Section 2 Noise
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 7 Other Ship Types and Systems - Chapter 12 Passenger and Crew Accommodation Comfort - Section 2 Noise

Section 2 Noise

2.1 Assessment criteria

2.1.1 Where a space is occupied by both passengers and crew, the more stringent of the relevant requirements apply unless agreed between the Builder and Owner and advised to LR.

2.2 Passenger accommodation and public spaces

2.2.1 Under test conditions specified in Pt 7, Ch 12, 4.2 Test conditions, the applicable noise levels specified in Table 12.2.1 Passenger ships - Maximum noise levels in dB(A) should not generally be exceeded. See Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.2 Passenger accommodation and public spaces 2.2.3.

2.2.2 For cabins bordering discotheques and similar entertainment spaces, the deck and bulkhead sound insulation is to be sufficient to ensure that the maximum cabin noise levels are not exceeded even when high external noise levels prevail. Noise from entertainment spaces shall be considered as transient noise and should meet the requirements stated in Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.6 Transient noise.

Table 12.2.1 Passenger ships - Maximum noise levels in dB(A)

Location Acceptance Numeral
1 2 3
Passenger cabins: Standard 49 52 55
  Superior 45 47 50
Public spaces: Excluding Shops 55 58 62
  shops 60 62 65
Medical centre: 50 55 60
Theatre/auditorium 50 55 60
Open deck recreation areas (excluding swimming pools and similar) 67 72 72
Swimming pools and similar 70 75 75

Note 1. The levels may be exceeded by 5dB(A) within 3 m of a ventilation inlet/outlet or machinery intake/uptake on open decks.

Note 2. The levels may be exceeded by 3dB(A) in accommodation above the propellers for three decks above the mooring deck.

Note 3. The levels for open deck recreation areas refer to ship generated noise only. On open deck spaces the noise generated from the effects of wind and waves can be considered separately to limits agreed between the Builder and Owner and advised to LR for the trial conditions.

2.2.3 Acceptance of noise levels greater than those specified in Table 12.2.1 Passenger ships - Maximum noise levels in dB(A) may be considered where agreed between the Owner and Builder at specification/contract stage. Not more than 20 per cent of the passenger cabins, 30 per cent of the public spaces and 20 per cent of the crew cabins should exceed the relevant noise criteria by more than 3 dB(A).

2.2.4 Acoustic insulation of bulkheads and decks between passenger spaces is to be generally in accordance with the values of the weighted apparent sound reduction index R'w as given in Table 12.2.2 Minimum apparent airborne sound insulation indices, R'w , calculated using ISO 717/1. See also Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.2 Passenger accommodation and public spaces 2.2.6.

Table 12.2.2 Minimum apparent airborne sound insulation indices, R'w

Location Acceptance Numeral
1 2 3
Passenger cabins: Standard 41 39 38
Superior 45 42 40
Cabin to corridor: Standard 38 36 35
Superior 42 40 37
Cabin to stairway: Standard 47 45 43
Superior 50 47 45
Cabin to public space (excluding corridors/stairwells and discotheques): Standard 52 48 48
Superior 55 50 50
Discotheques to cabins 60 60 60
Discotheques to stairwells and public spaces 52 52 52
Cabin to machinery rooms and engine casing 55 53 50

2.2.5 For the purpose of selecting acoustic sound insulation, the following sound noise levels may be used. The frequency spectrum used should be as defined in ISO 717-1: spectrum No. 2 for discotheques and spectrum No. 1 for others. Evaluation should include the frequency range down to 50 Hz 1/3-octave band:

  1. Cabins – 80 dB(A).

  2. Dining Rooms – 85 dB(A).

  3. Corridors – 90 dB(A).

  4. Discotheques, Theatres, Entertainment Areas – 105 dB(A).

2.2.6 Acceptance of bulkhead and deck acoustic insulation values less than those specified in Table 12.2.2 Minimum apparent airborne sound insulation indices, R'w may be considered where agreed between the Owner and Builder. Not more than 20 per cent of the interfaces tested should have airborne sound insulation indices, R'w, more than 3 dB(A) lower than the minimum specified values.

2.3 Crew accommodation and work areas

2.3.1 Under the applicable test conditions specified in Pt 7, Ch 12, 4.2 Test conditions, the noise levels specified in Table 12.2.3 Crew accommodation - Maximum noise levels in dB(A) and Table 12.2.4 Crew work areas - maximum noise levels in dB(A) are not to be exceeded.

