Section 3 Surveys — General
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 1 Regulations - Chapter 2 Classification Regulations - Section 3 Surveys — General

Section 3 Surveys — General

3.1 Statutory surveys

3.1.1 The Classification Committee will act, when authorised on behalf of National Administrations, in respect of national and international statutory safety and other requirements for offshore units.

3.1.2 The Classification Committee will also act, when authorised, in respect of national safety, coastal state regulations relating to offshore units used for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.

3.2 New construction surveys

3.2.1 When it is intended to build a unit for classification with LR, constructional plans and all necessary particulars relevant to the hull/structure, equipment and machinery, as detailed in the Rules, are to be submitted for the approval of LR before the work is commenced. Any subsequent modifications or additions to the scantlings, arrangements or equipment shown on the approved plans are also to be documented and submitted for approval.

3.2.2 Where the proposed construction of any part of the hull/structure or machinery is of novel design, or involves the use of unusual material, or where experience, in the opinion of LR, has not sufficiently justified the principle or mode of application involved, special tests or examinations before and during service may be required. In such cases a suitable notation may be assigned.

3.2.3 The materials used in the construction of the hull/structure and machinery intended for classification are to be of good quality and free from defects and are to be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for Materials. The steel is to be manufactured by an approved process at an approved works. Alternatively, tests will be required to demonstrate the suitability of the steel.

3.2.4 Materials used in the construction of drilling and process plant are to comply with Pt 3, Ch 1, 3.2 Information to be included 3.2.3 and with the requirements of Pt 3 Functional Unit Types and Special Features, see also Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.2 New construction surveys 3.2.15.

3.2.5 New units intended for classification are to be built under LR’s Special Survey. From the commencement of work until the completion of the unit, the Surveyors are to be satisfied that the materials, workmanship and arrangements are satisfactory and in accordance with the Rules. Any items found not to be in accordance with the Rules or the approved plans, or any material, workmanship or arrangements found to be unsatisfactory, are to be rectified.

3.2.6 For compliance with Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.2 New construction surveys 3.2.5, LR is prepared to consider methods of survey and inspection for hull construction which formally include procedures involving the shipyard management, organisation and quality systems. The minimum requirements for the approval of any such proposed Quality Assurance methods are laid down in Pt 4, Ch 11 Quality Assurance Scheme (Hull).

3.2.7 Copies of approved plans (showing the unit as built), essential certificates and records, the Operations Manual and loading and other instruction manuals are to be readily available for use when required by the attending Surveyors.

3.2.8 When the machinery and drilling/process plant of a unit are constructed under LR’s Special Survey, this survey is to relate to the period from the commencement of the work until the final test under working conditions. Any items found not to be in accordance with the Rules or the approved plans, or any material, workmanship or arrangements found to be unsatisfactory, are to be rectified.

3.2.9 When remote and/or automatic control equipment, alarms and safeguards are fitted to the machinery and drilling/process plant, and riser systems the equipment is to be arranged, installed and tested in accordance with LR’s Rules and Regulations.

3.2.10 The date of completion of the Special Survey during construction of units built under LR’s inspection will normally be taken as the date of build to be entered on the Class Direct website. If the period between launching and completion or commissioning is, for any reason, unduly prolonged, the dates of launching and completion or commissioning may be separately indicated on the Class Direct website.

3.2.11 When a unit, upon completion, is transferred/towed to its operating location to be commissioned, the Classification Committee, upon application by the Owner prior to the unit being commissioned, will direct an examination to be made on site by the Surveyors. If, as a result of such survey, the structure, equipment and machinery are reported in all respects to be in accordance with applicable Rule requirements, the subsequent Special Survey and Complete Survey of the machinery will date from the time of such examination.

3.2.12 The requirements for the testing and commissioning are outlined in LR Rules. These commissioning activities should be clearly defined by the Owners and accepted by LR to ensure compliance with requirements of the Rules and any applicable statutory requirements. For instance a unit may leave the building yard with the notation N and after witness of the mooring will be assigned the notation T.

