Section 4 Information required
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 4 Steel Unit Structures - Chapter 1 General - Section 4 Information required

Section 4 Information required

4.1 General

4.1.1 In general, the plans and information required to be submitted are given in Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.2 Plans and supporting information.

4.1.2 Requirements for additional plans and information for functional unit types are given in Pt 3 Functional Unit Types and Special Features.

4.1.3 Plans are generally to be submitted in triplicate, but only one copy of supporting documents and calculations will be required.

4.2 Plans and supporting information

4.2.1 Plans covering the following items are to be submitted for approval, as relevant to the type of unit:
  • Bilge keel details.
  • Bracings and associated primary structure.
  • Corrosion control scheme.
  • Deck structures including pillars and girders.
  • Double bottom construction.
  • Engine room construction.
  • Equipment and supports.
  • Erection sequence.
  • Footings, pads or mats.
  • Fore and aft end construction.
  • Helideck.
  • Ice strengthening.
  • Leg structures and spuds.
  • Loading manuals, preliminary and final.
  • Machinery seatings.
  • Main hull or pontoon structure.
  • Masts and derrick posts.
  • Materials and grades.
  • Midship sections showing longitudinal and transverse material.
  • Penetrations and attachments to primary structure.
  • Profile and decks.
  • Quality control and non-destructive testing procedures.
  • Riser support structures.
  • Rudder, stock, tiller and steering nozzles.
  • Shell expansion.
  • Stability columns.
  • Stern frame and propeller brackets.
  • Structural categories.
  • Structural bulkheads and flats.
  • Structure in way of jacking or elevating arrangements.
  • Superstructures and deckhouses.
  • Support structures for cranes, masts, derricks, flare towers and heavy equipment.
  • Tank boundaries and overflows.
  • Tank testing procedures and schedules.
  • Temporary anchoring equipment.
  • Towing arrangements and equipment.
  • Transverse and longitudinal sections showing scantlings.
  • Watertight sub-division.
  • Watertight and oiltight bulkheads and flats.
  • Watertight and weathertight doors and hatch covers.
  • Welding details and procedures.
4.2.2 The following supporting plans and documents are to be submitted:
  • General arrangements showing decks, profile and sections indicating all major items of equipment and machinery.
  • Calculation of equipment number.
  • Capacity plan.
  • Cross curves of stability.
  • Cross curves of allowable V.C.G.
  • Design deck loading plan.
  • Dry-docking plan.
  • Operations Manual, see Pt 3, Ch 1, 3 Operations manual.
  • Tank sounding tables.
  • Wind heeling moment curves.
  • Lines plan or equivalent.
  • General arrangement showing moorings for tandem and side by side offloading. This is to include the maximum and minimum dimensions and main particulars for the range of shuttle tankers that are permitted to attend. For each mooring line, the breaking load and the maximum and minimum angles (horizontal and vertical) between the line and the offshore unit are to be stated.
  • General arrangement showing barge mooring arrangements where barges are to be moored alongside the unit.

4.3 Calculations and data

4.3.1 The following calculations and information are to be submitted where relevant to the unit type and its design:
  • Proposed class notations, operating areas and modes of operation, list of operating conditions stating proposed draughts.
  • Design environmental criteria applicable to each mode, including wind speed, wave height and period, or sea state/wave energy spectra (as appropriate), water depth, tide and surge, current speed, minimum air temperature, ice and snow loads, sea bed conditions.
  • A summary of weights and centres of gravity of lightship items.
  • A summary of all items of deadweight, deck stores/ supplies, fuel, fresh water, drill water, bulk and sack storage, crew and effects, deck loads (actual, not design allowables), riser, guideline, mooring tensions, hook or derrick loads and ballast schedules. The summary should be given for each operating condition.
  • Details of distributed and concentrated gravity and live design loadings including crane overturning moments.
  • Tank content data, and design pressure heads.
  • Details of tank tests, model tests, etc.
  • Strength and fatigue calculations.
  • Calculation of hull girder still water bending moment and shear force as applicable.
  • Calculation of hull girder section modulus at midships and elsewhere as required by LR. Additional calculations to verify longitudinal strength may be required when:
    1. The maximum hogging and sagging combined still water and vertical wave bending moments do not occur at midship.
    2. The structural arrangement at midship changes to a different arrangement within the 0,4L midship region.
  • Stability calculations for intact and damaged cases covering a range of draughts to include all loading conditions.
  • Documentation of damage cases, watertight subdivision and limits for downflooding.
  • Freeboard calculation.

