Section 3 Plans and particulars
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 7 Other Ship Types and Systems - Chapter 2 Ships with Installed Process Plant for Chemicals, Liquified Gases and Related Products - Section 3 Plans and particulars

Section 3 Plans and particulars

3.1 General

3.1.1 Before the work is commenced, plans in triplicate, together with the relevant information as detailed in this Section, are to be submitted for consideration. Any subsequent modifications are subject to approval before being put into operation.

3.1.2 Any alterations to basic design, construction, materials, manufacturing procedure, equipment, fittings or arrangements of the process are to be re-submitted for approval.

3.1.3 For Category 1 ships, the plant is to be capable of sustaining an emergency condition at full operating temperatures and pressures with the hull statically listed to an angle of 22° and statically trimmed to an angle of 10° beyond the maximum normal operating trim. These angles may be modified by the Committee in particular cases as it considers necessary. The stress calculations for the plant and the supporting structure are to take account of this condition. Wind loads need not be considered to be acting during this emergency condition.

3.1.4 For Category 2 ships, the plant is to be capable of sustaining an emergency condition at full operating temperatures and pressures with the hull statically listed to an angle of 15° and statically trimmed to an angle of 5° beyond the maximum normal operating trim. These angles may be modified by the Committee in particular cases as it considers necessary. The stress calculations for the plant and the supporting structure are to take account of this condition. Wind loads need not be considered to be acting during this emergency condition.

3.2 Hull construction

3.2.1 For all categories of ship, the plans and information detailed in Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.2 Hull construction 3.2.2 are to be submitted, in addition to those required by Pt 3, Ch 1, 5 Information required, Chapter IV of the Rules for Ships for Liquid Chemicals or Ch 4 Cargo Containment of the Rules for Ships for Liquefied Gases, as applicable.

3.2.2 Plans showing the general arrangement of the ship are to be submitted, giving the location of the following:

  • Hatches and other openings to enclosed plant spaces and adjacent cofferdams.
  • Doors, hatches, ventilation and other openings to crew accommodation, stations essential for operation at sea, control stations, store rooms and workshops.
  • Coated tanks or tanks constructed of special material.
  • Additional structure associated with the plant above the deck.
  • Proposed grouping of areas within the plant for segregation purposes.

3.2.3 Plans for mooring, anchoring and linking, as applicable, together with relevant wind and sea data are to be submitted for information.

3.2.4 Plans outlining the containment arrangements in the event of an accident, together with all relevant information, are to be submitted.

3.2.5 Particulars of the marine environment and safety arrangements associated with the process plant are to be submitted, including:

  • Arrangements for preventing the ingress of water into the ship or structure where process plant and equipment protrude through the weather deck.
  • Proposed emergency flooding procedures and their control.

3.2.6 Particulars of the proposed storage arrangements of hazardous and/or toxic substances, feedstocks and products in bulk, on the ship or structure, are to be submitted.

3.3 Process plant

3.3.1 A description of the expected method of operation of the process plant and a diagram showing the process flow are to be submitted.

3.3.2 General arrangement plans of the process plant showing the hazardous and safe zones and spaces are to be submitted, indicating the following:

  • Spaces where toxic gases or vapours may accumulate.
  • Spaces where flammable gases or vapours may accumulate.
  • Areas maintained at an over-pressure to prevent the ingress of such gases or vapours.

3.3.3 Details of the flammability, toxicity, corrosivity and reactivity of the substances entering, being processed and leaving, or stored in, each compartment, together with details of any exothermic and hazardous reactions particularly with regard to sea-water and other materials normally found in the marine environment, are to be submitted.

3.3.4 Plans of the layout of the process plant indicating the hatches and other openings to enclosed plant spaces and cofferdams are to be submitted.

3.3.5 Details and arrangements of the blow-down systems, including quantities of materials and the capacity and working pressure of the containers installed for the reception of the materials to be blown down, are to be submitted.

3.3.6 Proposals for de-watering blow-down tanks in which hot oils and/or chemicals are discharged are to be submitted.

3.3.7 Proposals for the purging, gas freeing, inerting or otherwise rendering safe of the process plant and storage facilities are to be submitted.

3.3.8 Particulars of the arrangements for protecting the process plant systems and vessels against temperature, over-pressure and vacuum are to be submitted.

3.3.9 Proposals for the disposal of hazardous or toxic gases and liquid effluents during normal plant operation, including any proposed flare systems, are to be submitted.

3.3.10 Particulars of the proposals for isolating the ship or structure from the shore installation and/or lightering ships or vessels, where applicable, and from the supply of fuel to boilers, etc. in the process plant and the return flow of chemicals or process effluent, are to be submitted, including:

  • Feedstock supply and product discharge, with details of the arrangements showing the location of shut-off valves and of the control and indicating stations.
  • The process plant parameters and analysis of transient conditions under which emergency shutdown will be initiated and the time estimated to obtain a safe environment.
  • The proposed emergency procedures for controlled shutdown of the process plant, i.e. depressurising, inerting, etc. and the arrangements for the continued operation of the essential services necessary to allow for such controlled shutdown under the emergency conditions of Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.3 or Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.4, as applicable.

3.3.11 Plans for the ventilation of process plant compartments are to be submitted, together with the following information:

  • Location of hazardous and safe zones and spaces.
  • Location of all possible sources of ignition.
  • Location of air inlets and outlets.
  • Number of complete air changes per hour.
  • Estimated maximum and minimum ambient temperatures for the regions in which the plant is to operate.
  • Expected heat loss of the process plant to the compartment environment.

