Section 1 Scope
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 8 Rules for Ice and Cold Operations - Chapter 1 Application - Section 1 Scope

Section 1 Scope

1.1 General

1.1.1 The following requirements are for ships intended for operations in ice and cold conditions.

1.1.2 Guidance on the appropriate requirements and notations is provided in Table 1.1.1 Ice and cold operations.

Table 1.1.1 Ice and cold operations

Reference Conditions Description Notation
Ice operations
Chapter 2 Section 1 Application
Section 2

Section 3



General requirements Applicable to all ice classes
Section 4

Section 5



Light and very light ice conditions For ships with length less than 150 m Ice Class 1E
Hull strengthening in forward region only Ice Class 1D
Section 6

Section 7



First-year ice conditions Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules Ice Class 1C FS
Ice Class 1B FS
Ice Class 1A FS
Ice Class 1AS FS
Section 8

Section 9



Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules with enhanced engine power for icebreaking capability Ice Class 1C FS(+)
Ice Class 1B FS(+)
Ice Class 1A FS(+)
Ice Class 1AS FS(+)
Section 10

Section 11



Multi-year ice conditions IACS Polar Ship Rules Ice Class PC7
Ice Class PC6
Ice Class PC5
Ice Class PC4
Ice Class PC3
Ice Class PC2
Ice Class PC1
Section 12



IACS Polar Ship Rules with enhanced scantlings derived from operational scenarios Icebreaker(+)
Cold operations
Rules for the Winterisation of Ships Section 1 Application
Section 2 Hull materials Low temperature operations Hull construction materials Winterisation H(t)
Section 3 Equipment and systems Low temperature operations Mild extent of winterisation Winterisation C(t)
Moderate extent of winterisation Winterisation B(Tt)
Extensive extent of winterisation Winterisation A(t)
Section 3

Section 4

Equipment Materials of exposed equipment

Winterisation M

Winterisation Mn

Section 9 Systems Winterisation system redundancy Winterisation WR
Section 10 Stability Operation in areas of ice accretion Ice accretion loading

Winterisation S(C)

Winterisation S(B)

Winterisation S(A)

Section 11 Equipment Ice removal arrangements Winterisation IR
Section 12 Equipment and systems Direct design for low temperature operations Winterisation D(t)

1.1.3 At the Owner’s request and in order to enhance safety and awareness on board during ship operation, the ShipRight SEA(ICE) Ship Event Analysis Procedure may be applied. This procedure may be applied to all ships where it is intended to provide a hull surveillance system for monitoring of the ship’s hull girder stresses and local ice loads when the ship is navigating in ice, and warning the ship’s personnel that the load levels or the frequency and magnitude of ice impacts are approaching a level where corrective action is advisable. See Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.8 Descriptive notes 2.8.3 and Pt 3, Ch 16, 6 Ship Event Analysis.

1.1.4 At the Owner’s request and in order to enhance safety, the ShipRight FDA ICE Fatigue Induced by Ice Loading Procedure may be applied. This procedure is supplementary to the FDA procedures and is to assess fatigue damage induced by ice loads for ships navigating in ice-covered regions. The objective of the ShipRight FDA ICE procedure is to provide technical guidelines to assess fatigue at the end connections of stiffeners in the ice belt regions under ice loading. See Pt 1, Ch 2, 2.3 Class notations (hull) 2.3.17 and Pt 3, Ch 16, 4 Fatigue design assessment.

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