Section 1 Introduction
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 7 Other Ship Types and Systems - Chapter 2 Ships with Installed Process Plant for Chemicals, Liquified Gases and Related Products - Section 1 Introduction

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 This Chapter is intended for the classification of self-propelled or non-self-propelled ships with specialised structures which have plant installed on board for the processing of chemicals, liquefied gases and related products, where permitted by the Flag Administration, and which fall into one of the following environmental categories:

  1. Ships which have plants operable while navigating at sea.

  2. Ships which have plants operable at sea, but only while the ship is attached to an offshore mooring facility.

  3. Ships which can navigate at sea, but whose plants are intended to be operated only while the ships are in harbour or similarly protected waters.

  4. Specialised ships, including pontoons, barges and similar structures which are designed as sea transportation vehicles to carry non-operative process plants, but which are specially constructed to be fully supported by the sea bed when the plants are operative.

1.1.2 Each category in Pt 7, Ch 2, 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 may include provision for the storage of the products used in the process or processes concerned.

1.2 General

1.2.1 The Rules are framed on the understanding that ships will not be operated in environmental conditions more severe than those agreed for the design basis and approval, without the prior agreement of Clasifications Register (hereinafter referred to as 'LR').

1.2.2 Except as indicated in this Chapter, the hull, propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery, equipment for essential services of the ship, electrical installations and control engineering systems are to comply with the relevant Sections of Parts Pt 3 Ship Structures (General), Pt 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types), Pt 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery and Pt 6 Control, Electrical, Refrigeration and Fire, the Rules for Ships for the Carriage of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk and the Rules for Ships for Liquefied Gases, where applicable. Hulls made of reinforced or prestressed concrete will be specially considered.

1.2.3 The additional hull structural requirements for Category 3 ships to enable them to be satisfactorily grounded on prepared foundations will be specially considered. Full details of the intended foundations and the local conditions at the site are to be submitted for use in assessing the hull structural capability, etc.

1.2.4 Where the process plant is intended to operate in close proximity to bulk storage of feedstocks and/or products, further consideration may be necessary in addition to that contained in this Chapter, particularly with regard to the provision of effective separation, methods of storage, loading and discharging arrangements.

1.2.5 For ships of all categories in Pt 7, Ch 2, 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 except Category 1A, provision is to be made for purging, gas freeing, inerting or otherwise rendering safe the plant and process storage facilities before the ship proceeds to sea or changes location. The provisions to be adopted, if any, when a ship of Category 1A enters harbour will be specially considered.

1.2.6 In addition to the requirements for periodical surveys, a general examination of the ship, machinery and process plant is to be carried out by LR's Surveyors before and after a ship, of any category other than 1A, changes location. Every precaution is to be taken to ensure safety during such examination.

1.2.7 Requirements additional to those of this Chapter may be imposed by the National Authority with whom the ship is registered and/or by the Administration within whose territorial jurisdiction the process plant is intended to operate.

1.3 Classification of ship

1.3.1 A ship built in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, or in accordance with requirements equivalent thereto, will be assigned an appropriate class in the Register Book, as indicated in Pt 7, Ch 2, 2 Class notations, and will continue to be classed so long as it is found, upon examination at the prescribed surveys, to be maintained in a safe and efficient condition, see also Pt 7, Ch 2, 1.4 Certification of process plant 1.4.6.

1.3.2 For each category described in Pt 7, Ch 2, 1.1 Scope 1.1.1, classification covers the hull, containment systems for stored products, propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery used for essential services, and equipment necessary to maintain a suitable environment within which the plant may safely operate.

1.3.3 In general, classification will not be extended to the process plant itself, and the classification requirements do not relate to the specialised machinery, equipment and associated piping, etc. which is solely concerned with the production operations, except where the design and/or arrangements of such equipment and piping may affect the safety of the vessel.

1.3.4 When reliquefaction plant is installed, and the plant and equipment are in accordance with the requirements of the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022, consideration will be given to classing the plant in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.6 Class notations (refrigerated cargo installations (RMC), controlled atmosphere (CA) systems and carriage of refrigerated containers (CRC)).

1.4 Certification of process plant

1.4.1 Process plant will be required to be certified by LR, and a note to the effect that this has been carried out will be appended to the class notation in the Register Book.

1.4.2 The certificate will include a brief description of the process plant, indicating the chemical(s) processed and the end products.

1.4.3 The certificate of the plant will cease to be valid if a significant alteration is made to the plant or the arrangements on board without the written approval of LR. This provision does not exclude the direct replacement of any item by a substitute part which has been approved and tested by LR.

1.4.4 The process plant will be required to be surveyed by LR's Surveyors at intervals to be prescribed by the Committee, dependent on the process involved.

1.4.5 The class notation for the ship will, in general, state that the process plant is not classed but certificated by LR and periodically surveyed by LR's Surveyors.

1.4.6 The maintenance of the class of the ship while the plant is in operation will be dependent upon a valid certificate and the plant being found, upon examination at the prescribed surveys, to be maintained in a safe and efficient condition.

1.4.7 The plant certificate is not to be taken as a recommendation for, or an approval of, the process or processes.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.