3.2.13 It is required by LR Rules that the equipment is to be tested in ‘as installed’ condition. Though similar tests may have been carried out during a factory acceptance test (FAT) or at the building yard, a new test in installed condition would be required. The tests shall give evidence as to satisfactory operation and performance in accordance with the Rules. When testing control systems and safety systems, failure modes shall be simulated as realistically as possible. See also Pt 3, Ch 21 Guidelines on Scope of Survey Certification of Safety Critical Equipment.

3.2.14 When a unit, upon completion, is not immediately commissioned but is laid up for a period, the Classification Committee, upon application by the Owner prior to the unit being commissioned, will direct an examination to be made on site or in dry dock by the Surveyors. If, as a result of such survey, the structure, equipment and machinery are reported in all respects in accordance with applicable Rule requirements, the subsequent Special Survey and Complete Survey of the machinery will date from the time of such examination.

3.2.15 Where classification is to be based on a formal safety case approach, see Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.3 , special consideration will be given by LR to the use of materials in accordance with internationally recognised Codes and Standards, see Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.2 New construction surveys 3.2.3.

3.3 Existing units

3.3.1  Classification of units not built under survey. The requirements of the Classification Committee for the classification of units which have not been built under LR’s Survey are indicated in Pt 1, Ch 3, 19 Classification of units not built under survey. Special consideration will be given to units transferring class to LR from another recognised Classification Society.

3.3.2  Reclassification. When reclassification or class reinstatement is desired for a unit for which the class previously assigned by LR has been withdrawn or suspended, the Classification Committee will direct that a survey appropriate to the age of the unit and the circumstances of the case be carried out by the Surveyors. If, at such survey, the unit is found or placed in a condition in accordance with the requirements of the Rules and Regulations, the Classification Committee will be prepared to consider reinstatement of the original class or the assignment of such other class as may be deemed necessary.

3.3.3 The Classification Committee reserves the right to decline an application for classification or reclassification where the prior history of condition of the unit indicates this to be appropriate.

3.3.4  Unscheduled surveys. Where the Classification Committee has concern about the condition of the unit and/or the equipment, an unscheduled survey may be required at any time to determine the actual condition.

3.4 Damages, repairs and alterations

3.4.1 All repairs to hull/structure, equipment, machinery and drilling/process plant which may be required in order that a unit may retain its class, see Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.6, are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors. Alternatively, the Classification Committee may agree, in exceptional cases, that quality control can be enforced by the Owner or repairer, on site, in which case the repairs are to be surveyed by the Surveyors at the earliest opportunity thereafter.

3.4.2 When, at any survey, the Surveyors consider repairs to be immediately necessary, either as a result of damage, or wear and tear, they are to communicate their recommendations at once to the Owner, or his representative. When such recommendations are not complied with, immediate notification is to be given to the Classification Committee by the Surveyors.

3.4.3 When, at any survey, it is found that any damage, defect or breakdown, see Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.6, is of such a nature that it does not require immediate permanent repair, but is sufficiently serious to require rectification by a prescribed date in order to maintain class, a suitable condition of class is to be imposed by the Surveyors and recommended to the Classification Committee for consideration.

3.4.4 If a unit which is classed with LR is damaged to such an extent as to necessitate towage outside port limits whilst in a damaged condition to a suitable repair facility, it shall be the Owner’s responsibility to notify LR at the first practicable opportunity.

3.4.5 Plans and particulars of any proposed alterations to the approved scantlings and arrangements of hull/ structure, equipment, machinery or drilling/process plant are to be submitted for approval, and such alterations are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors.

3.5 Existing installations – Periodical Surveys

3.5.1 Annual Surveys are to be held on all units within three months, before or after each anniversary of the completion, commissioning or Special Survey, in accordance with the requirements given in Chapter 3. The date of the last Annual Survey will be recorded on the Class Direct website.

3.5.2 Intermediate Surveys are to be held on all units instead of the second or third Annual Survey after completion, commissioning or Special Survey, in accordance with the requirements given in Pt 1, Ch 3, 3 Intermediate Surveys – Hull and machinery requirements. The Intermediate Survey may be commenced at the second Annual Survey and progressed with completion at the third Annual Survey. The date of the last Intermediate Survey will be recorded on the Class Direct website. The concurrent crediting of items towards both Intermediate Survey and Special Survey is not permitted.

