Section 2 Construction and installation
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 13 Ship Piping Systems - Section 2 Construction and installation

Section 2 Construction and installation

2.1 Materials

2.1.1 Except where otherwise stated in this Chapter, pipes, valves and fittings are to be made of steel, cast iron, copper, copper alloy, or other approved material suitable for the intended service.

2.1.2 Where applicable, the materials are to comply with the relevant requirements of Pt 5, Ch 12 Piping Design Requirements.

2.1.3 Materials sensitive to heat, such as aluminium, lead or plastics, are not to be used in systems essential to the safe operation of the ship, or for containing combustible liquids or sea-water where leakage or failure could result in fire or in the flooding of watertight compartments, see Pt 5, Ch 12 Piping Design Requirements for plastic pipes.

2.1.4 Aluminium alloy pipes are not acceptable for fire extinguishing pipes unless they are suitably protected against the effect of heat. The proposed use of aluminium alloy with appropriate insulation will be considered when it has been demonstrated that the arrangements provide equivalent structural and integrity properties compared to steel. In open and exposed locations where the insulation material is likely to suffer from mechanical damage suitable protection is to be provided.

2.2 Pipe wall thickness

2.2.1 The minimum nominal wall thickness of steel, copper and copper alloy pipes are to be in accordance with Pt 5, Ch 12 Piping Design Requirements.

2.2.2 Special consideration will be given to the wall thicknesses of pipes made of materials other than steel, copper and copper alloy.

2.3 Valves − Installation and control

2.3.1 Valves and cocks are to be fitted in places where they are at all times readily accessible, unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the Rules. Valves in cargo oil and ballast systems may be fitted inside tanks, subject to Pt 5, Ch 13, 2.3 Valves − Installation and control 2.3.2.

2.3.2 All valves which are provided with remote control are to be arranged for local manual operation, independent of the remote operating mechanism. For shipside valves and valves on the collision bulkhead, the means for local manual operation are to be permanently attached. For submerged valves in cargo oil and ballast systems, as permitted by Pt 5, Ch 13, 2.3 Valves − Installation and control 2.3.1, local manual operation may be by extended spindle or a portable hand pump. Where manual operation is by hand pump, the control lines to each submerged valve are to incorporate quick coupling connections, as close to the valve actuator as practicable, to allow easy connection of the hand pump. Not less than two hand pumps are to be provided.

2.3.3 In case of valves which are required by the Rules to be provided with remote control, opening and/or closing of the valves by local manual means is not to render the remote control system inoperable.

2.4 Attachment of valves to watertight plating

2.4.1 Valve chests, cocks, pipes or other fittings attached direct to the plating of tanks, and to bulkheads, flats or tunnels which are required to be of watertight construction, are to be secured by means of studs or tap bolts screwed through bulkhead pieces welded to the plating, and not by bolts passing through clearance holes. For tanks, the stud or tap bolt holes are not to penetrate the plating.

2.4.2 For requirements relating to valves on the collision bulkhead, see Pt 5, Ch 13, 3.6 Fore and after peaks 3.6.4.

2.5 Ship-side valves and fittings (other than those on scuppers and sanitary discharges)

2.5.1 All sea inlet and overboard discharge pipes are to be fitted with valves or cocks secured direct to the shell plating, or to the plating of fabricated steel water boxes attached to the shell plating. These fittings are to be secured by studs or tap bolts screwed into heavy steel pads welded to the plating. The stud or tap bolt holes are not to penetrate the plating.

2.5.2 Alternatively, distance pieces of short, rigid construction, and made of approved material may be fitted between the valves and the shell plating. Distance pieces of steel may be welded to the shell plating. Details of the welded connections and of fabricated steel water boxes are to be submitted.

2.5.3 Valves for ship-side applications are to be installed such that the section of piping immediately inboard of the valve can be removed without affecting the watertight integrity of the hull.

2.5.4 Gratings are to be fitted at all openings in the ship's side for sea inlet valves and inlet water boxes. The net area through the gratings is to be not less than twice that of the valves connected to the sea inlets, and provision is to be made for clearing the gratings by use of low pressure steam or compressed air, see Pt 5, Ch 13, 2.5 Ship-side valves and fittings (other than those on scuppers and sanitary discharges) 2.5.9.

2.5.5 Blow-down valves or cocks secured direct to the shell plating are to be fitted with a protection ring through which the spigot is to pass, the ring being on the outside of the shell plating. Where alternative forms of attachment are proposed, details are to be submitted for consideration.

2.5.6 Blow-down valves or cocks on the ship's side are to be fitted in accessible positions above the level of the working platform, and are to be provided with indicators showing whether they are open or shut. Cock handles are not to be capable of being removed unless the cocks are shut, and, if valves are fitted, the hand wheels are to be suitably retained on the spindle.

