Section 1 General
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 3 Functional Unit Types and Special Features - Chapter 12 Riser Systems - Section 1 General

Section 1 General

1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter apply to rigid and flexible risers, together with associated components, between the pipeline end manifold connection and the connection to the unit, see Pt 3, Ch 12, 1.4 Scope 1.4.2. The requirements of this Chapter are considered to be supplementary to the requirements in the relevant Parts of the Rules.

1.1.2 The requirements also apply to surface floating and suspended flexible loading hoses (as appropriate).

1.1.3 Submarine steel pipelines are to comply with the requirements contained in internationally recognised Codes and Standards.

1.1.4 The riser system will be considered for Classification on the basis of operating constraints and procedures specified by the Owner and recorded in the Operations Manual.

1.1.5 Risers may be arranged separately or in connected bundles comprising production risers together with other elements.

1.2 Class notations

1.2.1 The Regulations for classification and the assignment of class notations are given in List of abbreviations, to which reference should be made.

1.2.2 Offshore units connected to product riser systems which comply with the requirements of this Chapter will be eligible for the assignment of the special features class notation PRS.

1.2.3 The service limits on which approval of the riser system has been based are to be included in the Operations Manual, see Pt 3, Ch 12, 2.5 Operations Manual.

1.3 Definitions

1.3.1 The definitions in this Chapter are stated for Rule application only, and may not necessarily be valid in any other context.

1.3.2  Riser system. The riser together with its supports, component parts and ancillary systems such as corrosion protection, mid water arch, bend stiffeners, buoyancy modules, bend restrictors, bend stiffener latching mechanisms, etc.

1.3.3  Riser. A subsea flexible hose or rigid pipe leading down from the connection on the unit to a sea bed termination structure. Risers may have a variety of functions including liquid and gas export, water injection, chemical injection and controls, etc.

1.3.4  Floating pipe. A surface pipe between the single-point mooring or buoy and the ship manifold. The floating pipe is normally permanently attached to the single-point mooring.

1.3.5  Riser support. Any structural item used for connecting a part of the riser system to the unit.

1.3.6  Riser components. Valves, connections, etc., and similar apparatus incorporated in the riser system.

1.4 Scope

1.4.1 The following additional topics applicable to the special features class notation are covered by this Chapter:
  • Welded steel risers.
  • Flexible risers.
  • Floating hoses.
  • Pig traps.
  • Valves, controls and fittings.
  • Safety devices.
  • Coverings and protection.
  • Cathodic protection system.
1.4.2 Unless agreed otherwise with LR, the Rules consider the following as the main boundaries of the riser system:
  • Any part of the riser system as defined in Pt 3, Ch 12, 1.3 Definitions 1.3.2 from the sea bed termination to the first riser connector valves on the unit.
  • The riser connector valves will normally be considered part of the offshore unit, unless agreed otherwise with LR.

1.5 Damage protection

1.5.1 Wherever possible, risers should be protected from collision damage either by suitable positioning within the unit or by protective structure provided for this purpose.

1.5.2 The risk of damage arising from impact loads should form an integral part of the riser assessment. The assessment should evaluate the risk and consequences to the installation of a release of hydrocarbon from the riser.

1.5.3 Design of the riser system should consider the avoidance of collisions between individual risers and anchor lines, etc., with the positioning system intact and in a single fault damaged state under the appropriate environmental conditions. Contact may be allowed in a single fault damaged state provided special external armoury is fitted to the risers in the interference regions, or where appropriate calculations and/or tests indicate that no damage to the risers will occur.

1.5.4 Risers designed to be capable of rapid release should not be damaged in the course of such release, nor should they inflict critical damage on other components.

1.6 Buoyancy elements

1.6.1 Where subsea buoyant vessels are provided as an inherent part of the riser system design, the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 13, 2.3 Subsea buoyant vessels are to be complied with.

1.6.2 The loss of buoyancy of any one element is not to affect adversely the integrity of the riser system.

1.7 Emergency shut-down (ESD) system

1.7.1 An ESD system is to be provided to riser systems in accordance with Pt 7, Ch 1 Safety and Communication Systems. This requirement is generally not applicable to conventional surface floating and suspended flexible loading hoses.

1.7.2 An ESD system philosophy should be developed for the installation based on appropriate hazard and safety assessments. Due consideration is to be given to the sequence of events in relation to overall installation safety.

1.7.3 To limit the quantity of flammable or toxic substances escaping in the event of damage to a riser, emergency shut-down valves are to be fitted. The valves and their control mechanisms should be positioned to offer the maximum protection to the unit in the event of damage.