4.4 Specifications

4.4.1 Adequate design specifications in appropriate detail are to be submitted for information.

4.4.2 Specifications for the design and construction of the hull and structure are to include materials, grades/standards, welding construction procedures and fabrication tolerances.

4.4.3 Specifications related to the unit’s proposed operations are to include environmental criteria, modes of operation and a schedule of all model tests with reports on minimum air gap, motion predictions, mooring analysis, etc. Specifications and reporting for wave basin, wind tunnel and ice tank model testing are to be in accordance with 4.6.

4.5 Plans to be supplied to the unit

4.5.1 The following plans and documents are to be placed on board the unit, see Pt 3, Ch 1, 2 Information required:
  • Operations Manual.
  • Loading Manual.
  • Construction Booklet.
  • Main scantlings plans.
  • Corrosion control system.
  • Electrical cables schedule of watertight penetrations (e.g. cable transit seal systems register).

4.5.2 Where an OIWS (In-water Survey) notation is to be assigned, approved plans and information covering the items detailed in Pt 3, Ch 1, 2 Information required are also to be placed on board.

4.5.3 Where a ShipRight CM (Construction Monitoring) notation or descriptive note is to be assigned, the approved Construction Monitoring Plan (CMP), as detailed in the ShipRight Construction Monitoring Procedures, is to be maintained on board the unit.

4.6 Model test specifications and reporting

4.6.1 Model testing is to be carried out by a competent test facility which, at the discretion of LR, may require witnessing by the Surveyor. Attendance by LR would typically be limited to witnessing novel designs, novel testing techniques and at test facilities that LR is unfamiliar with. The suitability of the proposed test facility is to be discussed with LR at the earliest opportunity.

For test facilities that LR is unfamiliar with, a review of the internal quality assurance procedures of the proposed test facility may be required. The model test specification is to be submitted for review and is to be agreed with by LR before the commencement of the model tests.

4.6.2 The model is to be of an adequate scale for its intended purpose and fully representative of the features of the unit under consideration. Account is to be taken of the different draughts, trim, deck structures, topside structures and large equipment appendages as applicable (e.g. anchor racks or thrusters fairleads, turret and turntable configuration, risers) and appropriate to the type and purpose of the test.

