Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 8 Hull Construction in Composite - Chapter 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft - Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements

Section 2 Minimum thickness requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 Structural laminates, used for both single skin and sandwich construction are, in general, to incorporate not less than 40 per cent, by weight, of woven or cross-ply reinforcement.

2.2 Single skin laminate

2.2.1 The minimum thicknesses of single skin laminates are as indicated in the appropriate Sections.

2.3 Sandwich skin laminate

2.3.1 The minimum amount of reinforcement in single skin laminates which form the inner and outer skins of sandwich panels are as indicated in Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1. Where the structural requirements for thickness of either the bottom shell outer skin, or inner skin in way of an integral tank, is less than that required by Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1, a 20 per cent reduction in the minimum amount of reinforcement will be acceptable, conditional upon a vacuum test to demonstrate the watertight integrity and also an impact test for impact resistance of the laminate, see Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.9 Sheathing 2.9.2.

2.4 Laminate thickness of single skin laminates

2.4.1 The Rule minimum skin thicknesses for single skin laminates as determined from the appropriate Sections of the Rules are to be corrected for craft type irrespective of the reinforcement being used, the corrected minimum skin thickness of side, bottom, transom, wet-deck, vehicle deck and weather decks is to be determined from:

Single skin laminates:

ω = Service Type Correction Factor given in Table 3.2.1 Service type correction factor (ω)
t T = Rule minimum thickness corrected for craft type, in mm
t min = Rule basic minimum laminate thickness, in mm.

Table 3.2.1 Service type correction factor (ω)

Service type notation ω
Cargo 1,1
Passenger 1,00
Patrol 1,00
Pilot 1,1
Yacht 1,00
Workboat - Motor fishing vessel 1,2

2.4.2 All minimum thicknesses of laminate for both stiffener and single skin laminate components are based on an assumed fibre content, f c, of 0,5. Where the fibre content by weight, f c, is less than 0,5 the required minimum thicknesses are to be determined from:

t fc = minimum thickness at actual laminate fibre content, in mm
t 0,5 = Rule basic minimum laminate thickness at fibre content, by weight, of 0,5

2.4.3 The equation in Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.4 Laminate thickness of single skin laminates 2.4.2 relates to polyester 'E' glass laminates. Other laminates will be considered on an equivalence basis.

2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates

2.5.1 The minimum amount of reinforcement in single skin laminates, which form the inner and outer skins of sandwich laminates, is given in Table 3.2.2 Minimum amount of reinforcement in sandwich laminate skins based on an assumed fibre content, fc, of 0,5. The corrected minimum amount of reinforcement, WT, is to be determined from:
WT = ωKLKVWmin

Table 3.2.2 Minimum amount of reinforcement in sandwich laminate skins based on an assumed fibre content, fc, of 0,5

Panel location Minimum amount of reinforcement, W min (g/m2) Sandwich skin length factor, f LS
Glass Carbon/Aramid
Integral tanks, fluid barrier skin 3650 2700 0,0
Hull bottom, outer skin 3650 2700 0,33
Hull bottom, inner skin 2850 2100 0,33
Side shell, outer skin 3250 2400 0,33
Side shell, inner skin 2450 1950 0,33
Inner bottom, outer skin 3650 2700 0,33
Inner bottom, inner skin 2850 2100 0,33
Double bottom plate floor 1650 1300 0,0
Watertight bulkhead 1650 1300 0,0
Deep tanks, exterior skin 2450 1950 0,0
Deep tanks, fluid barrier skin 3250 2400 0,0
Strength/weather deck, outer skin 2450 1950 0,33
Strength/weather deck, inner skin 1650 1300 0,0
Lower deck/within
accommodation decks
1650 1300 0,0
Cargo deck, outer skin 2450 1950 0,0
Cargo deck, inner skin 1650 1300 0,0
Superstructure sides 1650 1300 0,0
Superstructure front 2050 1500 0,0
Superstructure aft 1650 1300 0,0
Superstructure top 1650 1300 0,0
Coach roof 1650 1300 0,0
Machinery casings 2050 1500 0,0
Bulwarks 1650 1300 0,0

Note The minimum amount of reinforcement in hybrid laminates will be individually considered on an equivalence basis. See Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.9 Sheathing 2.9.2.