2.5.7 Sea inlet and overboard discharge valves and cocks are in all cases to be fitted in easily accessible positions and, so far as practicable, are to be readily visible. Indicators are to be provided local to the valves and cocks, showing whether they are open or shut. Provision is to be made for preventing any discharge of water into lifeboats. The valve spindles are to extend above the lower platform, and the hand wheels of the main cooling water sea inlet and emergency bilge suction valves are to be situated not less than 460 mm above this platform.

2.5.8 Ship-side valves and fittings, if made of steel or other approved material with low corrosion resistance, are to be suitably protected against wastage.

2.5.9 The scantlings of valves and valve stools fitted with steam or compressed air clearing connections are to be suitable for the maximum pressure to which the valves and stools may be subjected.

2.5.10 Valves, cocks and distance pieces, intended for installation on the ship's side below the load waterline, are to be tested by hydraulic pressure to not less than 0,5 MPa.

2.6 Piping systems − Installation

2.6.1 Bilge, ballast and cooling water suction and discharge pipes are to be permanent pipes made in readily removable lengths with flanged joints, except as mentioned in Pt 5, Ch 13, 7.10 Bilge pipes in way of deep tanks, and are to be efficiently secured in position to prevent chafing or lateral movement. For joints in fuel oil piping systems, see Pt 5, Ch 14, 4.5 Pipes conveying oil and Pt 5, Ch 14, 4.6 Low pressure pipes.

2.6.2 Where lack of space prevents the use of normal circular flanges, details of the alternative methods of joining the pipes are to be submitted.

2.6.3 Long or heavy lengths of pipes are to be supported by bearers so that no undue load is carried by the flanged connections of the pumps or fittings to which they are attached.

2.7 Provision for expansion

2.7.1 Suitable provision for expansion is to be made, where necessary, in each range of pipes.

2.7.2 Where expansion pieces are fitted, they are to be of an approved type and are to be protected against over extension and compression. The adjoining pipes are to be suitably aligned, supported, guided and anchored. Where necessary, expansion pieces of the bellows type are to be protected against mechanical damage.

2.7.3 Expansion pieces of an approved type incorporating special quality oil resistant rubber or other suitable synthetic material may be used in cooling water lines in machinery spaces. Where fitted in sea-water lines, they are to be provided with guards which will effectively enclose, but not interfere with, the action of the expansion pieces and will reduce to the minimum practicable any flow of water into the machinery spaces in the event of failure of the flexible elements. Where the provision of guards is not practicable, consideration will be given to alternative arrangements which provide an equivalent level of protection. Proposals to use such fittings in water lines for other services, including:

  • ballast lines in machinery spaces, in duct keels and inside double bottom water ballast tanks, and
  • bilge lines inside duct keels only,

will be specially considered when plans of the pumping systems are submitted for approval.

2.7.4 For requirements relating to flexible hoses, see Pt 5, Ch 12 Piping Design Requirements.

2.8 Piping in way of refrigerated chambers

2.8.1 All pipes, including scupper pipes, air pipes and sounding pipes which pass through chambers intended for the carriage or storage of refrigerated produce are to be well insulated.

2.8.2 Where the pipes referred to in Pt 5, Ch 13, 2.8 Piping in way of refrigerated chambers 2.8.1 pass through chambers intended for temperatures of 0°C or below, they are also to be insulated from the steel structure, except in positions where the temperature of the structure is mainly controlled by the external temperature and will normally be above freezing point. Pipes passing through a deckplate within the ship side insulation, where the deck is fully insulated below and has an insulation ribband on top, are to be attached to the deck plating. In the case of pipes adjacent to the shell plating, metallic contact between the pipes and the shell plating or frames is to be arranged so far as practicable.

2.8.3 The air refreshing pipes to and from refrigerated compartments need not, however, be insulated from the steel work.

2.9 Miscellaneous requirements

2.9.1 All pipes situated in cargo spaces, fish holds, chain lockers or other positions where they are liable to mechanical damage are to be efficiently protected.

2.9.2 Wash deck pipes and discharge pipes from the pumps to domestic water tanks are not to be led through cargo holds. Any proposed departure from this requirement is to be submitted for consideration.

2.9.3 So far as practicable, pipelines, including exhaust pipes from oil engines, are not to be led in the vicinity of switchboards or other electrical appliances in positions where the drip or escape of liquid, gas or steam from joints or fittings could cause damage to the electrical installation. Where it is not practicable to comply with these requirements, drip trays or shields are to be provided as found necessary. Short sounding pipes to tanks are not to terminate near electrical appliances, see Pt 5, Ch 13, 12.13 Short sounding pipes 12.13.2.

2.10 Testing after installation

2.10.1 After installation on board, all steam, hydraulic, compressed air and other piping systems covered by Pt 5, Ch 13, 1.3 Plans and particulars 1.3.1, together with associated fittings which are under internal pressure, are to be subjected to a running test at the intended maximum working pressure.

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