Section 10 Flat plates and ends of vertical boilers
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 10 Steam Raising Plant and Associated Pressure Vessels - Section 10 Flat plates and ends of vertical boilers

Section 10 Flat plates and ends of vertical boilers

10.1 Tube plates of vertical boilers

10.1.1 Where vertical boilers have a nest or nests of horizontal tubes, so that there is direct tension on the tube plates due to the vertical load on the boiler ends or to their acting as horizontal ties across the shell, the thickness of the tube plates in way of the outer rows of tubes is to be determined by the following formula:

= where t, c and p are as defined in Pt 5, Ch 10, 1.2 Definition of symbols
D = twice the radial distance of the centre of the outer row of tube holes from the axis of the shell, in mm
J = efficiency of ligaments between tube holes in the outer vertical rows (expressed as a fraction)
R 20 = specified minimum tensile strength of tube plate, in N/mm2
d = diameter of tube holes, in mm
s = vertical pitch of tubes, in mm.

10.1.2 Each alternate tube in the outer vertical rows of tubes is to be a tube welded at both ends as shown in Figure 10.9.4 Detail of weld for tube. Further, the arrangement of tubes in the nests is to be such that the thickness of the tube plates meets the requirements of Pt 5, Ch 10, 9.1 Stayed flat surfaces.

10.1.3 Where the vertical height of the tube plates between the top and bottom shelves exceeds 0,65 times the internal diameter of the boiler, the staying of the tube plates, and the scantlings of the tube plates and shell plates to which the sides of the tube plates are connected, will require to be specially considered. It is recommended, however, that for this type of boiler the vertical height of the tube plates between the top and bottom shelves should not exceed 1,25 times the internal diameter of the boiler.

10.2 Horizontal shelves of tube plates forming part of the shell

10.2.1 For vertical boilers of the type referred to in Pt 5, Ch 10, 10.1 Tube plates of vertical boilers, in order to withstand vertical load due to pressure on the boiler ends, the horizontal shelves of the tube plates are to be supported by gussets in accordance with the following formula:

p = design pressure, in MPa
t = thickness of the tube plate, in mm
A = maximum horizontal dimension of the shelf from the inside of the shell plate to the outside of the tube plate, in mm
D i = inside diameter of the boiler, in mm.

10.2.2 For the combustion chamber tube plate the minimum number of gussets is to be:

1 gusset, where C exceeds 255 000

2 gussets, where C exceeds 350 000

3 gussets where C exceeds 420 000.

10.2.3 For the smokebox tube plate the minimum number of gussets is to be:

1 gusset where C exceeds 255 000

2 gussets where C exceeds 470 000.

10.2.4 The shell plates to which the sides of the tube plates are connected are to be not less than 1,6 mm thicker than is required by the formula applicable to shell plates with continuous circularity, and where gussets or other stays are not fitted to the shelves, the strength of the parts of the circumferential seams at the top and bottom of these plates from the outside of one tube plate to the outside of the other, is to be sufficient to withstand the whole load on the boiler end with a factor of safety of not less than 4,5 related to R 20 (where R 20 is the specified minimum tensile strength of the shell plates, in N/mm2).

10.3 Dished and flanged ends for vertical boilers

10.3.1 The minimum thickness, t, of dished and flanged ends for vertical boilers which are subject to pressure on the concave side and are supported by central uptakes is to be determined by the following formula:

= t, p, c, Ri and σ are as defined in Pt 5, Ch 10, 1.2 Definition of symbols.

10.3.2 The inside radius of curvature, R i, of the end plate is to be not greater than the external diameter of the cylinder to which it is attached.

10.3.3 The inside knuckle radius, r i , see Figure 10.4.2 Typical dished ends(a), of the arc joining the cylindrical flange to the spherical surface of the end is to be not less than four times the thickness of the end plate, and in no case less than 65 mm.

10.3.4 The inside radius of curvature of flange to uptake is to be not less than twice the thickness of the end plate, and in no case less than 25 mm.

10.3.5 If the dished end has a manhole, the opening is to be strengthened by flanging. The total depth, H, of the flange, measured from the outer surface of the plate on the minor axis, is to be not less than

t = thickness of the flange, in mm
H = depth of flange, in mm
W = minor axis of the manhole, in mm.

10.4 Flat crowns of vertical boilers

10.4.1 The minimum thickness of flat crown plates of vertical boilers is to be determined as in Pt 5, Ch 10, 9.1 Stayed flat surfaces; d and C are defined as follows:

  • Where the crown is supported by an uptake only,
d = diameter, in mm, of the largest circle which can be drawn between the connections to the shell or firebox and uptake, see Pt 5, Ch 10, 9.1 Stayed flat surfaces 9.1.1 to Pt 5, Ch 10, 9.1 Stayed flat surfaces 9.1.5
C = 0,161
d = diameter of the largest circle which can be drawn through at least three points of support, in mm
C = the mean of the values for the respective points of support through which the circle passes.

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