Section 4 Shell envelope plating
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types) - Chapter 2 Ferries, Roll On-Roll Off Ships and Passenger Ships - Section 4 Shell envelope plating

Section 4 Shell envelope plating

4.1 Bottom and side shell

4.1.1 For ferries and passenger ships classed 100A1 with a specified operating area service notation the keel thickness for 0,4L amidships is to be as required by Pt 4, Ch 1, 5 Shell envelope plating. At ends, the keel thickness may be reduced by 25 per cent from the above value, but is to be not less than that of the adjacent shell plating.

4.1.2 The thickness of side shell plating above 1,6T including superstructures may require special consideration depending on the particular structural arrangement, hull vertical bending and shear stresses and position of the shell above the waterline. In no case are the shell scantlings above 1,6T to be less than the following:

  1. as required by Pt 3, Ch 8 Superstructures, Deckhouses and Bulwarks

t shell = minimum required shell thickness above D/2 for the specific location, as calculated in Pt 4, Ch 1, 5 Shell envelope plating
t zm = minimum shell thickness at Z m
Z m = vertical height in metres above base
= L and T as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 1.5 Intact stability.
= s1, sb as defined in Table 5.3.1 Shell plating forward in Pt 3, Ch 5 Fore End Structure for fore end or Table 6.3.1 Shell plating aft in Pt 3, Ch 6 Aft End Structure for aft end.

4.1.3 Openings in the side shell and superstructure plating for windows and doors are to be suitably stiffened and the thickness and grade of plating in way will be specially considered.

4.1.4 For ships with broad flat counter stern sections which are liable to be subjected to large wave impact loading, the effect of wave impact loading on the plating and framing of the local shell structure is to be additionally considered, see Pt 4, Ch 2, 4.3 Strengthening for wave impact loads and Pt 4, Ch 2, 5.2 Strengthening for wave impact loads.

4.1.5 The plating and framing of the forward shell structure for ships with significant bow flare is to be additionally considered with regard to wave impact loading, see Pt 4, Ch 2, 4.3 Strengthening for wave impact loads and Pt 4, Ch 2, 5.2 Strengthening for wave impact loads.

4.1.6 The minimum thickness of the shell plating at ends and for taper is to be not less than the values given in Table 2.4.1 End shell thickness, and is in no case to be less than 6 mm.

4.1.7 For ferries and passenger ships classed 100A1 with a specified operating area service notation, the bottom and side shell minimum thickness at ends may be taken 20 per cent less than that required by Table 2.4.1 End shell thickness and Pt 3, Ch 5 Fore End Structure and Pt 3, Ch 6 Aft End Structure, but is in no case to be less than 6 mm.

Table 2.4.1 End shell thickness

Scantling length Thickness, in mm
70 m and below (6,5 + 0,033L) - 1,0
Between 70 m and 110 m (6,5 + 0,033L) - 0,5
Over 110 m Pt 3, Ch 5 Fore End Structure and Pt 3, Ch 6 Aft End Structure

L as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 1.5 Intact stability

s 1, s b as defined in Table 5.3.1 Shell and deck plating in Pt 3, Ch 5 Fore End Structure for fore end or Table 6.3.1 Shell plating aft in Pt 3, Ch 6 Aft End Structure for aft end

4.2 Bow flare and wave impact pressures

4.2.1 This Section is applicable to:

  1. bow flare region;

  2. sides and undersides of sponsons; and

  3. other parts of the side shell plating close to and above the design waterline that are expected to be subjected to wave impact pressures.

The wave impact pressure, P bf , in kN/m2 due to relative motion is to be taken as:

