The plating of supporting floors is to be connected to the inner bottom by either full penetration or deep penetration welds, see Figure 7.10.9 Partial penetration welding. The cut-outs for connections of the inner bottom longitudinals to double bottom floors are to be closed by collar plates. The supporting floors are to be connected to each other by suitably designed shear plates.

10.6.6 Stool side plating is to align with the corrugation flanges. Stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the lower stool are to align with the inner bottom longitudinals to provide appropriate load transmission between these stiffening members. The lower stool side plating is not to be knuckled.

10.6.7 The design of local details is to take into account the transfer of the bulkhead forces and moments to the boundary structures and particularly to the double bottom and cross-deck structures.

10.7 Additional requirements for ships not built to the IACS Common Structural Rules

10.7.1 Bulk Carriers not built to the IACS Common Structural Rules are to comply with the requirements of this sub-Section.

10.7.2 The safety factor with respect to lateral buckling of ordinary stiffeners on transverse bulkheads and transverse bulkhead stools is to be 1,15 and calculated in accordance with the ShipRight Guidance Notes for ShipRight SDA Buckling Assessment.

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