3.5.3 The Owner should notify LR whenever a unit can be examined in dry dock or on a slipway. A minimum of two Bottom Surveys are to be held in each five-year Special Survey period and the maximum interval between successive Bottom Surveys is not to exceed three years. A Bottom Survey is an examination of the outside of the units’s bottom and related items and is normally to be carried out with the unit in dry dock. However, the Classification Committee will accept In-Water Surveys in lieu of Bottom Surveys in dry dock on units assigned an OIWS (In-Water Survey) notation upon the agreement of the Administration, see Pt 1, Ch 3, 4.3 In-Water surveys.

3.5.4 One of the two Bottom Surveys required in each five-year period is to coincide with the Special Survey. A Bottom Survey is considered to coincide with the Special Survey when held within the 15 months prior to the due date of the Special Survey. Consideration may be given in exceptional circumstances to an extension of this interval not exceeding three months beyond the due date. In this context ‘exceptional circumstances’ means unavailability of dry-docking facilities, repair facilities, essential materials, equipment or spare parts or delays incurred by action taken to avoid severe weather conditions.

3.5.5 The date of the last Bottom Survey will be recorded on the Class Direct website.

3.5.6 Attention is to be given to all relevant statutory requirements of the National Authority of the country in which the unit is registered and the Coastal State Authority in which the unit operates.

3.5.7 All units classed with LR are also to be subjected to Special Surveys in accordance with the requirements given in Pt 1, Ch 3, 5 Special Survey – Hull requirements. These surveys become due at five-yearly intervals, the first one five years from the date of build or date of Special Survey for Classification as recorded on the Class Direct website, and thereafter five years from the date recorded for the previous Special Surveys. See also Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.2 New construction surveys 3.2.11. Consideration can be given at the discretion of the Classification Committee to any exceptional circumstances justifying an extension of the hull classification to a maximum of three months beyond the fifth year. If an extension is agreed, the next period of hull classification will start from the date of the Special Survey before the extension was granted. A definition of ‘exceptional circumstances’ is given in Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.5 Existing installations – Periodical Surveys 3.5.5.

3.5.8 Special surveys may be commenced at the fourth Annual Survey after completion, commissioning, or previous Special Survey, and be progressed during the succeeding year with a view to completion by the due date of the Special Survey. As part of the preparation for the Special Survey, the thickness determination, where applicable, may be dealt with in connection with the fourth Annual Survey.

3.5.9 Special Surveys which are commenced prior to their due date are not to extend over a period greater than 15 months, if such work is to be credited towards the Special Survey. Where the Special Survey is completed more than three months before the due date, the new record of Special Survey will be the final date of survey. In all other cases, the date recorded will be the fifth anniversary. In cases where the unit has been laid up or has been out of service because of a major repair or modification and the Owner elects to only carry out the overdue surveys, the existing Special Survey date will be maintained. If the Owner elects to carry out the next due Special Survey, the new record of the Special Survey will be the final date of survey.

3.5.10 At the request of an Owner, it may be agreed that the Special Survey of the hull/structure be carried out on the Continuous Survey basis, where all compartments of the hull are to be opened for survey and testing, in rotation, with an interval of five years between consecutive examinations of each part. In general, approximately one fifth of the Special Survey is to be completed each year and all the requirements of the particular Special Survey of the hull/structure must be completed by the end of the five-year cycle. If the examination during Continuous Survey reveals any defects, further parts are to be opened up and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor. For examination of items listed in Pt 1, Ch 3, 2.2 Structure and equipment 2.2.10, Pt 1, Ch 3, 2.2 Structure and equipment 2.2.11, Pt 1, Ch 3, 2.6 Inert gas systems and Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.3, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.4, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.6, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.8, Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.9 and Pt 1, Ch 3, 3.2 Intermediate Surveys 3.2.11, the intervals for inspection will require to be specially agreed. Units which have satisfactorily completed the cycle will have the date of completion entered on the Class Direct website, which will not be later than five years from the last assigned date of complete Survey of the hull/structure. The agreement for surveys to be carried out on Continuous Survey basis may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Classification Committee.

