Section 12 Fire safety requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 25 Ballast Water Treatment System and Installation - Section 12 Fire safety requirements

Section 12 Fire safety requirements

12.1 Application

12.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to provide details of fire safety measures, in addition to those required by SOLAS Chapter II-2, related to the installation of BWTS on board any ship.

12.1.2 The requirements apply to BWTS technologies as listed in Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies. BWTS with alternative technologies are to be specially considered.

12.1.3 BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals. In general, BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals refer to:

BWTS that do not store, introduce or generate toxic or flammable chemicals may be specially considered as detailed in Table 25.12.1 Requirements that may be reduced for BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals depending on the chemicals.

Table 25.12.1 Requirements that may be reduced for BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals depending on the chemicals

Requirement Conditions to be met before reducing the requirement
Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.2 Fire categorisation 12.2.3.(d) The stored chemicals are neither toxic nor flammable
Pt 5, Ch 25, 10.2 Ballast water treatment room location and boundaries 10.2.1.(a) The BWTS does not use any flammable or toxic chemical substances
Pt 5, Ch 25, 10.2 Ballast water treatment room location and boundaries 10.2.3.(a) No dangerous gas as defined in Pt 5, Ch 25, 1.2 Definitions will be generated by the BWTS
Pt 5, Ch 25, 10.3 Ventilation 10.3.1.(a) No toxic chemical is stored and no toxic gas will be generated by the BWTS
Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.5 Personal equipment 12.5.1

Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.5 Personal equipment 12.5.3

Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.5 Personal equipment 12.5.6

No toxic chemical is used or will be generated by the BWTS
Note: Chemicals include additives for BWTS.

12.2 Fire categorisation

12.2.1 General

BWTR shall be classified as follows for the purpose of applying the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-2:

  • BWMR containing oil-fired inert gas generators (i.e. BWTS category 3b and 3c as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies) shall for the purposes of structural fire protection be categorised as space type (12)- (machinery spaces and main galleys) according to SOLAS II-2/2.2.3 for passenger ships carrying greater than 36 passengers, or machinery spaces of category A (6) according to SOLAS II-2/, II-2/ and II-2/9.2.4 for other ship types.
  • BWMR containing other systems shall, for the purposes of structural fire protection, be categorised as space type (11) - Other machinery spaces according to SOLAS II-2/2.2.3 for passenger ships carrying greater than 36 passengers or as space type (11) – auxiliary machinery spaces according to SOLAS II-2/ or space type (7) according to SOLAS II-2/, II-2/9.2.3 and II-2/9.2.4 for other ship types.

12.2.2 BWTS located in the cargo area of tankers

Notwithstanding the above, where a BWTS is located in the cargo area of a tanker, the BWTR is to be categorised as (8), a cargo pump-room, according to SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation for determining the extent of fire protection to be provided.

Note The cargo area of a tanker is defined in Pt 5, Ch 25, 1.2 Definitions.
12.2.3 Storage of chemicals
  1. Spaces where the storage of liquid or solid chemicals for BWTS is intended are to be categorised as store-rooms for the purpose of applying the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-2, i.e.:
    • On passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers:

    ‘Other spaces in which flammable liquids are stowed’ as defined in SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation, if flammable products are stored;

    ‘Store-rooms, workshops, pantries, etc.’ as defined in SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation otherwise.
    • On other ships:
      • ‘Cargo pump-rooms’ as defined in SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation if located in the cargo area of a tanker;
      • ‘Service spaces (low risk)’ as defined in SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation, SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation or Chapter II-2, Regulation if the surface area is less than 4 m2 and if no flammable products are stored;
      • ‘Service spaces (high risk)’ as defined in SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation, SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation or Chapter II-2, Regulation otherwise.
    Note It is understood that only chemical injection (category 6 as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies), in-line flocculation (category 2 as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies) and technologies using neutraliser injection (category 4, 5, 6 and 7 as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies) will require chemical or additive storage.
  2. Where the storage of chemicals is foreseen in the same room as the ballast water treatment machinery, this room is to be considered both as a store-room and as a machinery space in line with Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.2 Fire categorisation 12.2.1 Where spaces have dual categorisation the higher category of fire protection shall be applied.
  3. When the chemical substances are stored inside integral tanks, the ship's shell plating is not to form any boundary of the tank.
  4. Tanks containing chemicals are to be segregated from accommodation, service spaces, control stations, machinery spaces not related to the BWTS and from drinking water and stores for human consumption by means of a cofferdam, void space, cargo pump-room, empty tank, oil fuel storage tank, BWTR or other similar space. On-deck stowage of permanently attached deck tanks or installation of independent tanks in otherwise empty hold spaces should be considered as satisfying this provision.