3.3.12 Particulars of any dust or gas explosion hazard in the enclosed compartments of the process plant are to be submitted.

3.3.13 Proposals for the decontamination of the process plant compartments are to be submitted.

3.3.14 Proposals for the detection of vapour or gas and of oxygen deficiency in the process plant compartments are to be submitted.

3.4 Mechanical equipment associated with the process plant

3.4.1 A list of mechanical equipment associated with the process plant, with the exception of any boilers and other pressure vessels, to be installed in the ship or structure is to be submitted.

3.4.2 Details of safety and relief devices and their discharge arrangements are to be submitted.

3.4.3 When required, in order to facilitate inspection, plans showing the materials of construction, working pressures and temperatures, maximum power and revolutions per minute, as applicable, are to be submitted before the work is commenced.

3.4.4 Calculations of the torsional vibration characteristics of the shafting systems, where applicable, are to be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Pt 5, Ch 8 Shaft Vibration and Alignment.

3.5 Boilers and other pressure vessels associated with the process plant

3.5.1 Plans of the boilers and other pressure vessels, including the proposals for the support of the vessels, are to be submitted.

3.5.2 Details of the safety and relief devices and their discharge arrangements are to be submitted.

3.5.3 Stress calculations are to be submitted, taking into account the ship linear and angular accelerations, roll and pitch amplitudes, ship flexure and wind loads appropriate to any condition which may normally arise at sea. Where applicable, calculations for the emergency condition in Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.3 or Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.4 are to be submitted. Due consideration is to be given to the effects of thermal expansion and contraction on the support points of the vessels.

3.5.4 Outline plans of all types of fired equipment, ventilation arrangements with projected casing temperatures, uptake arrangements, gas and/or fuel oil burning arrangements and controls are to be submitted.

3.6 Pumping and piping systems associated with the process plant

3.6.1 Plans of the process plant piping systems, showing the materials of construction, scantlings, support and expansion arrangements, together with the calculations, are to be submitted for consideration.

3.6.2 The following diagrammatic plans for systems associated with the process plant are to be submitted, in addition to those required by Pt 5, Ch 13 Ship Piping Systems and Pt 5, Ch 15 Piping Systems for Oil Tankers or Chapter V of the Rules for Ships for Liquefied Gases, as applicable:

  • The Shipbuilder's plan of the general pumping arrangements, including air and sounding pipes and any cross flooding pipes and fittings.
  • Pumping arrangements at the fore and aft ends, drainage of cofferdams and process spaces.
  • Bilge, ballast and fuel oil pumping arrangements in the process plant machinery space, including the capacities of the pumps on bilge service.
  • Arrangement of fuel oil pipes and fittings at settling and service tanks.
  • Arrangement of gas and/or fuel oil piping in connection with gas and/or oil burning arrangements.
  • Fuel oil overflow systems, where fitted.
  • Arrangement of boiler feed system.
  • Arrangement of compressed air systems for the process plant.
  • Arrangements of lubricating oil and cooling water systems, fuel oil settling, service and other oil tanks not forming part of the ship's structure.

3.6.3 Plans showing the arrangement and dimensions of main steam pipes, with details of flanges, bolts and weld attachments and particulars of the materials of the pipes, flanges, bolts and welding consumables, are to be submitted for consideration.

3.6.4 Details of the safety and relief devices and their discharge arrangements are to be submitted.

3.7 Electrical equipment for the process plant

3.7.1 Details of the electrical system(s) are to be submitted, including the following:

  • A statement quoting the standard or Code of Practice in accordance with which the installation has been designed.
  • A statement quoting the standard of design and/or manufacture of electrical equipment, e.g. BS, NEMA, VDE, etc.
  • A schedule of the normal operational loads on the system, estimated for the different operating conditions expected.
  • Expected range of ambient temperature.

3.7.2 The following line diagram plans and particulars are to be submitted:

  • General arrangement plan of the process plant showing the location of the major items of electrical equipment.
  • Line diagram of the installation(s) indicating the rating of the various items of rotating machinery, converters, transformers and protective devices, together with the types and sizes of cables and the makes and types of protective devices.
  • Arrangement plans and circuit diagrams of the switchboards.
  • Calculations of short-circuit currents at the main switchboards, sub-switchboards and the secondary side of transformers.
  • General arrangement plan of the process plant showing the location of electrical equipment in hazardous zones, together with the Code of Practice on which they are based.
  • A schedule of safe-type electrical equipment located in hazardous zones, giving details of the type of equipment employed, the certifying authority and the certificate number.

3.7.3 Written confirmation and Works' Test Certificates that all items of electrical equipment comply with the relevant standard or Code of Practice are to be supplied.

3.8 Control equipment for the process plant

3.8.1 Details of the control system(s) are to be submitted, together with the following line diagrams and particulars:

  • Line diagrams of any control system(s) fitted.
  • General arrangement plan of the process plant showing the locations of items of control equipment and the locations of hazardous zones.
  • Schedule of the parameters which are monitored and controlled, including alarms and shutdown devices.

3.9 Fire protection, detection and extinction

3.9.1 Plans of fire protection, detection and extinction arrangements, together with details of the fire and explosion hazards involved, are to be submitted.

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