Section 6 Boiler feed water, condensate and thermal fluid circulation systems
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 14 Machinery Piping Systems - Section 6 Boiler feed water, condensate and thermal fluid circulation systems

Section 6 Boiler feed water, condensate and thermal fluid circulation systems

6.1 Feed water piping

6.1.1 Two separate means of feed are to be provided for all main and auxiliary boilers which are required for essential services. In the case of steam/steam generators, one means of feed will be accepted provided steam for essential services is available simultaneously from another source.

6.2 Feed and circulation pumps

6.2.1 Two or more feed pumps are to provided of sufficient capacity to supply the boilers under full load conditions with any one pump out of action.

6.2.2 Feed pumps may be worked from the main engines or may be independently driven, but at least one of the pumps required in Pt 5, Ch 14, 6.2 Feed and circulation pumps 6.2.1 is to be independently driven.

6.2.3 In twin screw ships in which there is only one independent feed pump, each main engine is to be fitted with a feed pump. Where all the feed pumps are independently driven, the pumps are to be connected to deal with the condensate from both engines or from either engine.

6.2.4 Independent feed pumps required for feeding the main boilers are to be fitted with automatic regulators for controlling their output.

6.2.5 The arrangement of forced water/thermal fluid circulation pumps for exhaust gas economisers/boilers/ thermal heaters is to be such that where required, the flow through the exhaust gas economiser/boiler/thermal heater is to be established prior to engine start up. Where applicable, provision is to be made to allow for operation in the dry condition.

6.2.6 The forced circulation flow required by Pt 5, Ch 14, 6.2 Feed and circulation pumps 6.2.5 is to be maintained on completion of engine shutdown for a sufficient duration in accordance with the exhaust gas economiser/ boiler/thermal heater manufacturer’s instructions. Details of arrangements are to be submitted for approval.

6.2.7 Where arrangements are such that exhaust gas economisers/boilers/thermal heaters require forced water /thermal fluid circulation, standby pumps are to be fitted, see Pt 5, Ch 4, 8.8 Unattended machinery 8.8.3.

6.3 Harbour feed pumps

6.3.1 Where main-engine driven feed pumps are fitted and there is only one independent feed pump, a harbour feed pump or an injector is to be fitted to provide the second means of feed to the boilers which are in use when the main engines are not working. This requirement need not be complied with in the case of trawlers and fishing vessels.

6.3.2 The harbour feed pump required by Pt 5, Ch 14, 6.3 Harbour feed pumps 6.3.1 may be used for general service, provided that it is not connected to tanks containing oil, or to tanks, cofferdams and bilges which may contain oily water.

6.3.3 The valves on the suction pipes from the hotwell or condenser and the feed drain tank or filter are to be of the non-return type.

6.4 Condensate pumps

6.4.1 Two or more extraction pumps are to be provided for dealing with the condensate from the main and auxiliary condensers, at least one of which is to be independently driven. Where one of the independent feed pumps is fitted with direct suctions from the condensers and a discharge to the feed tank, it may be accepted for this purpose.

6.5 Valves and cocks

6.5.1 Feed and condensate pumps are to be provided with valves or cocks, interposed between the pumps and the suction and the discharge pipes, so that any pump may be opened up for overhaul while the others continue in operation.

6.6 Reserve feed water

6.6.1 All ships fitted with boilers are to be provided with storage space for reserve feed water, the structural and piping arrangements being such that this water cannot be contaminated by oil or oily water, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 4.7 Separation and protection of tanks for structural arrangements.

6.6.2 For main boilers, one or more evaporators, of adequate capacity, are also to be provided.

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