Section 1 General
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 19 Steering Systems - Section 1 General

Section 1 General

1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter apply to the design and construction of steering systems.

1.1.2 Whilst the requirements satisfy the relevant regulations of the SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea as amended, and the IMO Protocol of 1978, attention should be given to any relevant statutory requirements of the National Authority of the country in which the ship is to be registered.

1.1.3 Consideration will be given to other cases, or to arrangements which are equivalent to those required by the Rules.

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1  Steering gear control system means the equipment by which orders are transmitted from the navigating bridge to the steering gear power units. Steering gear control systems comprise transmitters, receivers, hydraulic control pumps and their associated motors, motor controllers, piping and cables.

1.2.2  Main steering gear means the machinery, rudder actuator(s), the steering gear power units, if any, and ancillary equipment and the means of applying torque to the rudder stock (e.g. tiller or quadrant) necessary for effecting movement of the rudder for the purpose of steering the ship under normal service conditions.

1.2.3  Steering gear power unit means:

  1. in the case of electric steering gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical equipment;

  2. in the case of electrohydraulic steering gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical equipment and connected pump;

  3. in the case of other hydraulic steering gear, a driving engine and connected pump.

1.2.4  Auxiliary steering gear means the equipment other than any part of the main steering gear necessary to steer the ship in the event of failure of the main steering gear but not including the tiller, quadrant or components serving the same purpose.

1.2.5  Power actuating system means the hydraulic equipment provided for supplying power to turn the rudder stock, comprising a steering gear power unit or units, together with the associated pipes and fittings, and a rudder actuator. The power actuating systems may share common mechanical components, i.e. tiller quadrant and rudder stock, or components serving the same purpose.

1.2.6  Maximum ahead service speed means the maximum service speed which the ship is designed to maintain, at the summer load waterline at maximum propeller RPM and corresponding engine MCR.

1.2.7  Rudder actuator means the components which convert directly hydraulic pressure into mechanical action to move the rudder.

1.2.8  Maximum working pressure means the maximum expected pressure in the system when the steering gear is operated to comply with Pt 5, Ch 19, 2.2 Performance requirements for rudder-type steering systems 2.2.1.(a).

1.2.9 Steering system means a complete system of sub-systems and equipment capable of steering the ship including: the rudder (or podded propulsion unit, azimuth thruster, steerable water jet as applicable), main steering gear, auxiliary steering gear and steering gear control system.

1.2.10 Declared steering angle limits are the operational limits in terms of maximum steering angle, or equivalent, according to manufacturer’s guidelines for safe operation, also taking into account the ship's speed or propeller torque/speed or other limitation. Trials to determine the ship's manoeuvring characteristics are to be carried out with steering angles not exceeding the declared steering angle limits.

1.3 General

1.3.1 The steering gear is to be secured to the seating by fitted bolts, and suitable chocking arrangements are to be provided. The seating is to be of substantial construction.

1.3.2 The steering gear compartment is to be:

  1. readily accessible and, as far as practicable, separated from machinery spaces; and

  2. provided with suitable arrangements to ensure working access to steering gear machinery and controls. These arrangements are to include handrails and gratings or other non-slip surfaces to ensure suitable working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage.

1.4 Plans

1.4.1 Before starting construction, the steering gear machinery plans, specifications and calculations are to be submitted. The plans are to give:

  1. Details of scantlings and materials of all load bearing and torque transmitting components and hydraulic pressure retaining parts together with proposed rated torque and all relief valve settings.

  2. Schematic of the hydraulic system(s), together with pipe material, relief valves and working pressures.

  3. Details of control and electrical aspects.

1.5 Materials

1.5.1 All components used in the steering system are to be of sound reliable construction to the Surveyor’s satisfaction.

1.5.2 All components transmitting mechanical forces to the rudder stock are to be tested according to the requirements of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022).

1.5.3 Ram cylinders; pressure housings of rotary vane type actuators, hydraulic power piping, valves, flanges and fittings; and all steering gear components transmitting mechanical forces to the rudder stock (such as tillers, quadrants, or similar components) are to be of steel or other approved ductile material, duly tested in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022. In general, such material is to have an elongation of not less than 12 per cent nor a tensile strength in excess of 650 N/mm2. Special consideration will be given to the acceptance of grey cast iron for valve bodies and redundant parts with low stress levels.

1.5.4 Where appropriate, consideration will be given to the acceptance of non-ferrous material.

1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant

1.6.1 For the requirements of rudder and rudder stock, see Pt 3, Ch 13, 2 Rudders.

1.6.2 For the requirements of tillers and quadrants including the tiller to stock connection, see Table 19.1.1 Connection of tiller to stock.

