Section 1 General requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 8 Hull Construction in Composite - Chapter 2 Construction Procedures - Section 1 General requirements

Section 1 General requirements

1.1 General

1.1.1 The Rules are applicable to craft generally constructed of fibre reinforced plastic in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 2, 2.1 General 2.1.1.

1.1.2 All construction is to be carried out using materials and techniques approved or accepted by Clasifications Register (hereinafter referred to as 'LR'). Where non-approved or non-accepted materials or production techniques are proposed, it is the responsibility of the Builder and manufacturer to obtain the necessary approval or acceptance and demonstrate their equivalence on the basis of the Rules.

1.1.3 It is the Builder's responsibility to ensure that all materials are used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 Definitions for use throughout this Chapter are as indicated in the appropriate Sections.

1.3 Symbols

1.3.1 Symbols for use throughout this Chapter are as indicated in the appropriate Sections.

1.4 Builder's facilities

1.4.1  Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.4 Builder's facilities and Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.5 Works inspection are applicable to the facilities and works for the craft under survey.

1.4.2 The buildings used for production and storage are to be of suitable construction and equipped to provide the required environment, and are to comply with any local or National Authority requirements.

1.4.3 Workshops and equipment are to be in accordance with good manufacturing practice and are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

1.4.4 The Surveyor is to be allowed unrestricted access during working hours to such parts of the Builder's establishment as may be necessary to ensure that the requirements of the Rules are being complied with.

1.5 Works inspection

1.5.1 Prior to the commencement of production the facilities are to be inspected to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. This is to include evidence that the mandatory minimum quality control requirements as outlined in Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.6 Quality control and Ch 14, 5 Control of material quality for composite constructionof the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Materials), are fulfilled.

1.5.2 The Surveyor is to be satisfied that the Builder has the organisation and capability to mould craft to the standards required by the Rules.

1.5.3 The Builder is to rectify any deficiencies to the Surveyor's satisfaction prior to the commencement of production.

1.5.4 The validity of the acceptance of the Builder's works for moulding craft under LR survey is subject to an annual QC audit and monitoring by the attending Surveyor. Where there is a break in the continuity of moulding under LR survey, the facilities will in general, be subject to an additional inspection prior to any recommencement of any moulding carried out under LR survey.

1.5.5 For acceptance the survey is to include procedures covering the Builder's management, organisation and quality systems.

1.6 Quality control

1.6.1 The Builder's mandatory quality systems for composite construction, will be subject to inspection and audit, and are to be in accordance with the requirements of one of the following:

  1. Quality Assurance System in accordance with an International or National Standard (i.e. ISO 9000 and BS ENISO 9001) with assessment and certification carried out by a nationally accredited body and must reflect the minimum quality control requirements under (c) being complied with.

  2. LR's locally accepted Quality Control System - The Builder is implementing a documented Quality Control System which controls the activities as indicated below, see also Ch 14, 5 Control of material quality for composite constructionof the Rules for Materials.

    1. Receipt storage and issue of materials, equipment etc.

    2. Moulding shop.

    3. Care and preparation of mould tools, etc.

    4. Lay-up process control.

    5. Inspection of FRP mouldings on release.

    6. Installation of machinery and essential systems.

    7. Fitting-out.

    8. Tests and trials.

    9. Plans and document control.

    10. Records.

1.6.2 LR's involvement is only in that part of the system which controls the standards required to meet the classification requirements.

1.6.3 The mandatory `documented' quality control system, in general, requires the Builder to have written down procedures that describe clearly and unambiguously how each of the above activities is carried out, when it is carried out and by whom. These procedures will form part of the system manual which is also to contain a statement of management policy, organisation chart and statements of responsibilities. The manual is to be controlled covering formal issue and revision.

1.7 Moulding shop

1.7.1 Where the conventional hand lay-up or spray lay-up processes are used, an even shop temperature of not less than 16°C, and, in general, of not more than 25°C, is to be maintained throughout the moulding area during the lay-up and curing periods. Where the temperature exceeds 25°C, special consideration is to be given to the resin system.

1.7.2 Where moulding processes other than those in Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.7 Moulding shop 1.7.1 are to be used, the moulding shop temperature will be subject to individual consideration in conjunction with the written recommendations of the manufacturers of the materials.

1.7.3 The relative humidity in the moulding shop is to be kept below 70 per cent, taking into account the dew point, thus avoiding moisture condensation on moulds and materials.

1.7.4 Sufficient temperature and humidity monitoring equipment is to be provided and detailed records are to be kept in accordance with the quality control system.

1.7.5 It is the responsibility of the Builder to ensure that the ventilation and working conditions, together with discharges into the atmosphere, are such that levels of substances are within the limits specified in any pertinent National or International legislation.