2.5.2 The Rule minimum amount of reinforcement in Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1 is to be corrected for craft type, irrespective of the reinforcement being used; the service type correction factor for the minimum amount of reinforcement in the side, bottom, transom, wet-deck, vehicle deck and weather decks is to be determined from:
ω = Service Type Correction Factor given in Table 3.2.1 Service type correction factor (ω).

2.5.3 The Rule minimum amount of reinforcement in Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1 is to be corrected for craft length, irrespective of the reinforcement being used; the craft length correction factor is to be determined from:

K L = craft length correction factor
= 1,0 – f LS for L R ≤ 15 m
= 1,0 for L R ≥ 35 m
Intermediate values of K L are to be determined by linear interpolation
f LS = sandwich skin length factor given in Table 3.2.2 Minimum amount of reinforcement in sandwich laminate skins based on an assumed fibre content, fc, of 0,5 for mono-hull craft and Table 4.2.1 Minimum amount of reinforcement in sandwich laminate skins in Chapter 4 for multi-hull craft
= 0,0 for all sandwich panels in cargo, pilot and workboat crafts
L R = Rule length, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 6.2 Principal particulars.

2.5.4 The minimum amount of reinforcement is based on an assumed fibre content, f c, of 0,5. Where the fibre content by weight, f c, is greater than 0,5, the fibre volume correction factor is to be determined from:

K V = fibre volume correction factor for laminates with fibre content, by weight, greater than 0,5
= f c, ζF and ζR are as defined in Pt 8, Ch 3, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1.

2.5.5 In areas where impact loads are not likely to occur, special consideration will be given to laminates with amount of reinforcement less than that required by Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1, provided that all of the structural strength requirements of the Rules are complied with.

2.6 Integral tank structure

2.6.1 The minimum thickness of laminate for all stiffening members passing through, or forming the boundary of integral fuel oil and water tanks is to be not less than 4,5 mm irrespective of fibre content.

2.6.2 Where the boundaries of integral fuel oil and water tanks are of sandwich skin construction the minimum amount of reinforcement in the laminate providing the fluid barrier, without satisfactory material testing, is to comply with the requirements of Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.5 Minimum skin reinforcement in sandwich laminates 2.5.1, see Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.3 Sandwich skin laminate 2.3.1.

2.6.3 Where the boundaries of integral fuel oil and water tanks are of single skin construction, in no case is the tank laminate thickness, determined in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 3, 7.4 Deep tanks, to be less than 5,0 mm irrespective of fibre content.

2.7 Novel features

2.7.1 Where the Rules do not specifically define the requirements for novel features, the scantlings and arrangements are to be determined by direct calculations. Such calculations are to be carried out on the basis of the Rules, Recognised Standards and good practice, and are to be submitted with the relevant construction plans for appraisal, see also Pt 8, Ch 1, 2.6 Novel features.

2.8 Impact considerations

2.8.1 Due consideration is to be given to the scantlings of all structures which may be subject to local impact loadings. Impact tests may be required to be carried out at the discretion of LR to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed scantlings for a particular application.

2.8.2 The minimum skin thickness requirements may, subject to the agreement of LR, be reduced provided that suitable impact tests are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed laminates have not less than the equivalent impact resistance to that of a laminate which satisfies the Rule minimum thickness. In addition it is assumed that this reduced laminate satisfies the structural strength and deflection requirements of the Rules.

2.9 Sheathing

2.9.1 Areas of shell and deck which are subject to additional wear by abrasion e.g. passenger routes, working areas of fishing craft, forefoot region, etc, are to be suitably protected by local reinforcement as given in Pt 8, Ch 3, 3.14 Local reinforcement or sheathing. This sheathing may be of timber, rubber, steel, additional layers of reinforcement, etc. as appropriate. Details of such sheathing and the method of attachment are to be indicated on the relevant construction plans submitted for appraisal.

2.9.2 The attachment of sheathing by mechanical means such as bolting or other methods is not to impair the structural integrity of the laminate or the watertight integrity of the craft. Through bolting of the hull is to be kept to a minimum and avoided where practicable. The design arrangements in way of any through bolting is to be such that damage to the sheathing will not impair the watertight integrity of the attachment to the hull.

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