1.6.3 In bow rudders having a vertical locking pin operated from the deck above, positive means are to be provided to ensure that the pin can be lowered only when the rudder is exactly central. In addition, an indicator is to be fitted at the deck to show when the rudder is exactly central.

1.6.4 The factor of safety against slippage, S (i.e. for torque transmission by friction) is generally based on

where M is the maximum torque at the relief valve pressure which is generally equal to the design torque as specified by the steering gear manufacturer.

1.6.5 For conical sections, S is based on the following equation:

A = interfacial surface area, in mm2
W = weight of rudder and stock, if applicable, when tending to separate the fit, in N
Q = shear force = in N
θ = cone taper half angle in radians (e.g. for cone taper 1:10, θ = 0,05)
μ = coefficient of friction
σr = radial interfacial pressure or grip stress, in N/mm2.

Table 19.1.1 Connection of tiller to stock

Item Requirements
(1) Dry fit - tiller to stock, see also Pt 5, Ch 19, 1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant 1.6.4 and Pt 5, Ch 19, 1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant 1.6.5 (a) or keyed connection, factor of safety against slippage, S = 1,0
The maximum stress in the fillet radius of the tiller keyway should not exceed the yield stress
For conical sections, the cone taper should be ≤ 1:10
(b) For keyless connection, factor of safety against slippage, S = 2,0
The maximum equivalent von Mises stress should not exceed the yield stress
For conical sections, the cone taper should be ≤ 1:15

(c) Coefficient of friction (maximum) = 0,17

(d) Grip stress not to be less than 20 N/mm2

(2) Hydraulic fit - tiller to stock, see also Pt 5, Ch 19, 1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant 1.6.4 and Pt 5, Ch 19, 1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant 1.6.5 (a) For keyed connection, factor of safety against slippage, S = 1,0
The maximum stress in the fillet radius of the tiller keyway should not exceed the yield stress
For conical sections, the cone taper should be ≤ 1:10
(b) For keyless connection, factor of safety against slippage, S = 2,0
The maximum equivalent von Mises stress should not exceed the yield stress
For conical sections, the cone taper should be ≤ 1:15
(c) Coefficient of friction (maximum) = 0,14
(d) Grip stress not to be less than 20 N/mm2
(3) Ring locking assemblies fit - tiller to stock, see also Pt 5, Ch 19, 1.6 Rudder, rudder stock, tiller and quadrant 1.6.3 (a) Factor of safety against slippage, S = 2,0
The maximum equivalent von Mises stress should not exceed the yield stress
(b) Coefficient of friction = 0,12
(c) Grip stress not to be less than 20 N/mm2
(4) Bolted tiller and quadrant (this arrangement could be accepted provided the proposed rudder stock diameter in way of tiller does not exceed 350 mm diameter), see symbols Shim to be fitted between two halves before machining to take rudder stock, then removed prior to fitting
Minimum thickness of shim,
For 4 connecting bolts: t s = 0,0014 δt mm
For 6 connecting bolts: t s = 0,0012 δt mm
Key(s) to be fitted
Diameter of bolts,
A predetermined setting-up load equivalent to a stress of approximately 0,7 of the yield strength of the bolt material should be applied to each bolt on assembly. A lower stress may be accepted provided that two keys, complying with item (5), are fitted.
Distance from centre of stock to centre of bolts should generally be equal to
Thickness of flange on each half of the bolted tiller ≥

(5) Key/keyway, see symbols

Effective sectional area of key in shear ≥ 0,25 δt 2 mm2
Key thickness ≥ 0,17 δt mm
Keyway is to extend over full depth of tiller and is to have a rounded end. Keyway root fillets are to be provided with suitable radii to avoid high local stress

(6) Section modulus - tiller arm (at any point within its length about vertical axis), see symbols

To be not less than the greater of:
If more than one arm fitted, combined modulus is to be not less than the greater of (a) or (b)
For solid tillers, the breadth to depth ratio is not to exceed 2

(7) Boss, see symbols

Depth of boss ≥ δt
Thickness of boss in way of tiller ≥ 0,4 δt
bs = distance between the section of the tiller arm under consideration and the centre of the rudder stock, in mm
bT and bs are to be measured with zero rudder angle
bT = distance from the point of application of the load on the tiller to the centre of the rudder stock, in mm
ntb = number of bolts in the connection flanges, but generally not to be taken greater than six
ts = thickness of shim for machining bolted tillers and quadrants, in mm
ZTA = section modulus of tiller arm, in cm3
δt = Rule rudderstock diameter in way of tiller, see Pt 3, Ch 13 Ship Control Systems
δtb = diameter of bolts securing bolted tillers and quadrants, in mm

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.