Section 18 Crew and passenger emergency safety systems
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 16 Control and Electrical Engineering - Chapter 2 Electrical Engineering - Section 18 Crew and passenger emergency safety systems

Section 18 Crew and passenger emergency safety systems

18.1 Emergency lighting

18.1.1 For the purpose of this Section emergency lighting, transitional emergency lighting and supplementary emergency lighting are hereafter referred to under the generic name `emergency lighting'.

18.1.2 Emergency lighting provided in compliance with Pt 16, Ch 2, 3 Emergency source of electrical power is to be arranged so that a fire or other casualty in the spaces containing the emergency source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment and the emergency lighting switchboard does not render the main lighting system inoperative.

18.1.3 The level of illumination provided by the emergency lighting is to be adequate to permit safe evacuation in an emergency, having regard to the possible presence of smoke see Pt 16, Ch 2, 18.4 Escape route or low location lighting (LLL).

18.1.5 Switches are not to be installed in the final sub-circuits to emergency light fittings unless the light fittings are serving normally unmanned spaces, e.g. storage rooms, cold rooms, etc. or they are normally required to be extinguished for operational reasons, e.g. for night visibility from the navigating bridge. Where switches are fitted they are to be accessible only to craft crew with provision made to ensure that the emergency lighting is energised when such spaces are manned and/or during emergency conditions.

18.1.6 Where emergency lighting fittings are connected to dimmers, provision is to be made, upon the loss of the main lighting, to automatically restore them to their normal level of illumination.

18.1.7 Fittings are to be specially marked to indicate that they form part of the emergency lighting system.

18.2 General emergency alarm system

18.2.1 An electrically operated bell or klaxon or other equivalent warning system installed in addition to the craft's whistle or siren, for sounding the general emergency alarm signal, is to comply with the International Life-saving Appliances (LSA) Code and with the requirements of this Section, see also Pt 16, Ch 2, 1.15 Alarms and Pt 16, Ch 2, 1.16 Operation under fire conditions.

18.2.2 The general emergency alarm system is to be provided with an emergency source of electrical power as required by Pt 16, Ch 2, 3.2 Emergency source of electrical power in passenger craft and for yachts that are 500 gt or more, Pt 16, Ch 2, 3.3 Emergency source of electrical power in craft required to comply with the HSC Code, Pt 16, Ch 2, 3.4 Emergency source of electrical power in cargo craft, patrol and pilot craft, workboats and other similar craft of 500 tons gross tonnage and above; and cargo craft, patrol and pilot craft, workboats and other similar craft less than 500 tons gross tonnage or Pt 16, Ch 2, 20.10 Sources of electrical power and also connected to the main source of electrical power with automatic changeover facilities located in, or adjacent to, the main alarm signal distribution panel. Failure of any power supply is to operate an audible and visual alarm, see also Pt 16, Ch 2, 1.15 Alarms.

18.2.3 The general emergency alarm distribution system is to be so arranged that a fire or casualty in any one main vertical zone, as defined by SOLAS Regulation 3 - Definitions, other than the zone in which the public address control station is located, will not interfere with the distribution in any other such zone.

18.2.4 There are to be segregated cable routes to public rooms, alleyways, stairways, control stations and on passenger craft on open decks, so arranged that any single electrical fault, localised fire or casualty will not cause the loss of the facility to sound the general emergency alarm in any public rooms, alleyways, stairways, control stations and on passenger craft on open decks, albeit at a reduced capacity.

18.2.5 Where the special alarm fitted to summon the crew, operated from the navigation bridge, or fire control station, forms part of the craft's general alarm system, it is to be capable of being sounded independently of the alarm to the passenger spaces.

18.2.6 The sound pressure levels are to be measured during a practical test and documented, see Pt 16, Ch 2, 21.2 Trials.

18.3 Public address system

18.3.1 Public address systems are to comply with the International Life-saving Appliances (LSA) Code and the requirements of this Section.

18.3.3 The public address system is to have multiple amplifiers having their power supplies so arranged that a single fault will not cause the loss of the facility to broadcast emergency announcements in public rooms, alleyways, stairways and control stations, albeit at a reduced capacity.

18.3.4 The public address distribution system is to be so arranged that a fire or casualty in any one main vertical zone, as defined by SOLAS Regulation 3 - Definitions, other than the zone in which the public address control station is located, will not interfere with the distribution in any other such zone.

18.3.5 There are to be segregated cable routes to public rooms, alleyways, stairways, and control stations so arranged that any single electrical fault, fire or casualty will not cause the loss of the facility to broadcast emergency announcements in any public rooms, alleyways, stairways, and control stations, albeit at a reduced capacity.

18.3.6 Amplifiers are to be continuously rated for the maximum power that they are required to deliver into the system for audio and, where alarms are to be sounded through the public address system, for tone signals.

18.3.7 Loudspeakers are to be continuously rated for their proportionate share of amplifier output and protected against short-circuits.

18.3.8 Amplifiers and loudspeakers are to be selected and arranged to prevent feedback and other interference. There are also to be means to automatically override any volume controls, so as to ensure the specified sound pressure levels are met.

18.3.9 Where the public address system is used for sounding the general emergency alarm and the fire-alarm, the following requirements are to be met in addition to those of Pt 16, Ch 2, 18.2 General emergency alarm system:

  1. The emergency system is given automatic priority over any other system input.

  2. More than one device is provided for generating the sound signals for the emergency alarms.

18.3.10 Where more than one alarm is to be sounded through the public address system, they are to have recognizably different characteristics and additionally be arranged, so that any single electrical failure which prevents the sounding of any one alarm will not affect the sounding of the remaining alarms.

18.3.11 The sound pressure levels are to be measured during a practical test using speech and, where applicable, tone signals, and documented, see Pt 16, Ch 2, 21.2 Trials.

18.4 Escape route or low location lighting (LLL)

18.4.1 Where required escape route or low location lighting (LLL) is satisfied by electric illumination, the LLL system is to comply with the requirements of this sub-Section.

18.4.2 The LLL system is to be provided with an emergency source of electrical power and also be connected to the main source of electrical power, with automatic changeover facilities located adjacent to the control panel, see also Pt 16, Ch 2, 1.16 Operation under fire conditions.

18.4.3 The power supply arrangements to the LLL are to be arranged so that a single fault or a fire in any one fire zone or deck does not result in loss of the lighting in any other zone or deck. This requirement may be satisfied by the power supply circuit configuration, use of fire-resistant cables complying with Pt 16, Ch 2, 11.5 Construction 11.5.3, and/or the provision of suitably located power supply units having integral batteries adequately rated to supply the connected LLL for a minimum period of 60 minutes, see Pt 16, Ch 2, 12.3 Location 12.3.7.

18.4.4 The performance and installation of lights and lighting assemblies are to comply with ISO standard 15370: Ships and marine technology - Low location lighting on passenger ships – Arrangement.

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