Section 6 Quality Assurance Scheme for Machinery
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 1 General Requirements for the Design and Construction of Machinery - Section 6 Quality Assurance Scheme for Machinery

Section 6 Quality Assurance Scheme for Machinery

6.1 General

6.1.1 The Quality Assurance Scheme for Machinery (QAM) is an alternative to direct survey and certification of machinery components and equipment required by the Rules. Under the QAM LR will consider the extent to which manufacturing processes and control procedures ensure conformity of that machinery to Rules, technical specifications and any other applicable standards or codes.

6.1.2 The QAM is part of the broader Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES), which is the overarching portfolio for all audit-based survey and certification services to manufacturers. The QAM is applicable to items manufactured under closely controlled conditions. The products for which the QAM is applicable and details of how these schemes are operated are provided in LR’s ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES).

6.1.3 The QAM does not reduce the test requirements to be carried out in accordance with LR’s Rules.

6.2 Definitions

6.2.1 The following definitions apply in the context of this Section:

6.2.2 QAM audit

An audit, conducted by LR at the manufacturer’s, or their supplier’s or sub-contractor’s, works, of their products and/or processes, which may include direct survey, in order to provide confidence that products are manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with LR’s Rules. Periodicity of surveillance audits is as agreed in the QAM Certification Schedule, see LR’s ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES).

6.2.3 Assessment

A review, conducted by LR, of evidence gained through a number of sources, such as documentation, submitted by the manufacturer, supplier or sub-contractor, and regular QAM audit reports, in order to verify that products are manufactured, tested and inspected in accordance with the Rules.

6.2.4 Manufacturer

A company who contracts to supply components or equipment products to a customer or user and applies for approval under the QAM.

6.2.5 Supplier

A company who contracts to supply materials, components or equipment products to the manufacturer applying for approval under the QAM.

6.2.6 Sub-contractor

A company who contracts to deliver a service to a supplier or manufacturer under the agreed QAM arrangements.

6.3 QAM arrangements

6.3.1 A manufacturer may apply to be approved under the QAM where the following requirements are met:

  1. The manufacturer has a quality management system which has been certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements, or an industry-specific equivalent standard, by a certification body accredited by a member of the International Accreditation Forum and recognised by LR.

  2. The manufacturer has processes in place suitable for the products to be certified under the QAM.

  3. The manufacturer has a satisfactory and documented history of quality performance in the supply of products for which certification under the QAM is requested.

6.3.2 The scope and arrangements for survey, identification and certification of products covered by the QAM are to be agreed with LR and will be detailed in a Scheme Certification Schedule. Survey will be based on a technical audit approach, focussing on product realisation. Direct survey may also be used where it is considered appropriate to do so.

6.3.3 The QAM procedures given in LR’s ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES) are to be complied with.

6.3.4 Where LR is satisfied that the manufacturer meets all of the requirements of the QAM, and that it is appropriate for the products being manufactured, LR will issue the manufacturer with a QAM Approval Certificate which will list products covered.

6.3.5 LR reserves the right to carry out unscheduled audits, with appropriate notice, at the manufacturer’s works or their suppliers’ and sub-contractors’ works.

6.3.6 Once every three years, a full re-certification assessment of QAM compliance, including an audit of the manufacturer’s works, will be conducted by LR.

6.3.7 The manufacturer is to advise LR of changes to the product, processes, suppliers or sub-contractors which would affect compliance with the QAM or LR’s Rules. Any deviations from the approved plans or specifications are to be reported to LR and written approval obtained prior to dispatch of the items.

6.3.8 Where it is considered that the manufacturer no longer meets the approval requirements for the QAM, the QAM Approval Certificate will be suspended. In these circumstances, the manufacturer will be notified in writing of LR’s reasons for suspension of the scheme and the manufacturer will revert to direct survey.

6.3.9  QAM product certificates Where the manufacturer is approved according to the QAM, they will be entitled to issue ‘QAM product certificates’. These certificates are to clearly detail the product being certified and are to be validated by an authorised representative of the manufacturer. They are to bear the QAM mark, QAM approval number and statements by the manufacturer certifying that the product has been made by an approved process in accordance with the LR Rules and that the certificate is issued in accordance with the requirements of the QAM. Details regarding these statements are further described in LR's ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES).

6.3.10 The certificate format is to be approved by LR. Variations in the wording of the statements are permitted with written approval from LR.

6.3.11 The process of issue of the certificates, including if they are electronic or hardcopy, will be agreed by LR based on the systems in place at the manufacturer.

6.3.12 Copies of all certificates are to be supplied to LR by an agreed means and frequency.

6.3.13 Where a certificate is issued according to the QAM requirements it is considered equivalent to an LR Certificate issued under direct survey.

6.4 Acceptance of purchased materials, components and equipment

6.4.1 The manufacturer is to establish and maintain procedures and controls to ensure compliance with LR’s requirements for certification of products from its suppliers. The manufacturer is to ensure that purchased products that are required to be certified in accordance with Ch 3 Rolled Steel Plates, Strip, Sections and Bars to Ch 10 Equipment for Mooring and Anchoring of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022 are made at works which have been approved by LR for the type and grade of product being supplied. The manufacturer’s system for control of purchased products is to be based on one or a combination of the following alternatives:

  1. Product certification by LR at the supplier’s works in accordance with the requirements of the Rules.

  2. Product certification by a supplier separately approved by LR under the QAM or other LR Quality Scheme covering those products.

  3. Product certification by the supplier in accordance with quality processes for control of suppliers of purchased products included within the scope of the manufacturer’s QAM approval. These quality schemes are to ensure compliance with Rule requirements for the purchased products.

6.4.2  Manufacturers’ certificates issued under the QAM
Where the manufacturer’s system for control of purchased products from suppliers is based on paragraph Pt 5, Ch 1, 6.4 Acceptance of purchased materials, components and equipment 6.4.1.(c) and Surveyors have confirmed that LR Rules are being satisfied, in lieu of LR Certificates for purchased products, the manufacturer will be permitted to accept ‘Manufacturers’ certificates issued under the QAM’. They are to bear the QAM mark, QAM approval number and statements by the manufacturer certifying that the product has been made by an approved process in accordance with LR's Rules and that the certificate is issued in accordance with the requirements of the QAM. Details regarding these statements are further described in LR's ShipRight Procedure Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES).

Variations in the wording of the statements are permitted with written approval from LR.

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