1.7.4 Facilities are to be provided to make it possible at all times to isolate risers by means of valves.

1.7.5 Where appropriate, rapid disconnection of risers must be possible from at least one location. The assessment of how many locations to be provided, and where they should be situated, is to be based on the evaluation of various accident scenarios. Suitable fail-safe measures are to be provided to prevent inappropriate or inadvertent disconnection.

1.8 Recognised Codes and Standards

1.8.1 In general, the requirements in this Chapter are based on internationally recognised Codes and Standards for riser systems, as defined in Pt 12, Ch 1, 9 Concrete structures. Other Codes and National Standards may be used after special consideration and prior agreement with LR. When considered necessary, additional Rule requirements are also stated in this Chapter.

1.8.2 The agreed Codes and Standards may be used for design, construction and installation, but the additional requirements stated in the Rules are to be complied with. Where there is any conflict, the Rules will take precedence over the Codes or Standards.

1.8.3 The mixing of Codes or Standards for each equipment item or system is to be avoided. Deviation from the Code or Standard must be specially noted in the documentation and approved by LR.

1.8.4 Where National Administrations have specific requirements regarding riser systems, it is the responsibility of the Owner and Operators to comply with such Regulations.

1.9 Equipment categories

1.9.1 The approval and certification of riser systems are to be based on equipment categories agreed with LR.

1.9.2 Riser systems, including their associated components and valves, are to be divided into equipment Categories 1A, 1B and II, depending on their complexity of manufacture and their importance with regard to the safety of personnel and the installation and their possible effect on the environment.

1.9.3 The following equipment categories are used in the Rules:

1A Equipment of primary importance to safety, for which design verification and survey during fabrication are considered essential. Equipment in this category is of complicated design/manufacture and is not normally mass produced.

1B Equipment of primary importance to safety, for which design verification and witnessing the product quality are considered essential. Equipment in this category is normally mass produced and not included in Category 1A.

II Equipment related to safety, which is normally manufactured to recognised Codes and Standards and has proven reliability in service, but excluding equipment in Category 1A and 1B.

1.9.4 A guide to equipment and categories is given in Pt 3, Ch 21 Guidelines on Scope of Survey Certification of Safety Critical Equipment. A full list of equipment categories for the riser system is to be agreed with LR before manufacture. Minor equipment components need not be categorised.

1.10 Equipment certification

1.10.1 Equipment is to be certified in accordance with the following requirements:
  1. Category 1A:
    • Design verification and issue of certificate of design strength approval.
    • Pre-inspection meeting at the suppliers with agreement and marking of quality plan and inspection schedule.
    • Survey during fabrication and review of fabrication documentation.
    • Final inspection with monitoring of function/pressure/load tests and issue of a certificate of conformity.
  2. Category 1B:
    • Design verification and issue of certificate of design strength approval, where applicable, and review of fabrication documentation.
    • Final inspection with monitoring of function/pressure/load tests and issue of certificate of conformity.
  3. Category II:
    • Supplier's/manufacturer's works certificate giving equipment data, limitations with regard to the use of the equipment and the supplier's/manufacturer's declaration that the equipment is designed and fabricated in accordance with recognised Standards or Codes.

1.10.2 All equipment recognised as being of importance for the safety of personnel and the riser system is to be documented by a data book.

1.11 Fabrication records

1.11.1 Fabrication records are to be made available for Categories 1A and 1B equipment for inspection and acceptance by LR Surveyors. These records should include the following:
  • Manufacturer's statement of compliance.
  • Reference to design specification and plans.
  • Traceability of materials.
  • Welding procedure tests and welders’ qualifications.
  • Heat treatment records.
  • Records/details of non-destructive examinations.
  • Load, pressure and functional test reports.

1.12 Site installation of riser systems

1.12.1 The installation of riser systems is to be controlled by LR in accordance with the following principles:
  • All Category 1A and 1B equipment, when delivered to site, is to be accompanied by a certificate of design strength approval and an equipment certificate of conformity and all other documentation.
  • All Category II equipment, delivered to site, is to be accompanied by equipment data and a works’ certificate.
  • Control and follow-up of non-conformities/deviations specified in design certificates and certificate of conformity.
  • Ongoing survey and final inspection of the installed riser system.
  • Monitoring of functional tests after installation and connection to the unit in accordance with an approved test programme.
  • Issue of site installation report.

1.13 Maintenance and repair

1.13.1 It is the Owner's/Operator's responsibility to ensure that an installed riser system is maintained in a safe and efficient working condition in accordance with the manufacturer's and design specification.

1.13.2 When it is necessary to repair or replace components of a riser system, any repaired or spare part is to be subject to the equivalent certification as the original, see 10.2.

1.14 Plans and data submissions

1.14.1 Plans, calculations and data are to be submitted as required by the relevant Parts of the Rules together with the additional plans and information listed in this Chapter.

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