Table 12.2.3 Crew accommodation - Maximum noise levels in dB(A)

Location Acceptance Numeral
1 2 3
      Ships <10,000 grt Ships ≥10,000 grt
Sleeping cabins, hospitals 50 53 60 55
Offices, conference rooms and day cabins 55 58 65 60
Mess rooms, lounges, reception areas and recreation rooms within accommodation 55 58 65 60
Recreational areas on open deck 67 72 75 75
Alleyways, changing rooms, bathrooms, lockers 70 75 75 75

The levels may be exceeded by 5 dB(A) within 3 m of a ventilation inlet/outlet or machinery intake/uptake on open decks.

Table 12.2.4 Crew work areas - maximum noise levels in dB(A)

Location dB(A) level
Machinery space(not continuously manned) e.g. pump, refrigeration, thrusters or fan rooms 110
Workshops and non-specified work spaces 85
Machinery control rooms 75
Wheelhouse, chartrooms, radar rooms 65
Look-out posts e.g. at bridge wing or window 70
Additional limits:  
• 250 Hz band 68
• 500 Hz band 63
(measured according to IMO A.343(IX))  
Radio room 60
Galleys and pantries: 75
• Equipment not working 75
• Individual items at 1 metre 80
Normally unoccupied spaces (e.g. holds, decks) 90
Ship’s whistle, on bridge or forecastle 110

2.4 Maximum noise levels

2.4.1 Where the measured noise level exceeds the specified criterion by 3 dB(A), or contains subjectively annoying low frequency or tonal components, the noise rating (NR) number is to be established in accordance with the graph shown in Figure 12.2.1 Noise rating curves. This is achieved by plotting the linear octave band levels on the graph; the NR number is that NR curve to which the highest plotted octave band level is anywhere tangent. The specified criterion may be considered satisfied if the NR number does not exceed the specified A-weighted value minus 5 dB(A).

Figure 12.2.1 Noise rating curves

2.4.2 Guidance on maximum acceptable sound pressure levels and noise exposure limits for crew spaces is given in IMO Resolution MSC.337(91) – Adoption of the Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships – (Adopted on 30 November 2012)The Annex below is consolidated into Resolution MSC.337(91).

2.5 Impact insulation

2.5.1 Where agreed between the Owner, Builder and LR, enhanced criteria for noise levels recognising the effects of impact sound pressures may be applied in accordance with Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.5 Impact insulation 2.5.2 to Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.5 Impact insulation 2.5.5.

2.5.2 For passenger and crew cabins located below or adjacent to dance floors, stages, aerobics and gymnasium areas, jogging tracks or other areas where impact noise is generated, the normalised field measured impact sound pressure level within the cabins is not to exceed 45 dB.

2.5.3 For public rooms under dance floors, stages, aerobics and gymnasium areas, jogging tracks or other areas where impact noise is generated, the normalised field measured impact sound pressure level within the space is not to exceed 55 dB.

2.5.4 For passenger cabins, the normalised field measured impact sound pressure level, L'n,w, calculated using ISO 717/2, is to be generally in accordance with the values stated in Table 12.2.5 Passenger cabins normalised field measured impact sound pressure level L'n,w . See also Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.5 Impact insulation 2.5.5.

Table 12.2.5 Passenger cabins normalised field measured impact sound pressure level L'n,w

Location dB
Below decks covered with carpet and soft materials 50
Below decks covered in hard materials (such as wood, marble or similar) 60
Below dance floors, theatre or sports rooms 45

2.5.5 Acceptance of normalised impact sound pressure levels greater than those specified in Table 12.2.5 Passenger cabins normalised field measured impact sound pressure level L'n,w may be considered for assignment of the applicable class notation where agreed between the Owner, Builder and LR. No more than 20 per cent of the passenger cabins tested should exceed the levels specified by more than 3 dB.

2.6 Transient noise

2.6.1 Where agreed between the Owner, Builder and LR, enhanced criteria for transient noise levels may be applied in accordance with Pt 7, Ch 12, 2.6 Transient noise 2.6.2.

2.6.2 The maximum sound pressure level (LpAS,max) emanating from any machinery or system caused by a single event that produces a noise ‘spike’ compared to the reference condition sound level (such as vacuum systems or valve operations) is not to cause an increase in noise in comparison with the reference condition (background noise) as below:

(a) Passenger cabins and public areas: +2 dB(A)
(b) Officer cabins: +2 dB(A)
(c) Crew cabins and public areas: +3 dB(A)

A tolerance of +3 dB(A) may be applied to 5 per cent of cabins and public areas in each fire zone on each deck. This criterion is generally applicable to the specified maximum noise levels for the space concerned.

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