Section 2 Plans and particulars
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 1 General Requirements for the Design and Construction of Machinery - Section 2 Plans and particulars

Section 2 Plans and particulars

2.1 Plans

2.1.1 Before the work is commenced, plans in triplicate of all machinery items, as detailed in the Chapters giving the requirements for individual systems, are to be submitted for consideration. The particulars of the machinery, including power ratings, grade(s) of fuel and design calculations, where applicable, necessary to verify the design, are also to be submitted. Any subsequent modifications are subject to approval before being put into operation. It will not be necessary for plans and particulars to be submitted for each ship, provided the basis plans for the engine size and type have previously been approved as meeting the requirements of these Rules. Any alterations to basis design materials or manufacturing procedure are to be re-submitted for consideration.

2.2 Materials

2.2.1 The materials used in the construction are to be manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022. Materials for which provision is not made therein may be accepted, provided that they comply with an approved specification and such tests as may be considered necessary.

2.2.2 Materials used in the construction of machinery and its installation are not to contain asbestos.

2.3 Welding

2.3.1 Welding consumables, plant and equipment are to be in accordance with the requirements specified in Ch 13, 1.8 Welding equipment and welding consumables of the Rules for Materials.

2.3.2 Welding procedures and welder qualifications are to be tested and qualified in accordance with the requirements specified in Ch 12 Welding Qualifications of the Rules for Materials.

2.3.3 Production weld tests are to be carried out where specified in the subsequent Chapters of these Rules.

2.3.4 All finished welds are to be subjected to non-destructive examination in accordance with the requirements specified in Ch 13, 2.12 Non-destructive examination of steel welds of the Rules for Materials and or the requirements specified in the subsequent chapters of these Rules.

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