Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 4 Scantling Determination for Multi-Hull Craft - Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements

Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in this Section, the requirements of Pt 6, Ch 3, 2 Minimum thickness requirements are to be complied with.

2.1.2 The thickness of plating and stiffeners determined from the Rule requirements is in no case to be less than the appropriate minimum requirement given in Table 4.2.1 Minimum thickness requirements for craft type.

2.1.3 In addition, where plating contributes to the global strength of the craft, the thickness is to be not less than that required to satisfy global strength requirements.

Table 4.2.1 Minimum thickness requirements

Item Minimum thickness (mm)
Catamaran Multi-hull Swath
Shell envelope      

Bottom shell plating

Side shell plating

Wet-deck plating

Single bottom structure      

Centre girder web

Floor webs

Side girder webs

Double bottom structure      

Centre girder:


(1) Within 0,4L R amidships

(2) Outside 0,4L R amidships

Floors and side girders

Inner bottom plating


Watertight bulkhead plating

Deep tank bulkhead plating

Deck plating and stiffeners      

Strength/Main deck plating

Lower deck/Inside deckhouse

Superstructures and deckhouses      

Superstructure side plating

Deckhouse front 1st tier

Deckhouse front upper tiers

Deckhouse aft


Wall thickness of tubular pillars

Wall thickness of rectangular pillars


ω = service type factor as determined from Table 3.2.2 Service type correction factor (ω) in Chapter 3

k ms = 635/(σs + σu)

σu = specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material, in N/mm2

b p = minimum breadth of cross-section of hollow rectangular pillar, in mm

d p = outside diameter of tubular pillar, in mm cross-section

L R and σs are as defined in Pt 6, Ch 4, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1.

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