K bf = hull form shape coefficient for wave impacts
= for ψ ≥ 10
= 28 (1 - tan (2ψ)) for ψ < 10
V bf = wave impact velocity, in m/s, and is given by
= for N bf ≥ 1
= 0 for N bf < 1
V thbf = threshold velocity for wave impact, in m/s, to be taken as:
= In ( ) is the natural logarithm
N bf = No. of wave impacts in a three hour period and is given by
= 1720 PR bf
PR bf = probability of a wave impact and is given by
= e-u
Z wl = distance of the centroid of the area of plating or stiffener above the local design waterline
m 1 = variance of the relative vertical velocity
= 0,25(ωe f sl H rm)2
m 0 = variance of the relative vertical motion
= 0,25 (f sl H rm)2
ωe = effective encounter wave frequency
= where
q = 1,0 for ≥ 0,5
= –0,6 for < 0,5
ω = effective wave frequency based on 80 per cent ship length
f sl = probability level correction factor for relative vertical motion
= 1,0 for C b ≤ 0,6
= 1,2 for C b > 0,6
V sl = 0,515V, in m/s
K rv = hull form shape coefficient for impact due to forward speed
= for αp ≤ 80
= 28 (1 – tan (2 (90 – αp))) for αp > 80
H rv = relative wave heading coefficient
= for ≥ 0,5
= 1 for γp > 45
= cos(45 – γp) for γp ≤ 45
= for < 0,5
= 0
= The point at which the following angles are to be measured for assessment of plating and stiffeners is detailed in Table 2.4.2 Positions at which αp, βp and γp are to be measured :
V rv = relative forward speed, in m/s
= 0,515V sin γp
αp = buttock angle measured in the longitudinal plane, in degrees, see Figure 2.4.1 Bow flare and bottom slamming angles and Table 2.4.2 Positions at which αp, βp and γp are to be measured
ψ = effective deadrise angle, in degrees
For C b > 0,6, ψ is to be taken as the maximum of αp and βp, see Figure 2.4.1 Bow flare and bottom slamming angles and Table 2.4.2 Positions at which αp, βp and γp are to be measured
For C b ≤ 0,6, ψ is to be taken as the maximum of αp and β
= where
β = βp – 10°, but is to be taken as not less than 0°
= The 10° deduction is to allow for the effects of roll motion on the impact pressures.
γp = waterline angle measured in the horizontal plane, in degrees, see Figure 2.4.1 Bow flare and bottom slamming angles and Table 2.4.2 Positions at which αp, βp and γp are to be measured .
= Where only two angles are known and are measured in orthogonal planes, the third angle may be obtained by the following expression:
αp = tan–1 (tan βp tan γp)

The relative vertical motion, H rm, is to be taken as

C w,min =
C w = a wave head in metres
= 0,0771L WL (C b + 0,2)0,3 e (–0,0044LWL)
k m =
x m = 0,45 – 0,6F n but is not to be less than 0,2
F n =
L WL = waterline length at summer load draught
X WL = longitudinal distance, in metres, measured forwards from the aft end of the L WL to the location being considered
V = speed, in knots
= for ≥ 0,5
= is to be taken as the maximum service speed, in knots, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 6 Definitions For passenger yachts not required to maintain high speeds in severe weather, the value of V may be specially considered, but is not to be taken as less than the greater of or 5 knots. Where V has been specially considered it is to be noted in the classification records as a memorandum that should state: “A design speed of … knots has been used for the assessment of bow structure with regards to bow flare impacts. It should be noted that this speed may not be appropriate for all conditions and it is the responsibility of the Master to apply good Seamanship to minimise bow flare slamming.”
= for < 0,5
= 0 knots, for passenger ships
= 5 knots, for all other ship types
C b = Rule block coefficient.

Table 2.4.2 Positions at which αp, βp and γp are to be measured

Framing system Plating Secondary stiffeners
Longitudinally framed Mid-distance between longitudinals Mid-distance between frames
Transversely framed 0,5s from the bottom edge of the plate strake or primary member Mid-distance between primary members

4.2.2 Alternatively, P bf may be derived by the direct calculations carried out in accordance with a procedure agreed by LR.

4.3 Strengthening for wave impact loads

4.3.1 The shell envelope in the forward and after portions of the hull are to be strengthened against bow flare or wave impact pressure. Typically, strengthening is to be considered over the following areas:

  • over the after body in way of a flat counter stern which is close to the waterline;
  • over the fore end side and bow structure above the waterline and up to the deck at side;
  • other areas where the hull exhibits significant flare.

Figure 2.4.1 Bow flare and bottom slamming angles

4.3.2 The thickness of the side shell plating is to be not less than:

sc = is the length of the shorter edge of a plating panel framed by primary and secondary members, see Figure 2.4.2 Chord spacing and mean chord spacing for secondary members
hs = equivalent wave impact head, in metres
hs = 0,1 Pbf
Pbf = is defined in Pt 4, Ch 2, 4.2 Bow flare and wave impact pressures 4.2.1
CR = panel ratio factor
CR = but is not to be taken less than 0,06 or greater than 0,1
= overall panel length, in metres, measured along a chord between the primary members.

4.3.3 The structural scantlings required in areas strengthened against bow flare slamming are to be tapered to meet the normal shell envelope requirements.

4.3.4 The side structure scantlings required by this Section must in no case be taken less than those required by the remaining Sections of Pt 4, Ch 2 Ferries, Roll On-Roll Off Ships and Passenger Ships.

Figure 2.4.2 Chord spacing and mean chord spacing for secondary members

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