1.7.6 The working areas are to be adequately illuminated. Precautions are to be taken to avoid any effects on the resin cure due to direct sunlight or artificial lighting.

1.8 Storage areas

1.8.1 The resins are to be stored under dry, well-ventilated conditions, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

1.8.2 Where resin tanks or drums are stored outdoors it is the Builder's responsibility to ensure that the resin manufacturer's storage conditions are complied with.

1.8.3 Where the temperature for materials storage drops below that of the moulding shop i.e. minimum 16°C, the materials are to be pre-conditioned to the moulding shop temperature prior to use.

1.8.4 Curing agents are to be stored separately under clean, dry and well-ventilated conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and any local or National legislation.

1.8.5 Fillers and additives are to be stored in closed containers that are impervious to dust and moisture.

1.8.6 Reinforcements are to be stored under dust-free and dry conditions.

1.9 Mould construction

1.9.1 Moulds are to be constructed of a suitable material and are to be adequately stiffened to maintain their overall shape and fairness of form.

1.9.2 The materials used in the construction of moulds are not to affect the resin cure.

1.9.3 The finish on a mould is to be such that the mouldings produced are suitable for the purpose intended. The resultant aesthetic appearance of the moulding is strictly a matter between the moulder and the Owner.

1.9.4 Where multiple section moulds are used, the sections are to be carefully aligned to the attending Surveyor's satisfaction prior to moulding. Mismatch between mould sections is to be eliminated.

1.9.5 Where metallic moulds are used, welding is to be minimised to avoid distortion of panels.

1.9.6 The release agent is to be of a type recommended by the resin manufacturer and is not to affect the cure of the resin.

1.9.7 Prior to use all moulds are to be conditioned to the workshop temperature.

1.10 Materials handling

1.10.1 The arrangements for the receipt, verification against certificates of conformity and subsequent handling of materials are to be covered by the Builder's quality control procedures such that the materials do not suffer contamination or degradation and bear adequate identification at all times, see Ch 14, 3 Testing procedures of the Rules for Materials. Storage is to be arranged such that materials are used by batch wherever possible, in order of receipt. Materials are not to be used after the manufacturer's date of expiry, except with the prior agreement of LR and new certificates of conformity being obtained from the material manufacturer. Details of the new certificates of conformity are to be entered into the quality control system.

1.10.2 Where materials are found to be non-conforming they are to be rejected in accordance with the Builder's quality control procedure.

1.10.3 All non-conforming materials are to be segregated in their storage areas and marked accordingly.

1.10.4 Resin/catalyst pumps and spray equipment are to be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Maintenance and calibration of the mix ratio is to be carried out according to written procedures.

1.11 Faults

1.11.1 All faults are to be classified according to their severity and recorded, together with the remedial action taken, under the requirements of the quality control systems, the documentation being subject to review at the Periodical Survey.

1.11.2 Production faults are to be brought to the attention of the attending Surveyor and a rectification scheme agreed. Deviations from the approved plans are to be to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor.

1.12 Inspection

1.12.1 It is the Builder's responsibility to carry out the required inspections in accordance with the accepted quality control system.

1.12.2 The Surveyor will monitor the Builder's quality control records and carry out inspections of work in progress during his periodical visits.

1.12.3 During inspections all deviations are to be dealt with under the Builder's agreed quality procedures, see Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.6 Quality control 1.6.3.

1.13 Acceptance criteria

1.13.1 Classification is dependent upon the work being carried out in accordance with the approved plans and the requirements of an accepted quality system.

1.13.2 The workmanship is to be to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. This will include the verification of the quality control documentation and the remedial action associated with all defects and deficiencies recorded.

1.13.3 Proposed deviations from the approved plans are subject to LR approval. An amended plan is to be submitted to the plan appraisal office, prior to any such changes being introduced.

1.14 Repair

1.14.1 Minor repairs are to be agreed with the attending Surveyor prior to being carried out. The Builder is to incorporate details of the agreed repair procedures in the quality control system in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.6 Quality control 1.6.3.

1.14.2 Written details of proposed structural repairs are to be submitted to the Plan Approval Office for approval prior to introduction.

1.15 Scaffolding

1.15.1 Scaffolding/platform arrangements are to be provided to permit adequate access for production and inspection purposes. Such arrangements are to conform to National Authority requirements and are not, in general, to be connected to the moulding or impinge on the mould surface.

1.16 Access

1.16.1 The attending Surveyor is to be permitted reasonable access to all areas of the Builder's premises during normal working hours. Scaffolding/platform arrangements are to be made available in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 2, 1.15 Scaffolding.

1.17 Lifting arrangements

1.17.1 Lifting arrangements are to be designed such that mouldings are subjected to minimal distortion and unnecessary stressing. Mouldings are to be adequately supported to avoid distortion during final cure.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.