Section 5 Impact loads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 5 Design and Load Criteria - Chapter 2 Local Design Loads - Section 5 Impact loads

Section 5 Impact loads

5.1 Impact pressure for displacement mode

5.1.1 The impact pressure, P dh, for mono-hull and multi-hull craft is to be taken as specified in Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.1 Impact pressure for displacement mode 5.1.2 and Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.1 Impact pressure for displacement mode 5.1.3 as applicable.

5.1.2 The bottom shell impact pressure due to bottom slamming, is given by the following expression:

  • P dhP m
Φdh = 0,09 at L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,18 at 0,9L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,18 at 0,8L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,0 between aft end of L WL and 0,5L WL from aft end of L WL
L WL = waterline length, in metres, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.19
V = allowable speed, in knots, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.2.

Intermediate values to be determined by linear interpolation. T x is taken to be the draught T, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 6 Definitions, but need not be taken greater than 0,08L WL.

P dh at 0,9L WL and 0,8L WL from aft end of L WL need not be taken greater than P f at L WL from aft end of L WL as defined in Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.4 Forebody impact pressure for displacement mode 5.4.1.

5.1.3 The side shell impact pressure shall be taken as P dh at the operating waterline, reducing to 0,4P dh at the weather deck. Intermediate values between the weather deck at side and operating waterline, are to be determined by linear interpolation.

5.2 Impact pressure for non-displacement mode

5.2.1 The impact pressure, P dI, for mono-hull and multi-hull craft is to be taken as specified in Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.2 Impact pressure for non-displacement mode 5.2.2 and Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.2 Impact pressure for non-displacement mode 5.2.3 as applicable.

5.2.2 The bottom impact pressure due to slamming, P dlb is given by the following expression:

G o = support girth or girth distance, in metres, as defined in Table 2.5.1 Definition of G o for the determination of bottom impact pressure, P dl for different regions of the hull
L WL = waterline length, in metres, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.19
a v = vertical acceleration as defined in Pt 5, Ch 2, 3.1 Relative vertical motion
Δ = displacement, in tonnes, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.2 Symbols 2.2.2
f d = hull form pressure factor
= 54 for mono-hull craft
= for catamarans and multi-hull craft, where
= N H is the number of hulls, but it is not to be taken as greater than four
= For craft in continuous contact with water:
Φ = 0,5 at L WL from aft end of L WL
= 1,0 at 0,75L WL from aft end of L WL
= 1,0 at 0,5L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,5 at aft end of L WL

Intermediate values to be determined by linear interpolation.

Otherwise, Φ = 1,0

5.2.3 The side shell impact pressure due to slamming is to be taken as:

but is not to be taken as greater than P dlb

θB = mean deadrise angle of bottom plating, in degrees at local section,
θS = mean deadrise angle of side plating, in degrees at local section,

(40 – θB) is not to be taken as less than 10°

S – 40) is not to be taken as less than 10°

P dIs is to be taken as constant from the chine or operating waterline to a point half G o from the chine, or the weather deck if this is reached first. Multiple chines will be subject to special consideration based on the above principle. See Figure 2.5.1 Angles used in determination of side shell pressure for planing craft, P dIs .

Table 2.5.1 Definition of G o for the determination of bottom impact pressure, P dl for different regions of the hull

Bottom shell region G o
Craft with chines Craft without chines
Between tangential points or chines G S G S
Between tangential points and design waterline - G WL

Note 1. G S = support girth, in metres, as defined in Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.15 at LCG.

Note 2. G WL = girth distance, in metres, measured between the waterlines on either side of a hull at the LCG.

Figure 2.5.1 Angles used in determination of side shell pressure for planing craft, P dIs

5.3 Impact pressure for craft with foils and lifting devices

5.3.1 The impact pressure, P fb, for craft supported by hydrodynamic lift provided by foils or other lifting devices is to be taken as specified in Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.3 Impact pressure for craft with foils and lifting devices 5.3.2 and Pt 5, Ch 2, 5.3 Impact pressure for craft with foils and lifting devices 5.3.3 as applicable.

5.3.2 The bottom impact pressure, is given by the greater of P fba or P fbb, where:

K po = longitudinal distribution factor
= 1,0 between the aft end of the L WL and 0,75L WL
= 2,0 at L WL from the aft end of L WL, intermediate values to be determined by linear interpolation
H 0 = operational height of craft, in metres, measured from the waterline to the top of the keel at LCG
H 03 = surviving waveheight as defined in Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.15 but is not taken as less than 1,0
L WL = waterline length, in metres, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.19
V = allowable speed in knots, see Pt 5, Ch 2, 2.1 Parameters to be used for the determination of load and design criteria 2.1.2

P fbb is not taken as less than zero.

V R is the relative vertical speed of the craft at impact, in knots. If this value is unknown, then the following equation is to be used:

5.3.3 The side shell impact pressure shall be taken as P fb at the chine or at the operating waterline for round bilge hullforms as appropriate reducing to 0,3P fb at the weather deck. Intermediate values between the weather deck at side and the chine or operating waterline, as appropriate, to be determined by linear interpolation.

5.4 Forebody impact pressure for displacement mode

5.4.1 Forebody and bow slamming pressure, P f, at the load waterline due to relative motion is to be taken as:

P f = f f L WL (0,8 + 0,15Γ)2 kN/m2 at FP
= P dh at 0,9L WL from aft end of L WL
= P m at 0,75L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,0 between aft end of L WL and 0,75L WL from aft end of L WL

Intermediate values to be determined by linear interpolation.

Table 2.5.2 Forebody impact pressure factor

Craft type f f
Mono-hull craft in non-displacement mode 0,94
Mono-hull craft in displacement mode 0,89
Catamarans and multi-hull craft with partially submerged hulls 1,0
Swaths and multi-hull craft with fully submerged hulls 0,91
Craft supported by hydrodynamic lift provided by foils or other lifting devices 0,81

Note Where multiple craft types apply, the higher value of f f is to be used.

5.4.2 The side shell impact pressure shall be taken as P f at the chine or at the operating waterline for round bilge hullforms as appropriate reducing to 0,4P f at the weather deck. Intermediate values between the weather deck at side and the chine or operating waterline, as appropriate, are to be determined by linear interpolation.

5.5 Forebody impact pressure for non-displacement mode

5.5.1 Forebody and bow slamming pressure, P f, at the load waterline due to relative motion is to be taken as:
P f = the greater of P dIs or f f L WL (0,8 + 0,15Γ)2 kN/m2 at FP
= P dIs at 0,75L WL from aft end of L WL
= P m at < 0,5L WL from aft end of L WL
= 0,0 between aft end of L WL and 0,5L WL from aft end of L WL

Intermediate values to be determined by linear interpolation.

5.5.2 The side shell impact pressure shall be taken as P f at the chine or at the operating waterline for round bilge hullforms as appropriate reducing to 0,3P f at the weather deck. Intermediate values between the weather deck at side and the chine or operating waterline, as appropriate, are to be determined by linear interpretation.

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