Section 5 Protection against gas ingress into safe areas
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 7 Safety Systems, Hazardous Areas and Fire - Chapter 1 Safety and Communication Systems - Section 5 Protection against gas ingress into safe areas

Section 5 Protection against gas ingress into safe areas

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 Heating ventilation and air conditioning systems serving safe areas are to be provided with alarms and safeguards required by Pt 7, Ch 1, 5.1 General requirements 5.1.2 to Pt 7, Ch 1, 5.1 General requirements 5.1.9, to protect against hazards created by the ingress of gas.

5.1.2 Gas detectors are to be provided in or close to all air intakes serving safe areas. They are to be capable of initiating early warning of the presence of flammable and toxic gases likely to be present on the unit, as appropriate to its purpose or service. The detectors are also to be capable of initiating relevant shut-down actions, should the concentration of gas increase above the early warning level. To minimise nuisance shut-downs, consideration should be given to the provision of duplicated or triple redundant detector heads in each inlet operating in a voting configuration.

5.1.3 In addition to the detectors required by Pt 7, Ch 1, 5.1 General requirements 5.1.2, for exhaust outlets of accommodation modules adjacent to gas hazardous areas, consideration should be given to provide gas detectors to give warning of ingress of gas when the ventilation system is shut down.

5.1.4 Automatically closed dampers are to be provided in all intakes and exhausts. When the gas detectors required by Pt 7, Ch 1, 5.1 General requirements 5.1.2 and, if fitted, those to which Pt 7, Ch 1, 5.1 General requirements 5.1.3 refers, have detected gas demanding shut-down action, all HVAC inlet and exhaust fans and dampers associated with the space/point where ingress of gas has been detected are to be shut down and closed in addition to the damper of the duct in which gas has been detected. No reliance is to be placed on solely shutting dampers without also shutting down the associated fan motors. Dampers utilised to mitigate against the ingress of gas are to be suitably rated for this service.

5.1.5 Enclosed spaces with no source of release, but which contain sources of ignition such as machinery rooms, accommodations blocks or electrical equipment rooms are to be provided with fast-response gas detection at the air inlets, which are set with a suitably low gas detection level to initiate appropriate alarm and trip alarm functionality. The inlet gas detection should be located upstream of suitably rated fire and gas dampers. This is to ensure that an ignitable concentration of gas is prevented from entering an area containing an ignition source. The passage of an ignitable concentration of gas in the ducts should be stopped before it crosses the boundary of the protected space. Total response time of detectors, control systems and dampers should mitigate against an ignitable concentration of gas entering the ventilated space. As such, inlet ventilation dampers are to be designed to be fully closed within a minimum period of time but in no case more than five seconds from gas detection at the associated ventilation air inlet gas detector. Other mitigating measures that can be considered are:
  • all machinery and electrical equipment, if any, fitted in the ducting being of a type suitable for Hazardous area location as applicable , see Pt 7, Ch 2, 5 Machinery in hazardous areas and Pt 7, Ch 2, 8 Electrical equipment for use in explosive gas atmospheres;
  • early closure of dampers being initiated upon activation of gas detection system(s) in the process area, where applicable;
  • hydrocarbon concentration within the ducting being the subject of a dispersion analysis, to allow assessment of hazards created, if any, to the machinery space being ventilated.

5.1.6 Where a machinery space is not served by redundant air intake ducts, consideration should be given to the provision of gas detection within the space. Consideration should also be given to the isolation of electrical equipment, other than that suitable for installation within a Zone 1 location, see Pt 7, Ch 2, 8.1 General 8.1.4, when flammable gas is detected within the space.

5.1.7 The alarms for loss of ventilation and loss of overpressure required by Pt 7, Ch 2, 4 Enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces with access to a hazardous area may be incorporated into the fire and gas central panel.

5.1.8 Consideration is to be given to the provision of gas detection within emergency generator spaces and their switchboard spaces as well as in the ventilation system intakes. In the event of gas being detected in the air intakes, the ventilation system intake and exhaust fan dampers are to be shut down and associated fan motors are to be stopped. The emergency generator may continue to run, provided that aspiration air is drawn separately from outside the space and the engine induction and exhaust arrangements comply with the relevant requirements of Pt 7, Ch 2, 7 Engines in hazardous areas. However, if gas is detected within the emergency generator enclosure, emergency switchroom, or at the engine air intake, the emergency generator is to be shut down.

5.1.9 Diesel-driven fire pumps will not require to be shut down if gas is detected in the area or space in which they are sited, provided that no electrical equipment, other than that suitable for installation in a Zone 1 location, see Pt 7, Ch 2, 8.1 General 8.1.4, is required to remain in operation. Should any equipment not be suitable for such installation (firewater pump drives, i.e. diesel drive units, etc. are often not certified and are therefore not rated to operate in a hazardous atmosphere), they are to be suitably protected by other means (i.e. housed in a safe area, within a suitably rated enclosure with fire rated and gastight barriers, designed to run with the firewater pump drive enclosure shut down (i.e. enclosure fire and gas dampers closed, etc.), diesel drives provided with engine overspeed protection, etc.) to mitigate against gas ingress and enable the drive to continue to operate. Additionally, such pumps should not be started up with gas present, and any electrical starting circuits and control and alarm circuits not suitable for operation in a Zone 1 location are also to be isolated automatically by the fire and gas panel.

5.1.10 Ventilation systems serving Hazardous areas are to be fully segregated from ventilation systems serving Non- Hazardous areas.

5.1.11 Drain systems serving Hazardous areas are to be fully segregated from drain systems serving Non-Hazardous areas.

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