3.5.11 The Owner is to prepare a planned survey programme for the inspection of the hull/structure after each Special Survey, before the next Annual Survey is due. The survey programme is to cover the requirements for Annual Surveys, Intermediate Surveys, Special Periodical Surveys, Special Continuous Surveys and Bottom Surveys (in dry dock and in-water) and is to be submitted to LR for review. A copy is to be kept on board and made available to the Surveyor. The survey programme should include plans, etc., for identifying the areas to be surveyed, the extent of hull cleaning, locations for non-destructive examination (including NDE methods), nomenclature, and methods for the recording of any damage or deterioration found. The planned survey programme, as agreed by LR, will be subject to revision if it is found to be necessary at subsequent surveys, or when required by the Surveyor. See Pt 1, Ch 3, 1.6 Planned survey programme

3.5.12 The requirements for survey and the schedule of surveyable items may be amended when any variation in service duties, usage or change in type notation is proposed, by agreement between the Owner and the Classification Committee.

3.5.14 Drilling/process plant, safety and communication systems and hazardous areas are to be subjected to the surveys detailed in Pt 1, Ch 3, 13 Drilling plant facility, Pt 1, Ch 3, 14 Process plant facility and Pt 1, Ch 3, 16 Safety and communication systems and hazardous areas.

3.5.15 Complete Surveys of machinery and drilling/ process plant become due at five-yearly intervals, the first one from the date of build or date of first classification as recorded on the Class Direct website and thereafter five years from the date recorded in the Survey records for the previous complete survey. Consideration can be given at the discretion of the Classification Committee to any exceptional circumstances justifying an extension of machinery class to a maximum of three months beyond the fifth year. If an extension is agreed to, the next period of machinery class will start from the due date of Complete Survey of machinery before the extension was granted. Surveys which are commenced prior to their due date are not to extend over a period greater than 15 months, except with the prior approval of the Classification Committee. On satisfactory completion of a survey, an appropriate entry will be made in the Survey Records. Where the survey is completed more than three months before the due date, the new date recorded will be the final date of survey. In all other cases, the date recorded will be the fifth anniversary.

3.5.16 Upon application by an Owner, the Classification Committee may agree to the extension of the survey requirements for main engines which, by the nature of the unit’s normal service, do not attain the number of running hours recommended by the engines’ manufacturer for major overhauls within the survey periods given in 3.5.16.

3.5.17 If it is found desirable that any part of the machinery should be examined again before the due date of the next survey, a certificate for a limited period will be granted in accordance with the nature of the case.

3.5.18 When, at the request of an Owner, it has been agreed by the Classification Committee that the Complete Survey of the machinery and/or drilling/process plant may be carried out on the Continuous Survey basis, the various items of machinery and plant are to be opened for survey in rotation, so far as is practicable, to ensure that the interval between consecutive examinations of each item will not exceed five years. In general, approximately one fifth of the machinery and plant is to be examined each year. A record indicating the date of satisfactory completion of the Continuous Survey cycle will be made in the Survey Records.

3.5.19 If any examination during Continuous Survey reveals defects, further parts are to be opened up and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor, and the defects are to be made good to the Surveyor’s satisfaction.

3.5.20 Upon application by an Owner, the Classification Committee may agree to an arrangement whereby, subject to certain conditions, some items of machinery may be examined by the Chief Engineer of the unit followed by a limited confirmatory survey carried out later by an Exclusive Surveyor. Particulars of this arrangement may be obtained from LR. Where an approved planned maintenance scheme is in operation, the confirmatory surveys may be held at annual intervals, at which time the records will be checked and the operation of the scheme verified. Particulars of this arrangement may be obtained from LR.

3.5.21 Where condition monitoring equipment is fitted, the Classification Committee, upon application by the Owner, will be prepared to amend applicable Periodical Survey requirements where details of the equipment are submitted and found satisfactory. Where machinery installations are accepted for this method of survey, it will be a requirement that an Annual Survey be held, at which time monitored records will be analysed and the machinery examined under working conditions. An acceptable lubricating oil trend analysis programme may be required as part of the condition monitoring procedures.

3.5.22 The survey of boilers and other pressure vessels and the examination of steam pipes and Screwshaft Surveys are to be carried out as stated in Pt 1, Ch 3, 10 Boilers to Pt 1, Ch 3, 12 Periodical Survey Regulations – Screwshafts, tube shafts and propellers .