4.6.3 Specifications for model tests are to include the following information with respect to the model, and as appropriate to the unit type and its design:
  1. Particulars and hydrostatic parameters including displacement, draught, trim, centres of buoyancy and gravity.
  2. Loading conditions and draughts to be tested and method of ballasting or loading.
  3. Lines plan, body plan and general arrangement.
  4. Mooring systems and anchor points, including general arrangement, groupings and positioning, angles, material properties and details of any truncations or substitutions to be made to account for basin limitations. For deep water moorings, the scale and any truncation technique used in the model of the positional mooring system (and risers where their damping contribution may be significant) will be subject to special consideration. Procedures for static load-displacement tests and stiffness simulation to ensure correct modelling of the mooring systems are also to be specified.
  5. Station keeping model tests are to represent the positional mooring system main characteristics as closely as practicable taking into consideration:
    1. Mooring line components stiffness (linear or non-linear);
    2. Mass and inertia properties;
    3. Drag and added mass; and
    4. Interaction with sea-bed.
  6. Chosen scaling method including the relationships between the parameters to be used and any assumptions made as a result of scaling limitations. In addition, comparisons between full scale and model Reynolds and Froude numbers and drag coefficients are to be provided for the applicable environmental conditions.
  7. A description of the sign convention to be used.
  8. A list of tolerances to be used for the model testing pertaining to the model, facility and simulated environmental conditions. Modelling tolerances are to be in accordance with ITTC Recommended Procedures.
  9. Required materials and properties, types and colours of coatings to be used and details of all markings and lines to be applied. All components of the model must be coated in a colour to ensure high visibility on photographs and video and markings are to include section lines and draft marks at forward, aft and midship. Positions of any turbulence stimulators must also be clearly marked.
  10. A summary of the construction of all components of the model, including equipment, working and finishing methods to be used.
  11. For ship units fitted with an internal turret, the model specification for the turret is to include the general arrangement, turret dimensions and the method for assessing trapped water loads and motions inside the moonpool.
  12. For tension-leg units, the model specification for the tendon system is to include a detailed description of the required physical and force characteristics and material properties of the tendons.
  13. For units fitted with risers, the properties of the risers in the model test are to be specified including their position, configuration, masses, drag coefficients and axial and bending stiffness. A description of all riser configurations to be tested is also to be included.
  14. Topside configuration including general arrangement. For wave basin testing, where parts of the topsides are submerged in accidental conditions and/or extreme sea states, the modelled topsides must be of sufficient detail to provide correctly reproduced hydrostatics for the model.
  15. Where wind tunnel testing is to be performed, an above-waterline model of the unit at loaded and ballast draughts is to be used, constructed to a suitable scale to avoid a blockage ratio of greater than five per cent. Topsides are to be modelled in as much detail as practicable by manufacturing limits to accurately simulate the wind profile over the topsides of the full scale.
  16. For units fitted with thrusters, the specification for modelling the thrusters is to include the required thrust force and heading control. Any simplification of the thruster system is to be in such a way as to not affect the required forces and moments on the unit.
4.6.4 Specifications are also to include the following information relating to the test procedures, as appropriate to the unit type and extent of required testing:
  1. Specifications of the appropriate signals and response data to be recorded during the tests, including recording methods and positions of any relevant instrumentation on the model. The data is to be sufficient so that a conclusive comparison between the model tests and the corresponding simulation results can be performed. The sample rate is to be at least ten times the highest response frequency that needs to be observed. An appropriate anti-aliasing filter should be used.
  2. Specifications for calibration of the following items as applicable to the unit:
    1. All necessary instrumentation, sensors and equipment. Accuracies must be verified in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines.
    2. Model particulars, including dimensions, masses and load distributions.
    3. Restoring forces from mooring lines and risers.
    4. Natural periods of the unit.
    5. Simulated environmental conditions.
  3. Motion and acceleration tests of the unit are to be in six degrees of freedom about the centre of gravity in both regular and irregular wave conditions and are to include details of the chosen axis reference points on the model and methods for deriving motions at the centre of gravity from the recorded data. The same reference points are to be used for the model tests and post-processing of the results to facilitate comparison. Where it is not possible to measure directly at the centre of gravity e.g. when the centre of gravity lies outside the physical volume of the unit, the method to determine the motions and accelerations at the centre of gravity is to be documented.

    Turret forces, mooring line and riser tensions are also to be recorded where fitted.

  4. Wave basin tests are to be of sufficient duration to establish the low frequency behaviour and most probable maxima with sufficient reliability whilst providing also sufficient time to allow start up transient phenomena (associated with either the floating unit or the wave basin) to die down to acceptable levels.
  5. Wave basin station keeping model tests records are to focus on establishing the main characteristics of responses (e.g. mooring line tensions, offset of the offshore unit and turret loads when applicable) such as:
    1. Mean of response;
    2. Standard deviation and distribution of peak values of wave frequency response; and
    3. Standard deviation and distribution of peak values of low frequency response.