12.3 Fire fighting

12.3.1 Fixed fire-extinguishing system

  1. Where fitted, fixed fire-extinguishing systems are to comply with the relevant provisions of SOLAS II-2, Regulation 10 and the Fire Safety Systems Code.
  2. Ozone-based BWTS

    BWTR containing equipment related to ozone-based BWTS is to be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system suitable for category A machinery spaces and capable of manual release.

  3. Where a fixed fire-extinguishing system is provided in the BWTR, it is to be compatible with the BWTS and the chemical products that are used, produced or stored in the BWTR. Specific attention is to be paid to potential chemical reactions between the fire-extinguishing medium and chemical products used for water treatment.

    Especially, water-based fire-extinguishing systems should be avoided in case of sulphuric acid storage.

  4. Foam fixed fire-extinguishing system

    For all kinds of BWTS, in case a foam fire-extinguishing system is installed in the BWTR, its efficiency is not to be impaired by chemicals used by the BWTS where relevant.

  5. Where a fixed fire-extinguishing system is installed in the BWTR, automatic shutdown of the BWTS upon release of the fixed fire-extinguishing system is to be arranged. Any need for cooldown necessary for safe shutdown is to be considered in the shutdown sequence.
  6. Where BWTS that includes air or O2 storage is located in a room covered by a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system, the discharge pipes from safety valves for air or O2 storage are to be led directly outside the protected space.

12.3.2 Portable fire-fighting equipment

  1. There is to be at least one portable fire-extinguisher that complies with the provisions of the Fire Safety Systems Code and is suitable for use with the type of the BWTS installed, e.g. suitable for electrical fires in the BWTR containing UV-type BWTS.

12.4 Fire prevention

12.4.1 Fire detection
  1. A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system complying with the provisions of the Fire Safety Systems Code is to be installed in spaces containing an inert gas generator or an ozone generator. The type of fixed fire detection system is to be selected considering the nature of the risk and ambient conditions and any outcome from the risk assessment process.
  2. A section of fire detectors which covers a control station, a service space or an accommodation space is not to include a BWMR containing equipment related to ozone-based BWTS.

12.5 Personal equipment

12.5.1 Suitable protection equipment is to be available on board for the protection of the crew members who are engaged in the servicing, maintenance and repair of BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals, as recommended by the product manufacturers. The protection equipment is to consist of large aprons, special gloves with long sleeves, suitable footwear, coveralls of chemical-resistant materials, and tight-fitting goggles or face shields or both. The protective clothing and equipment is to cover all skin so that no part of the body is unprotected. This protection equipment is to be provided separately without taking into account equipment required by other mandatory statutory requirements.

12.5.2 Work clothes and protective equipment are to be kept in easily accessible places and in special lockers. Such equipment is not to be kept within accommodation spaces, with the exception of new, unused equipment and equipment which has not been used since undergoing a thorough cleaning process. Notwithstanding the above, storage rooms for such equipment within accommodation spaces are to be adequately segregated from living spaces such as cabins, passageways, dining rooms, bathrooms, etc.

12.5.3 When a BWTS storing, introducing or generating chemicals is installed on board, suitably marked decontamination showers and an eyewash is to be available in a convenient location close proximately to the BWTS and the chemical storeroom(s).

12.5.4 An emergency escape breathing apparatus (EEBD) is to be provided in the BWTR. Where the BWTS is located in a common space, such as a main engine room, this EEBD may be one of the EEBDs provided in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 13.

An EEBD is not required for BWTS of category 1 as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies.

12.5.5 A personal ozone detector, calibrated as per the manufacturer’s specifications, is to be provided for each person engaged in the servicing, maintenance and repair of BWTS utilising ozone.

12.5.6 A two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus dedicated for the BWTS service, maintenance and repair is to be provided, in addition to those required by SOLAS for fire-fighting purposes. This two-way radiotelephone apparatus is to be properly identified in order to avoid mix-up with the apparatus intended for fire-fighting operations. Where the BWTS may release explosive gases, this two-way radiotelephone apparatus is to be of a certified safe type suitable for use in Zone 1 hazardous areas, as defined in IEC 60079. Where the BWTS stores, utilises or introduces chemicals, the apparatus is to undergo deep cleaning or decontamination after use.

A two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus need not be required for BWTS of category 1 as per Table 25.1.1 Categorisation of BWTS technologies.

12.5.7 The fire control plan is to include the items specified in Pt 5, Ch 25, 12.5 Personal equipment 12.5.5.

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