3.5.23 The survey of pressure vessels for process and drilling plant is to be carried out as stated in Pt 1, Ch 3, 17 Pressure vessels for process and drilling plant.

3.5.24 Where any inert gas system is fitted for the protection of storage tanks on board a unit intended for the storage of crude oil in bulk, the system is to be surveyed annually in accordance with the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 3, 2.6 Inert gas systems. In addition, on units to which an IGS notation has been assigned, a Special Survey of the inert gas plant is to be carried out at intervals not exceeding five years, in accordance with the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 3, 18 Inert gas systems.

3.5.25 Where the unit is fitted with a dynamic positioning system, the system is to be examined and tested annually, in accordance with the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 3, 2.3 Machinery 2.3.15. In addition, a Special Survey is to be carried out at intervals not exceeding five years, in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 3, 6.2 Complete Surveys 6.2.10.

3.5.26 Where the Committee has agreed to an Owner’s request to assign the notation ‘laid-up’, the unit may be retained in class provided a satisfactory general examination of the hull and machinery is carried out at the Annual Survey due date and an Underwater Examination (UWE) is carried out at the Special Survey due date. The general examination may be carried out within three months before or after the Annual Survey due date. In order to reactivate a unit from lay up and return it into service, the Owner must make an application to the Classification Committee. They will consider the application and decide on the extent of surveys to be carried out, based on surveys overdue and the duration of lay up.

3.6 Surveys for novel/complex systems

3.6.1 Where novel/complex machinery and equipment have been accepted by LR and for which existing survey requirements are not considered to be suitable and sufficient then appropriate survey requirements are to be derived as part of the design approval process. In deriving these requirements LR will consider, but not be limited to, the following:
  1. Plan appraisal submissions;
  2. Risk based analysis documentation where required by the Rules;
  3. Equipment manufacturer recommendations;
  4. Relevant recognised national or international standards.

3.7 Certificates

3.7.1 When the required reports, on completion of the survey of new or existing units which have been submitted for classification, the required reports have been received from the Surveyors and classification has been agreed by the Classification Executive, a certificate of Classification may be issued by an authorised Surveyor. After approval by the Classification Committee, a certificate of First Entry of Classification, signed by LR's Chairman or the Chairman of the Classification Committee, will be issued to Builders or Owners.

3.7.2 A Certificate of Class valid for five years subject to endorsement for Annual and Intermediate Surveys will also be issued to the Owners.

3.7.3 LR Surveyors are permitted to issue provisional (interim) certificates to enable an offshore unit classed with LR to proceed on its voyage or to continue in service, provided that, in their opinion, the unit is in a fit and efficient condition. Such certificates will embody the Surveyor’s recommendations for continuance of class, but in all cases are subject to confirmation by the Classification Committee.

3.7.4 The full class notation and abbreviated descriptive notes shall be stated on the Certificate of Class and the provisional (interim) certificates.

3.7.5 Under no circumstances is the extension of validity of a class certificate to be granted beyond the due date of a Periodical Survey without the essential inspection (including NDE) having been completed for all prescribed parts of the primary structure.

3.8 Notice of surveys

3.8.1 It is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure that all surveys necessary for the maintenance of class are carried out at the proper time and in accordance with the instructions of the Classification Committee. Information is available to Owners on the Class Direct website.

3.8.2 LR will give timely notice to an Owner about forthcoming surveys. The omission of such notice, however, does not absolve the Owner from his responsibility to comply with LR’s survey requirements for maintenance of class, all of which are available to Owners on the Class Direct website.

3.9 Temporary suspension of class

3.9.1 When an Owner intends to move a classed unit, whether self-propelled or not, to a new operating area and, due to the unit’s significant design criteria, it is not suitable for exposed sea passages outside its normal operating area, the certificate of class will automatically be suspended during sea voyages. This includes units being transported on a heavy lift vessel as a cargo. Class will be reinstated provided that the environmental criteria for the new area do not exceed the design criteria, and that an inspection by LR Surveyors when the unit arrives in the new area establishes that the hull/structure has suffered no damage in transit and remains in an efficient condition.

