Section 6 Starting arrangements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 10 Prime Movers - Chapter 2 Gas Turbines - Section 6 Starting arrangements

Section 6 Starting arrangements

6.1 Initial starting arrangements

6.1.1 Equipment for starting main and auxiliary turbines is to be provided and arranged such that the necessary initial charge of starting air or initial electric power can be developed on board the craft without external aid. If for this purpose an emergency air compressor or electric generator is required, these units are to be power driven by manually started oil engines except in the case of small installations where a hand operated compressor of approved capacity may be accepted. Alternatively, other devices of approved type may be accepted as a means of providing the initial start, see also Pt 16, Ch 2, 2.4 Prime mover governors 2.4.2.

6.2 Purging before ignition

6.2.1 Means are to be provided, preferably automatic or interlocked, to clear all parts of the gas turbine of the accumulation of fuel oil or for purging gaseous fuel before ignition commences on starting, or recommences after failure to start. The purge is to be of sufficient duration to displace at least three times the volume of the exhaust system.

6.3 Air starting

6.3.1 Where the gas turbine is arranged for air starting the total air receiver capacity is to be sufficient to provide, without replenishment, not less than six consecutive starts. At least two air receivers of approximately equal capacity are to be provided. For scantlings and fittings of air receivers, see Pt 15 Piping Systems and Pressure Plant.

6.3.2 For multi-engine installations three consecutive starts per engine are required.

6.4 Electric starting

6.4.1 Where main turbines are fitted with electric starters, two batteries are to be fitted. Each battery is to be capable of starting the turbines when cold and the combined capacity is to be sufficient without recharging to provide the number of starts of the main turbines as required by Pt 10, Ch 2, 6.3 Air starting.

6.4.2 Electric starting arrangements for auxiliary turbines are to have two separate batteries or be supplied by separate circuits from the main turbine batteries when such are provided. Where one of the auxiliary turbines only is fitted with an electric starter one battery will be acceptable.

6.4.3 The combined capacity of the batteries for starting the auxiliary turbines is to be sufficient for at least three starts for each turbine.

6.4.4 The requirements for battery installations are given in Pt 16, Ch 2 Electrical Engineering.

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