    Most probable maximum values of response should also be estimated

  6. For tests where force sensors are under continuous tension (e.g. mooring tests) and that tension is of importance to model response (e.g. pre-tension in mooring lines influences natural periods) this pre-tension level should be measured and documented at regular intervals throughout the test campaign. As a minimum this should be done once a day.
  7. Where air gap testing is required, the specification is to include details of the location of air gap measuring points and the range of wave heights to be tested. This is to be representative of the expected site conditions. A typical number of measuring points for air gap tests for a semi-submersible is nine, spaced evenly across the model.
  8. Water elevation testing for internal turrets is to include measurements at a sufficient number of locations to determine the variation in water elevation profile, typically at a minimum of three different locations. Relative wave elevations are also to be provided external to the unit on both the port and starboard sides adjacent to the turret axis.
  9. Evidence that the effects of wave reflection and critical resonance of the natural frequencies of the wave basin and the modelled mooring system have been considered and mitigated for.
  10. Wave heights during wave generation are to be measured separately at the intended location of the unit before the test in order to provide correct reference heights for the motion test analysis. Wind and current speeds should also be measured during calibration of environments before the test.
  11. Inclination tests to verify values of metacentric height, GM (roll for mono hulls and roll and pitch for column-stabilised units) are to be carried out at the start of the model test programme. Each inclination test is to include at least three data points, preferably five, with the assessment of GM-value to be done by regression on these data points.
  12. Decay tests are to be performed for all degrees of motion and for the loading conditions specified in Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.6 Model test specifications and reporting 4.6.3. The amplitudes tested for damping are to be representative of the expected motions for the on-site conditions. The expected results are to include relative critical damping percentages and natural periods for all amplitudes tested in addition to mooring line and riser tensions, where fitted.
  13. Where towing tests are to be carried out, they are to include measurement of the motions and accelerations of the unit in six degrees of freedom about the centre of gravity (see also Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.6 Model test specifications and reporting 4.6.5(c)) and relative wave elevations at a sufficient number of locations to determine the variation in water elevation profile, typically at a minimum of nine locations along the hull and three locations around the turret or moonpool, if fitted. Wave pressures are to be taken by means of sensors at typically eight locations on the model hull. Towing speeds, accelerations and line tensions are also to be recorded.
  14. Tests of green water occurrence, wave run-up and slamming are to be performed at sufficient sampling intervals such that peak loadings are captured. Load gauges to measure green water impact pressures are to be mounted at various locations on the model (e.g. bow area, accommodation, exposed decks or horizontal braces and exposed equipment). The locations are to be agreed with LR depending on the specific design. Typically at least eight load gauges to measure green water impact pressures are to be distributed evenly over the length and breadth of the hull. Typically at least eight sensors to measure the impact pressures are to be positioned on the bow, forward deck and stern of ship units.
  15. Where bathymetry is to be modelled, schematics of the surveyed sea bed contours are to be provided in the specification, in addition to a description of the bathymetry as modelled.
  16. Where ice basin tests are to be carried out, details of the modelled ice properties for each test are to be provided, including the types of ice (e.g. ridge, brash and floe), concentration and size distribution of ice pieces, thicknesses, densities and flexural strengths. The method of ice production is also to be specified. Ice basin tests are to be taken for several drift angles and velocities. Motions and accelerations of the unit in ice are to be recorded in six degrees of freedom about the centre of gravity, (see also Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.6 Model test specifications and reporting 4.6.5(c)). Ice-induced pressures on the unit are to be recorded using a sufficient number of sensors positioned at the bow, midship and aft to accurately record the distribution of ice pressures over the hull. A typical number for a ship unit would be eight sensors. Ice-induced forces and moments are to be measured using an appropriate load cell arrangement. Unless it can be demonstrated that there is no interference between the measurement of ice-induced pressures and ice-induced forces and moments, these are to be measured in tests independent of each other.
  17. Wind tunnel tests are to be carried out using a model built to the specification provided in Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.6 Model test specifications and reporting 4.6.3. The wind tunnel is to be set up using appropriate equipment to correctly simulate the required wind profile and boundary layer as appropriate to the on-site conditions. Wind forces and moments are to be measured for 0-360 degrees in increments no greater than 10 degrees.
  18. A schedule of all tests to be performed and details of the corresponding results and deliverables are to be provided as part of the specification.
4.6.5 The model test reports are to demonstrate that the specification has been complied with, through submission of the following information:
  1. A report documenting the procedures that have been followed for both set-up and carrying out the tests.
  2. A summary of the model manufacture and set-up, including as-built drawings, materials and construction methods.
  3. Calibration test reports and results.
  4. Test results corresponding to the specification schedule.
  5. Commentary on the test results, including any comparisons with numerical simulation results. Any comparisons are to be accompanied by the corresponding numerical data.
  6. Colour photographic evidence supporting the report including the following:
    1. Construction of all manufactured components involved in the model testing.
    2. Instrumentation and measurement device positions on the model.
    3. Basin set-up, bathymetry and positions of tank instrumentation.
    4. Environmental set-ups without model, e.g. wave generation.
    5. Calibration test set-up.
    6. Set-up for each test.
  7. Video recordings of all tests performed, clearly showing environmental conditions and model performance, to be accompanied by video stills taken at appropriate intervals throughout the test. A video log describing the date, time and identification of the test shown is also to be provided.
  8. A chronologic test log describing for each test:
    1. Date.
    2. Time.
    3. Test set-up.
    4. Environmental conditions.
    5. Model heading.
    6. Remarks / observations.

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