3.9.2 Self-propelled units which are disconnectable in order to avoid severe storm conditions or hazards will automatically remain in class and the certificate of class will be endorsed accordingly provided the environmental criteria for the proposed sea voyages do not exceed the design criteria. Reinstallation is to be subject to inspection by LR Surveyors.

3.9.3 When it is contemplated to tow a unit to an area which is outside the normal operating area of the unit, the towing arrangements are to be approved and certified by a competent authority for the particular voyage.

3.9.4 Although it is not generally a condition of class that the assessment of a unit as being fit for a particular sea passage should be undertaken by LR, when requested, LR is prepared to advise on the measures to be adopted for such a voyage, to supervise their execution and to issue the appropriate certificates.

3.9.5 All units will remain in class during location moves (i.e. moves within the same operational area) provided that:
  1. approved procedures stated in the unit’s Operations Manual are adhered to;
  2. the towing arrangements and equipment on nonpropelled units are to comply with Pt 4, Ch 9, 2 Towing arrangements; and
  3. reports of any inspections of critical areas carried out during such moves are retained for review, where appropriate, by the Surveyors.

3.10 Withdrawal/suspension of class

3.10.1 When the class of a unit, for which the Regulations with regard to surveys on hull/structure, equipment and machinery have been complied with, is withdrawn by the Classification Committee as a result of a request from the Owner, the notation ‘Class withdrawn at Owner’s request’ (with date) will be assigned.

3.10.2 When the Regulations with regard to survey on the hull/structure, equipment, machinery or the drilling/process plant have not been complied with and the unit thereby is not entitled to retain class, the class will be suspended or withdrawn, at the discretion of the Classification Committee, and a corresponding notation will be assigned.

3.10.3 Class will be automatically suspended and the Certificate of Class will become invalid if the Annual or Intermediate Survey is not completed within three months of the due date of the survey.

3.10.4 Class will be automatically suspended from the expiry date of the Certificate of Class in the event that the Special Survey has not been completed by the due date and an extension has not been agreed, see 3.5.8, or is not under attendance by the Surveyors with a view to completion prior to resuming operations.

3.10.5 When, in accordance with 3.4.3 of the Regulations, a condition of class is imposed, this will be assigned a due date for completion and the unit’s class may be suspended if the condition of class is not dealt with, or postponed by agreement, by the due date.

3.10.6 If it is found, from the reported condition of the hull or equipment or machinery or the drilling/process plant of a unit that an Owner has failed to comply with Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.6, Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.10, Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.3 Mobile offshore units 1.3.4, Pt 1, Ch 2, 1.4 General 1.4.11, Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.4 Damages, repairs and alterations 3.4.1, Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.4 Damages, repairs and alterations 3.4.4 or Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.4 Damages, repairs and alterations 3.4.5, the class will be liable to be suspended or withdrawn, at the discretion of the Classification Committee, and a corresponding notation assigned. If it is considered that an Owner’s failure to comply with these requirements is sufficiently serious, the suspension or withdrawal of class may be extended to include other units controlled by the same Owner, at the discretion of the Classification Committee.

3.10.7 If the Classification Committee is satisfied that a unit has been operated in a manner contrary to that agreed at the time of classification, or is being operated in environmental conditions which are more onerous than, or in areas other than, those agreed by the Classification Committee, the class will be withdrawn or suspended in relation to those operations.

3.10.8 If the Classification Committee is satisfied that a unit proceeded to sea with less freeboard than that approved by the Classification Committee, or that the freeboard marks are placed higher on the sides of the unit than the position assigned or approved by the Classification Committee, or, in cases where units do not have freeboards assigned, the draught is greater than that approved by the Classification Committee, the class of the unit will be withdrawn or suspended in relation to the above voyages.

3.10.9 In all instances of class withdrawal or suspension, the assigned notation, with date of application, will be published by members of the LR Group. In cases where class has been suspended by the Classification Committee and it becomes apparent that the Owners are no longer interested in retaining LR’s Class, it will be withdrawn.

3.10.10 When a unit is intended for a demolition voyage with any Periodical Survey overdue, the unit's class suspension may be held in abeyance and consideration may be given to allow the unit to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the lay up or final discharge port to the demolition yard, provided the attending Surveyor finds the unit in a satisfactory condition to proceed for the intended voyage, at the discretion of the Classification Committee.

