Section 1 General
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 7 Other Ship Types and Systems - Chapter 5 Ships Equipped for Oil Recovery Operations - Section 1 General

Section 1 General

1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships equipped to handle, store and transport oil recovered from a spill in emergency situations.

1.1.2 For ships of less than 500 gross tons, also fishing vessels of 12 m length and over, but less than 45 m length, and ships not fitted with propelling machinery, the arrangements for fire protection and extinction are to comply with Pt 7, Ch 5, 6 Fire protection and extinction. Consideration will be given to the acceptance of the fire safety measures for oil recovery ships prescribed and approved by the Government of the Flag State.

1.1.3 For ships of 500 gross tons and over, also fishing vessels of 45 m length and over, it is the responsibility of the Government of the Flag State to give effect to the fire safety measures, see Pt 6, Ch 4, 1.1 Application. Where the Government of the Flag State has no National Requirements for oil recovery ships, LR will apply the fire safety measures required by Pt 7, Ch 5, 6 Fire protection and extinction for classification purposes.

1.1.4 Requirements additional to these Rules may be imposed by the National Authority with whom the ship is registered and/or by the Administration within whose territorial jurisdiction the ship is intended to operate.

1.2 Classification and class notations

1.2.1 A ship complying with the applicable requirements of this Chapter will be eligible for the notation Oil Recovery or Oil Recovery (F.P. >60°C) as appropriate.

1.2.2 A ship dedicated solely to oil recovery duties and complying with the requirements of this Chapter applicable to the Oil Recovery notation will be assigned the class notation Oil Recovery Ship. The scantlings will be specially considered on the basis of the requirements of Pt 4, Ch 9 Double Hull Oil Tankers.

1.3 Surveys

1.3.1 The arrangements and equipment referred to in this Chapter are to be examined and tested on completion of the installation and, subsequently, annually.

1.4 Plans and supporting documentation

1.4.1 In addition to the supporting documentation required for classification as specified in other Parts of the Rules, details relevant to oil recovery operations are to be submitted.

1.4.2 Plans covering the following items are to be submitted for approval:

  • Structural support in way of equipment.
  • Structural arrangement of recovered oil tanks including access.
  • Piping system arrangements for recovered oil including venting.
  • Power supply, electrical protection and cabling for oil recovery equipment.
  • Hazardous areas and spaces (not applicable for the notation Oil Recovery (F.P. >60°C)).
  • Electrical equipment located in hazardous areas and spaces (not applicable for the notation Oil Recovery (F.P. >60°C)).
  • Structural fire protection and extinguishing equipment.

1.4.3 The following supporting documents are to be submitted:

  • General arrangement of recovery equipment, including portable items, handling facilities, access, ventilation details, arrangement of other openings to hazardous spaces and adjacent compartments, machinery exhaust outlet positions.
  • Gas detection equipment specification.
  • Operating Manual.

1.4.4 The following supporting calculations are to be submitted:

  • Deck equipment support structure loadings.
  • Schedule of loads on the electrical system for oil recovery operations.

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