Section 1 Rule application
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 3 Functional Unit Types and Special Features - Chapter 11 Lifting Appliances and Support Arrangements - Section 1 Rule application

Section 1 Rule application

1.1 General

1.1.1 Lifting appliances are to be built in accordance with the requirements of LR’s Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2022 or LR’s Code for Offshore Personnel Transfer Systems, July 2022, as applicable.

1.1.2 Where the lifting appliance is considered to be an essential feature of a classed unit, the special feature class notation LA or will be mandatory.

1.1.3 It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure that the ship is suitable for the intended lifting appliance operations. Particular attention is drawn to ships or units which have:
  1. been assigned the class notation LA;
  2. been assigned the class notation CG;
  3. been assigned the class notation OC;
  4. been assigned the class notation PLS;
  5. or heavy lift cranes (or lifting appliances) installed (see Ch 4, 1.2 Lifting appliances and crane types 1.2.1.(k) of the Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2022.

See also Table 11.1.1 Special features class notations associated with lifting appliances.

1.1.4 Certain lifting appliances on special purpose units which are considered an essential feature of the unit are to be included in the classification of the unit. Elsewhere, classification of lifting appliances is optional and may be assigned at the request of the Owner on compliance with the appropriate requirements.

1.1.5 Proposals to class lifting appliances on unclassed units will be specially considered.

1.1.6 Lifting appliance pedestals and foundations that are welded to the supporting hull structures are classification items, and the scantlings and arrangements are to comply with the additional requirements of this Chapter, see Figure 11.1.1 Classification items and applicability of LR’s requirements for lifting appliance pedestals and foundations.

Figure 11.1.1 Classification items and applicability of LR’s requirements for lifting appliance pedestals and foundations

1.2 Lifting appliance pedestals and foundations

1.2.1 The scantlings of lifting appliance pedestals and foundations (such as masts, derrick posts and crane pedestals) are to comply with the requirements of LR’s Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2022 or LR’s Code for Offshore Personnel Transfer Systems, July 2022, as applicable, see Figure 11.1.1 Classification items and applicability of LR’s requirements for lifting appliance pedestals and foundations.

1.2.2 In addition to the information and plans requested in LR’s Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2022 or LR’s Code for Offshore Personnel Transfer Systems, July 2022, as applicable, the following details are to be submitted:
  1. Details of the supporting hull structures for lifting appliance pedestals and foundations, together with details of the attachments to the hull structure.
  2. Details of any reinforcement or additional supporting material fitted to the hull structure in way of lifting appliance pedestals and foundations.

1.2.3 Lifting appliance pedestals and foundations are to be efficiently supported and, in general, are to be carried through the deck and satisfactorily integrated into transverse or longitudinal bulkheads, or equivalent structure. Alternatively, lifting appliance pedestals and foundations may be carried into a supporting structure of adequate strength. Proposals for other support arrangements will be specially considered.

1.2.4 Deck plating and underdeck structure are to be reinforced under lifting appliance pedestals and foundations. Where the deck is penetrated the deck plating is to be suitably increased locally.

1.2.5 The permissible stresses in the support structure are to be in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 5, 2 Permissible stresses

1.3 Lifting appliances

1.3.1 Offshore units fitted with lifting appliances built in accordance with the classificatoin requirements of LR’s Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2022 or LR’s Invalid hyperlink [GUID-6B56846B-6DA0-451C-9822-A3F2B665F6A6], as applicable,will be eligible to be assigned special features class notations as listed in Table 11.1.1 Special features class notations associated with lifting appliances. The notation will be retained so long as the appliances are found upon examination at the prescribed surveys to be maintained in accordance with LR’s requirements.

Table 11.1.1 Special features class notations associated with lifting appliances

Cranes on offshore units OC Optional notation.

Indicates that the unit’s main deck cranes are included in class

Lifts PL Optional notation.

Indicates that the unit’s personnel lifts are included in class

Lifting appliances forming an essential feature of the vessel e.g. Cranes on crane barges or pontoons, lifting arrangements for diving on diving support vessels, etc. LA Mandatory notation.

Indicates that the lifting appliance is included in class

Lifting appliances forming an essential feature of the vessel where the appliance(s) has been classed by a recognised classification society other than LR and later transferred into class with LR. Mandatory notation.

Indicates that the lifting appliance is classed and that initial requirements for the appliance were that of another recognised classification society.

1.4 Crane boom rests

1.4.1 With the crane boom in the stowed position, the structure of the crane boom support structure is to be designed for the maximum reaction forces in any operating condition, taking into account the maximum design environmental loadings and inertia forces due to motions of the unit.

1.4.2 The crane boom support structure is also to be verified in the emergency condition defined in Pt 3, Ch 8, 1.4 Plant design characteristics.

1.4.3 The permissible stresses in the crane boom support structure and the deck structure below are to be in accordance with Pt 4, Ch 5, 2 Permissible stresses.

1.5 Runway beams

1.5.1 Runway beams are to be designed and tested in situ in accordance with a recognised Standard and marked with the safe working load, see also Pt 12, Ch 1 Recognised Codes and Standards.

1.6 Lifting lugs or padeyes

1.6.1 Lifting lugs or padeyes attached to the hull structure which are to be used with a rated lifting appliance are to be proof tested after installation and marked with the safe working load (SWL). The proof load is not to be less than 1,5 x SWL.

1.6.2 Lifting lugs or padeyes are to be permanently marked with the SWL, tested after installation and NDE to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. In agreement with LR, testing and NDE after testing of lifting lugs or padeyes with SWL ≤ 1 tonne may be by sampling, provided design calculations can demonstrate a factor of safety greater than 2.

1.7 Access gangways

1.7.1 Pedestals and similar structures supporting installed gangways used for access to adjacent fixed installations are classification items and the scantlings and arrangements are to comply with the general requirements for crane pedestals and support structure in Pt 3, Ch 11, 1.2 Lifting appliance pedestals and foundations.

1.7.2 The gangway is to comply with the relevant statutory Regulations of the National Administration of the country in which the unit is registered and/or in which it is to operate and design calculations for the supporting structure are to be submitted.

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