3.10.11 When a unit is intended for a single voyage from ‘laid-up’ position to repair yard with any Periodical Survey overdue, the unit's class suspension may be held in abeyance and consideration may be given to allow the unit to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the site of lay up to the repair yard, upon agreement with the Flag Administration, at the discretion of the Classification Committee. This is provided the unit is found in a satisfactory condition by surveys, the extent of which are to be based on surveys overdue and duration of lay-up.

3.10.12 For reclassification and reinstatement of class, see Pt 1, Ch 2, 3.3 Existing units 3.3.2.

3.11 Force majeure

3.11.1 If due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Owner’s or LR’s control (limited to such cases as damage to the offshore unit or structure, unforeseen inability of LR to attend the offshore unit due to the governmental restrictions on right of access or movement of personnel, unforeseeable delays in port due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather, strikes, civil strife, acts of war, or other cases of force majeure) the unit is not in a port where the overdue surveys can be completed at the expiry of the periods allowed, the Classification Committee may allow the unit to sail, in class, directly to an agreed facility and, if necessary, then, in ballast, to an agreed facility at which the survey will be completed, provided that LR:
  1. Examines the unit’s records; and
  2. Carries out the due and/or overdue surveys and examination of recommendations at the first port of call when there is an unforeseen inability of LR to attend the unit in the present port, and
  3. Has satisfied itself that the unit is in a condition to sail for one trip to a facility and subsequent ballast voyage to a repair facility if necessary. (Where there is unforeseen inability of LR to attend the unit or structure in the present port, the master is to confirm that the unit is in condition to sail to the nearest port of call.)

3.11.2 In circumstances of global disruption to normal maritime operations, such as experienced during the global COVID-19 pandemic, where Flag or other National Administrations adopt extraordinary measures permitting postponements to scheduled statutory surveys beyond the due dates, the Classification Committee may allow corresponding postponements to scheduled class surveys provided the following measures to confirm the continued compliance of the vessel with LR classification requirements are undertaken:

  1. a confirmatory LR examination of the ship or offshore unit’s records; and,
  2. an LR review of evidence submitted by the Owner that confirms that the vessel is in a condition to satisfactorily continue in class for the agreed period of postponement; this may include an LR remote survey, and provision to LR of acceptable photographic, video or other evidence of condition of structure or equipment; and,
  3. receipt of a confirmatory statement from the Master / OIM advising that the ship or offshore unit is, in their opinion, in compliance with LR’s Rules and Regulations and in a condition to satisfactorily continue in service for the agreed period; and,
  4. any due and/or overdue surveys and examination of Conditions of Class, Actionable Items and Statutory Findings are to be carried out at the first port of call with available facilities, or other offshore opportunity, where LR Surveyors can reasonably attend to complete the overdue surveys.

3.12 Appeal against Surveyor’s recommendations

3.12.1 If the recommendations of the Surveyors are considered in any case to be unnecessary or unreasonable, appeal may be made to the Classification Committee, who may direct a Special Examination to be held.

3.13 Ownership details

3.13.1 The Owner will ensure a member of the LR Group - Marine and Offshore division is promptly informed in writing of any change to their contact details and, in the event of a vessel/asset transfer or sale, is to supply details of the new Owner in writing. The new Owner is to promptly inform a member of the LR Group - Marine and Offshore division in writing of their contact details. If the new Owner fails to do so and if LR cannot verify the ownership record, then the class of that vessel/asset will be specially considered by the Classification Committee.

3.14 Conversion surveys

3.14.1 The requirements in 3.1 are to be complied with.

3.14.2 A Special Survey as required for units of 20 years of age is to be completed at the time of conversion, see Pt 1, Ch 3, 5 Special Survey – Hull requirements.

3.14.3 All critical locations in the existing structure which may be prone to fatigue cracking are to be examined by MPI or other suitable NDE methods at the time of conversion, see Pt 10, Ch 1, 6.3 Fatigue analysis.

3.15 Life extension

3.15.1 A unit may remain in Class after the end of its design life, provided a life extension programme is approved and the appropriate surveys completed to the satisfaction of LR. Such extensions are to be for the minimum of least one Special Survey cycle.

3.15.2 The life extension programme is to be submitted to LR for approval.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.