Section 10 Drainage arrangements for ships not fitted with propelling machinery
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 13 Ship Piping Systems - Section 10 Drainage arrangements for ships not fitted with propelling machinery

Section 10 Drainage arrangements for ships not fitted with propelling machinery

10.1 Pumps

10.1.1 Where auxiliary power is not provided, hand pumps are to be fitted, in number and position, as may be required for the efficient drainage of the ship.

10.1.2 In general, one hand pump is to be provided for each compartment. Alternatively, two hand pumps connected to a bilge main, having at least one branch to each compartment, are to be provided.

10.1.3 For unmanned pontoons and as an alternative to Pt 5, Ch 13, 10.1 Pumps 10.1.1 and Pt 5, Ch 13, 10.1 Pumps 10.1.2, two portable pumps are to be provided together with suitable suction and discharge hoses as applicable. This equipment is to be either stored on board the pontoon or carried on board an attending tug.

10.1.4 The pumps are to be capable of being worked from the upper deck or from positions above the load waterline which are at all times readily accessible. The suction lift is not to exceed 7,3 m and is to be well within the capacity of the pump.

10.1.5 The sizes of the hand pumps are to be not less than those given in Table 13.10.1 Sizes of hand pumps. Where the ship is closely sub-divided into small watertight compartments, 50 mm bore suctions will be accepted.

Table 13.10.1 Sizes of hand pumps

Tonnage under upper deck Diameter of barrel of bucket pump


Bore of suction pipe of bucket pumps and semi-rotary pumps


Not exceeding 500 tons 100 50
Above 500 tons but not exceeding 1000 tons

Above 1000 tons but not exceeding 2000 tons

Above 2000 tons 140 70

10.2 Ships with auxiliary power

10.2.1 In ships in which auxiliary power is available on board, power pump suctions are to be provided for dealing with the drainage of tanks and of the bilges of the principal compartments.

10.2.2 The pumping arrangements are to be as required for self-propelled ships, so far as these requirements are applicable, duly modified to suit the size and service of the ship.

10.2.3 Details of the pumping arrangements are to be submitted for special consideration.

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